Chinese invasion of Taiwan

Can China currently conquer Taiwan, and if not will they be able to at some point in the future?

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Taiwan #1

China does not have a navy capable of defending themselves against the American Navy.

China will grow larger.

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>China does not have a navy capable of defending themselves against the American Navy.
They have a bluewater navy now

kek, no they absolutely do not have a blue water navy, in your dreams Zuemeng

I'm not saying it to be pro-China.
I'm saying it as a sobering fact.

They are growing more dangerous everyday.

What about the geography of Taiwan? It seems like they might not have many beaches to choose from, and it's not exactly close to the mainland.

Sure you do Chang.


>One aircraft carrier that carried half the aircraft of a single US Carrier
>A few man made island carriers rendered useless by a couple cruise missiles with cluster ordnance.
I'm as afraid of them as I am the Mighty Estonian Navy.


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Yes, but they will end up wrecking everything of value and create millions of new welfare rice niggers on top of more sanctions from other countries. Will also give US, Australia and other SE Asian countries an excuse to tear down their new bases in South China Sea.

The Japanese navy could beat China as they currently stand. Their navy is 1970s vessels.

In the last year, China has been rapidly been expanding it's military capabilities. Their propaganda arm has realized that the pro-Chinese news has caught Trump's attention, and they've been putting out articles like
>no our economy isn't going strong anymore
>no our military can't compete with the US

Chinks love their Sun Tzu. When they're pretending to be weak, they're building up strong. The Chinese government would not allow the press to present them as weak unless they were directed to. Try to use your brain.

You're completely right. Their entire strategy now is to simply grow. If they grow another 50% they will be a behemoth. They have their own problems but I think they might go for Taiwan and i'm curious about that the logistics of that operation would look like.

taiwan might be too toxic for china now

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Expect Trump's Tariffs to never end. The time of Chang is over.

>Can China currently conquer Taiwan
yes. whether or not they can hold it is another matter. also taiwan is a part of china. it's just a matter of which is the legitimate gov't. they're still in the middle of a civil war

>They are growing more dangerous everyday.

yes, because they're going to invade the US

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genius. the meme defense. It could easily be their best defense, China and Taiwan are both weak against each others memetic attacks. yes I know how gay that sounds.

PRC will cleanse taiwan of degeneracy

In the hypothetical situation that China attacks Taiwan and Taiwan has no allies come to its defence, of course China can win.

But they would gain so little in comparison to what they would need to spend and what the fall out would be that there's really no need. They'd probably be better off taking the Koreas (not that I mean that is a good idea)

yeah, they kinda fucked up by going communist and not being integrated into the post-ww2 order. they probably would've become another SK hosting US bases and be an ally of the US. but instead PRC will be demonized forever since it was founded as an ideological rival to the west. mainland should just surrender since no one has taken on the west and won. it would save a lot of death and destruction for everyone


Just leave the japs alone though,

the issue of taiwan is one of territorial integrity. taiwan was given back to the china after the defeat of japan. china's just still in the middle of a civil war with the PRC controlled mainland and ROC controlled taiwan backed by western powers. it's literally the same as NK and SK as they never signed an official end of the war. it's a ceasefire with PRC backed NK and western powers backed SK

not true dude, they are 2/3rd the size of us by gdp and growing far faster. it isn't all fake numbers. you have to realize they aren't that genetically distinct from the Japanese/South Koreans, they will reach parity

nope, they have a "chance" on the scs against the us navy since its near china but not against us and its allies
>us, japan, taiwan, all the countries they have dispute with in scs
japan is still the number one navy in asia since china is being fucked by landmasses in its way japan isnt

most news are propaganda and omit most facts to serve their purposes

well duh, china's the seat of eastern civilization. they just really fucked up by experimenting with communism which means the west will view them as an enemy forever. unfortunately the pressure exerted will be seen as a double standard and will just drive china to protect its interests even more, will be seen as "aggressive" by the west and the tensions will just keep on escalating with both sides seeing themselves as being in the right.
mainland PRC should just surrender, it'll save everyone a ton of headaches down the road. the best solution would be to preserve the borders of china (yes, that includes taiwan) will a western installed puppet government. this is the only way to avoid ww3. i say this as a chink

taiwan is dangerous because they are culturally chinese, so they might not resist. i guess the question is, if grows to the size of the u.s. and spends their money on a military, can they possibly blitz taiwan before the u.s. and japan even react?

They already have.

