So in all seriousness what are you guys going to do when he is removed from office?

So in all seriousness what are you guys going to do when he is removed from office?

I'm just a tourist from /tv/ who doesn't give a shit about politics but it seems pretty inevitable at this point. Does Pence get to be president or is he ineligible because he was Trump's running main during the election shenanigans? Does Hillary become president?

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>I'm just a tourist from /tv/ who doesn't give a shit about politics
>Does Hillary become president?
Go back to your battlebots threads.

>So in all seriousness what are you guys going to do when he is removed from office?

It's hard to imagine what I'll do 6 years from now. One thing I do know is OP is a faggot.

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>where will you be 5 years from now?
Idk this isn't a job interview

Larp somewhere else faggot.

>when he is removed from office?
"IF", thank you kindly.

But what I'd do if that were to happen is grab my popcorn and watch the Left's collective heads explode when they realize that Mike Pence is president.

does anyone know how to get rid of pest cat? i did some research but all were super humane garbage. not looking to kill it but i want something thatll send a message maybe make it sick as a deterrent to not come around and annoy my rabbits.

Maybe stop being a cuck?

Hillary is clinically dead.

Her corpse is being controlled by animatronics supplied by the Jim Henson company through Freemason contacts.

God is on my side!

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