This petrifies the Canadian

>this petrifies the Canadian

Attached: Chevrolet Impala.jpg (616x411, 106K)

A dumb looking car that looks like every other dumb looking car in the current year.

This petrifies the Amerilard

Attached: trumpsaudi1.png (779x1051, 764K)

It is a terrible car and the people who drive them, yesh.

>A fucking bird

Attached: Bald Eagles.jpg (1280x1391, 141K)

Attached: 1516326469788.jpg (600x350, 27K)

Leafs will pay for the Northern Wall.

Whats the matter dog, you embarrassed?

Attached: IMG_20180612_172211.jpg (314x227, 9K)

>Whats the matter dog, you embarrassed?

Attached: 1523667908697.gif (480x480, 3.01M)
