Why are youtubers who are clearly out of touch with politics always super inclined to talk down to people with stupid...

Why are youtubers who are clearly out of touch with politics always super inclined to talk down to people with stupid lefty talking points like “but every other country has free healthcare” and then act like they know what the fuck they are talking about?

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I mean shit H3 argued that John McCain was a decent guy who only wanted to bring the country together. They’re always so easily bought by mainstream propaganda.

He’s literally a clown that’s all he is. And the fact that society grants him influence over their voting is fucking ridiculous

ethan is a funny, but stupid man. he's the kind of person i hope stays home and doesn't vote, rather than vote democrat.

Because people out of touch with politics are easily influenced by peer chants.
Ethan literally lives in LA. He's also a Jew, so....

I'm pretty sure he has brain damage. Have you seen the creature he fucks.

youtube/twitch streamers are not grounded in reality, they live in their own fantasy world where everyone is stroking their cocks. Any political or real world opinions should be ignored.

He was never funny to me, some of his videos were entertaining but he himself sucks dick at being funny.

Jews make a lot of money with their Big Pharma racket, of course he'd be against universal healthcare.

you sure you're not just buttblasted because he hated living in israel and talked shit on how boring it was all the time.

There is zero evidence that there is a Jewish-controlled pharma racket

consider killing yourself

Does McDonalds not provide you with sufficient nutrition for your brain Pedro? Not every Israeli likes every aspect of Israel, Ethan has also called someone white garbage, does it mean me hating his unfunny shit means I'm a white nationalist?

Because no one watches the Ron Paul show.

It's true that almost all wealthy nations have extensive free healthcare. I wouldn't call it a lefty talking point.
However, I've recently come to understand why Americans are so vehemently opposed to the idea. America is heterogeneous. That is a big difference since a white person generally is a net contributor to the system while a non-white person is a net drain on the system. Social democracy has done very well in countries with a hard-working, ethnically homogeneous population and lutheran morality.

Sweden is facing the same problem now. I don't want to pay taxes so an Afghani rapist can receive the best possible care because he is a hostile stranger to me. I'd rather keep the tax money and give it to my grandmother who is struggling to live on her small pension after having worked to benefit Sweden her whole life. Because she belongs to a group I identify with.

This is why ethno-pluralism is the only way to achieve functioning socialism. You'd be willing to go the extra mile if it's to help the weak from your own tribe, but you feel cheated and abused if your hard work benefits parasites from another tribe. This is human nature. I don't get how the left hasn't realized this.

yeah I had a good time in the comment section calling him a zionist and shit, good times indeed

Just can't stop can you Joan?

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We used to have threads about how we liked Ethan and Hila. What the fuck happened? He's always been liberal in some aspects but he's mostly right wing and anti-SJW. The H3 podcast is a great listen.

I found him funny about 4 years ago with his exe videos and first review videos. Stopped watching after the dj khaled stuff, not sure exactly when. Later saw he really caught on, but he just makes me cringe now

Isnt this another GUID garbage thread?

They all live in fucking California. What do you expect

>upper-class California jew
>who makes Youtube videos for a living
>out of touch with reality

Wow really?

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What did Ethan do this time? I saw the Tim Heidecker was on, so I'm assuming he was just spouting random lefty talking points?

In one of his last podcasts, he was saying how amazing nordic countries are because they are socialist. He said "I know these countries are capitalist, they're not fucking communist. How can you say socialist nordic countries don't work? They're great". Try to wrap your fucking head around that. He called countries capitalist and socialist at the same time. Granted, he probably meant social democracy, but he's still a fucking dumbass.

He needs to go enjoy some free Hugo Chavez cancer treatment in Cuba. Worked out well for that guy, I hear.

They don't do heavy research

He is 99% Askenazi, so...

i live in la

i'm not a jew

fuck you and fuck jews and fuck whoever ethan is

Liberals only think about things the way their masters tell them to. Dems and Reps only talk about free healthcare in terms of budget, but they strangely never mention the waiting times and lack of healthcare professionals.

I mean, think about it. Think about what happens when suddenly EVERYONE IN THE USA has access to any healthcare they want. You don't even have to think about it, just look at Canada and the UK. Waiting times that last months to get a minor procedure... and they have way less population than we do.

Free healthcare for the US would be a fucking disaster even if we could pay for it without raising taxes.

>why do people who know nothing about anything make endless videos.
For views.
You watch his video and know he’s wrong about XxX. You make comments here and plebbit. People find the video. Jew gets more shekels.
If you’re really upset about it, just stop watching. Dumb faggot.

He used to be pretty impartial to the plight of the right wing, like he gets why America voted for Trump

At the same time, he tries to appeal to the trendy SJW crowd and comes across as wilfully ignorant on certain topics (see prior sentence) in order to appease the masses of blue pilled normies. Jow Forums knows that jew knows what he's jewing, but when he can't stop jewing himself for five seconds, Jow Forums gets pissed off. Cause we know he knows what the fuck is up.

Hila is a queen. Kys


Spoiler alert:
>everyone thinks they are redpilled

"every other country" doesn't have to carry the burden of niggers, illegals and legal spics. in case they haven't noticed, the US is already hemorrhaging money.
also most of the nations he's talking about benefit from NATO, so they don't really have to invest in their military.
if the US stopped its military spending, we'd all be totally beholden to china, and given their communist politics and culture, which are absolutely totalitarian, that is absolutely horrifying.

Why does that couple look so old?

You people are fucking embarrassingly gullible.

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Everyone says they want to bring country together, what a retard

Aren't you supposed to be bombing hospitals and schools, Rabbi Shoahberg?

He is a funny guy, just skip the political parts. You can still like somebody without agreeing with their political views.

At least he has a gf you loner.

because monopoly of speech and control of narrative to your consumers often weigh stronger than anything else..
media-jewing 101

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Because of revenue? If there's no money to be made from it they woudn't do it.

H3 is braindead as fuck when it comes to Jow Forumsitics. I think a lot of us browsing 8+ years are lucky because we pick up on social manipulation like we were century old stone cold narcissists. We can discern truth and separate bullshit with lightning speed while normalfags literally debate over the dumbest shit imaginable.

is this in israel?
israel is a pretty fun country desu


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yeah partying with whores, doing ancient rituals, its all fun and dandy

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Nothing that requires the labor of a person is ever free.

its disturbing and an answer should be given.
>RIP little user, you are in a better place. these bloodthirsty jews took you out long before you could ever browse Jow Forums

This, I'm posting this image of yours in every shill thread.

Testing my filename in this potential Joan Donovan thread

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You people are so gullible it is shameful.

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Ethan is nothing more than a kike married to a sand nigger kike that was born in Tel Aviv. Fuck them both.

why doesn't this have its own thread?

is this in israel?

what the fuck is this

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because they use reddit