Fuck Trump, seriously. This bumbling idiot doesn't know anything but destroy, destroy, destroy. Everyone hates America and you idiotic burgers don't have a better economy to show for it. No one has plummeted America's reputation more than Trump and no one considers you idiots a stable ally anymore.
NAFTA talks break up
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shut up Justin.
God just shutup you whiny faggot
Freeland already fucked up the EU trade talks to the point to where she was crying on camera, while Trump never had problems with trade talks I doubt it's his fault.
We dont need any of you
Your bitch ass is lucky you dont get annexed, know your place
why do you care? you dont need us right?
They wanted a completed overhaul of our digital rights policies, I'd say this is a good move. I don't want my cellphone bills going up higher now that lawsuits will go after carriers from American companies.
I'll make this simple.
Fuck the WTO.
Fuck the Central banks.
Fuck the Rothschilds.
Fuck these multilateral trade deals.
Fuck Zionism.
Fuck OP.
No, this is good. Every fucking mistake that retard makes pushes normies closer to the red pill.
But Canada is so much better so why do you care?