Laaaaaaaaatin Ameeeeeeeerica

This is the ideal Latin America. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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based and redpilled


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cringe desu

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Soy and bluepilled


cringe, unbased and bluepilled

Los sudacas, incluidos los coñosureños y los mejicanos por muy especiales que se crean, son
seres tribales. Defienden a sus pútridos "países" como el que defiende un equipo de fútbol, con una veneración exacerbada e
irracional a un trozo de tierra creado artificialmente por masones, traidores y terratenientes
corruptos, mientras odian de una manera igualmente irracional y exacerbada al estado vecino,
que "casualmente" fue igualmente creado artificialmente por masones, traidores y terratenientes corruptos.

Defeco en todos y cada uno de los sudacas, desde el sudaca nacido en el último rincón de Alaska, San Francisco, París o Madrid de inmigrantes sudacas muertos de hambre hasta el último
indio sudaca tiraflechas parido por una india en lo más oscuro y salvaje del Amazonas.

Attached: Me río en tu puta cara de mierda, sudaca asqueroso.gif (600x352, 908K)

cringe and unbased

the only good commie is a dead commie

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kkkkkkj shut up

can't even draw correctly the swastika kkkj

Cringe and serfpilled




cringe desu


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based and basedpilled

Weird pasta. Why the Moroccan who wrote this think he can laugh at others? Oh wait, I know why. His country is the trashcan of Europe, and since he can't make fun of European countries, he has no option but make fun of countries the other side of the ocean.





It's time to prove that socialism does work lel xDxDxddddd lamo

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Tú eres un hijo de puta. No me toques mucho los huevos porque te puedo hacer mucho daño y lo sabes, conmigo bromas las mínimas, basura infecta. Tengo un primo informático que te puede localizar mediante IP y dinero de sobra para contratar a gente que te apalice.

Ándate con ojo.



unbased monkey


mega based

cringe and rat laguange

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irmão português baseado e inteligente


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Hola, me llamo Francisco y todo el mundo me llama Francisquillo. Tengo un leve pero notorio retraso mental que me impide entre otras cosas construir frases complejas o formar parte de conversaciones sobre cualquier tema mínimamente complejo. Como soy levemente retrasado mental me aburro con la gente que padece retrasos mentales más profundos porque soy
demasiado inteligente para ellos pero también me aburro con la gente de inteligencia media porque no puedo mantener conversaciones demasiado complejas con ellos.

En mi escuela especial me han recomendado entrar a Jow Forums y buscar un hilo latino para poder conversar con gente de mi mismo nivel intelectual. Muchas gracias por leerme, espero impaciente su bienvenida.

Operation Condor wasn't enough. We needed to make sure communism is eliminated globally

herói baseado e iluminado

Tenho 24 anos e sou consultor financeiro, dou palestras sobre economia, gestão e ética empresarial. Sou um dos membros do maior grupo de estudos da cultura tradicionalista Guasca e a história Rioplatense, onde também estamos escrevendo a maior coletânea de livros sobre o Rio Grande do Sul e a cultura Guasca. Separadamente também sou um dos fundadores de uma seita Pagã-Cristã com o intuito de recuperar a tradição animista Charruá-Guaraní e formalmente adaptá-la ao Cristianismo, que já é existente no Rio Grande do Sul em forma de Telurismo, porém ainda não formalizado.

E tu, o que desenvolveste até este momento na sua vida?

Hola, buenas tardes, noches o días dependiendo de vuestra zona horaria. Mi nombre es Alfonso, padre y tutor legal de Francisco, conocido usuario de esta página web. Lamentablemente Francisco, al que todos conocían como Francisquillo, no puede participar más de vuestros interesantes y respetuosos debates debido a problemas físicos que le impiden salir por ahora del hospital. Como padre de Francisco quería agradeceros el buen trato, respeto y
cariño que siempre mostrasteis hacia mi hijo en este imageboard y más específicamente en este hilo, que me consta ha sido lo más importante para él durante sus últimos días.



move us back to int aaaaaaaaaaah

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>Another latin commie thread by a brazillian got moved from Jow Forums again
How often does this tard make these threads over there?


int fags gtfo

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now i love Brazil

Look at Venezuela, you can see how well it's working there, hahaha

>mods dumping commie garbage on Jow Forums

>tfw Peak Fuck Up

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Che gallego

idk but based right wing spics are alright to me, it's almost like they're european but less p.c whereas the lefty spics are subhuman monkeys

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unironically che guevara was a basque and therefore white who also hated niggers

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eternal reminder that bronze age indios BTFO conquerors so hard that you had to recognize them as a nation

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Yeah is that why your all starving and fleeing your respective socialist paradises. TOTAL WAR NOW!

This thread is almost as autistic as LatAm. Cursed land indeed.

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spear chuckers are still better than niggers imho

Just so Americans (yeah, WE'RE America) could dominate your brown sorry asses...

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xD it's time to sell

>it's almost like they're european
we import everything from the US here, even politics (both left and right)

one of the main reasons I hate americlaps actually, you exported your sjw culture to here

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Ancoms are legitimate retards my man

Yes it would be so great having the population of the USA suddenly explode to become the most mixed breeding ground of mutts the world has or ever will see, seeing as they are already trying to get into america anyways the mass starvation and devastated economies will make it worse.

Then they will vote for more communism because "muh free gibs".

>one of the main reasons I hate americlaps actually, you exported your sjw culture to here

I know and that's why I prefer women from latin america, they're not brainwashed to the extent of western women, they'll at least take the time to look and dress nice before going out in public and I appreciate when women do stuff like that

>I know and that's why I prefer women from latin america, they're not brainwashed to the extent of western women
Not that much

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Saved Spanishbro!

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Nice pic.

basado y rojoempastillado


Brazil bros, elect Lula and make Latin American Socialist Union happen

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>Brazil bros, elect Lula and make Latin American Socialist Union happen
No, Thanks!
pic related

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socialism is gay

I agree. Because everyone would die from starvation due to lack of food and then we could claim all that land and its resources.