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Well, also you have to consider that China also wants Taiwan intact as a rich new province. Not a smoking crater.

god, the SCS issue is the most stupid dispute ever. also i don't know why japan gives a crap since they have no claims there. japan's navy is to keep the sea lanes open so they can import stuff, china's navy is ALSO to keep the sea lanes open so they can export stuff. the US navy is also there to keep the sea lanes open. at the end of the day, everyone should be on the same page

Isn't it about gas and oil rights in the sea?

the chinese want to enact their own version of the monroe doctrine. to them the current situation benefits the five eyes more than them. i'm 100% sure they wont react peacefully the way you depict.

the best option is this reinstall the KMT or whatever puppet government as the seat of power and amenable to western interests. because right now things are really stupid

but that isn't very plausible

>Isn't it about gas and oil rights in the sea?

oh yeah, maybe, but those are disputes PRC has with various members of ASEAN. it's my impression the US navy is there to keep the sea lanes open. i haven't come across any cases of the US navy taking sides over disputed oil wells or natural resources or whatever. also i dunno what the japanese navy is for since the US navy keeps the sea lanes open and they have no disputes in the SCS. maybe they're looking to start some shit with PRC, who knows

wed be long dead before china eclipses the us economy, they already fell into the middle income trap when they implemented the one child policy

current projections for the chinese to eclipse the us economy factoring in us moves to counter china without going to war is 75-100 years
wed be long dead before china supplants the us

china plans for the long term thats true they forgot that they could be wiped out in the short and middle term

japan are us allies they also have a dispute with china about the senkakus
winning a war means they get sole rights in territory
>treaty of versailles, treaty of san francisco, paris peace treaty

the chinese also knows this they have so much to lose but if they win its just going to be the same as now, theyll just wait it out. so nope china and the us arent going to war soon maybe the situation will change in 10 years

>i'm 100% sure they wont react peacefully the way you depict.

they've been pressuring ASEAN nations over drilling rights and stuff so yeah, PRC isn't peaceful. however at the end of the day, everyone wants to keep the sea lanes open. unless the US wants to institute a blockade for whatever reason, which is probably what the PRC bases in the SCS is for. i dunno, i'm just pulling stuff out of my butt at this point, lol

why not when the west is on a warpath the mainland anyway?

>They are growing more dangerous everyday.
This. It's a matter of time.

it's because the PRC views Taiwan as a core part of China. it has nothing to do with mineral rights. Taiwan is like Cuba x 100. I think the memetic defense mentioned earlier is the most effective. make the society so different and unpalatable to the chinese government that they cant possibly incorporate that many people into the mainland without spreading the virus.

>winning a war means they get sole rights in territory

oh yeah, good point. japan is probably super pissed about losing their colonies in WW2 and want a rematch. you're right, they're on an expansionist path. i actually wouldn't be surprised if they instigate taiwan to declare independence so they can grab it from china. now it all makes sense

yep, that's what really scares me

>china cant take an L

on chinas side they 100% see the US will stop them and blockade the seas thats the reason for obor its ironic that the thing thats supposed to give china soft power is provoking chinese backlash on these countries

chinas trying to copy the US strategy on soft power projection but failed to see why the US were so succesful

it's not about the people or the democratic way of life or whatever. it's about the land. taiwan was given back to china after ww2 and the PRC wants to preserve that. unfortunately i don't think it's possible since the PRC will obviously get BTFO in any naval battle so the most palatable solution as a chinese is for the KMT to retake the mainland. that way the borders are preserved and the west can be at peace with china (hopefully).

OBOR isn't a soft power thing, it's to bypass areas controlled by the US navy. but yeah, it's kinda painful to watch. china really fucked up by going communist and pitting itself against the west. most stupid decision ever

Invade that island for what? No resources, no gold, yet plenty of slant eye chinknoids to feed just like themselves.


its owned by china you retard. its like asking what happens if england invades northern ireland

its pointless either way since that faggot trump is to weak to lead people to war in the east. that nigger probably sucked kims dick for a pledge that means nothing and thats what made rodman cry


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Taiwan has had 70 years to fortify the whole of Taiwan. Taiwan itself is 250 miles North to South and 100 miles East to West at it's widest point. On the West its plains and beaches while the east are mountains. Plus Taiwan military is very large and well equipped for a nation its size. They have 1500 artillery pieces, 100 APCs, 1000 tanks, patriot missile defense system, F16s, indigenous fighter aircraft, a navy with a bit older ships equipped with very good offensive and defensive missiles/ radars/comms/etc, apaches and supercobra attack helicopters, and a lot of missles/rockets. Add to the regular army the reservists and the people who would go full guerrilla it would be like invading Prussia and fighting off the Vietcong at the same time.

god speed

chinese race banter is weak and undeveloped, as it never faces competition due to the polite public norms in western society

Jow Forums is different, rice boi


Yes, but at a huge cost

China is more interested in Taitwo

They onpy expand to feed the horde of rice patty workers left behind by industrial revolution. Farmers never really wanted to civilize past the temple buddha but now skyscrapers eclipse the highest beacons of the hills in a swamp valley nation of overpopulated urban jungle. Turns out taiwan is only desired by china to appease a currency war with greater global powers pretending to be God ovwr their respective religious labor camps in control schemes. The lawless men of no denomination mingle among all currency seeking mang. Thats why that pedo that Musk called out for being in the spelunking kid spat on twitter for twatheads.