Is Trump General always this boring? I mean I really don't see the point to it anymore now that the election is over. It's just spamming the catalog at this point. You know, there is such a thing as being a gracious winner. Just my two cents.
>memeflaggot starts spamming after I call out McCabe interedasting
Jose Evans
Reminder it's Mexico's fault for being unhealthy and sending drugs here.
Owen Rogers
Anyone else remember that thread where there was the shill who just HAD to argue and also didnt realize we have bump limits and one user kept him talking till like post 400v Good times.
>When life gets hard, remember: it could be worse That's unironically how I live my life. That and a quote from dune. >I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
I do, and I thanked him for his service as he demanded. no u He's surrounded by people who generally share his politics, and they still can't stand what an insufferable douche he is.
The Marty McFly of politics, only he never gets back in time
Nathaniel Turner
Trump General has become boring because Trump has become boring. It's been one game of defense after another for two fucking years now, zero indictments against the other side, Sessions is useless, and Trump won't get tough with Sessions.
James Ramirez
Can someone please inform that dumb cocksucker shill that my spidey folder is much bigger than his and mine actually works??
Imagine destroying yourself over mediocre burgers (still better than Sonic)
Noah Nelson
I'm watching a recast of Maddow. This bitch is fucking nuts! I think she's doing it for ratings though. She seems to know there's nothing there. It amusing to watch!
I remember being 14 and listening to Nixon in 1968 when he promised Republicans that there'd be a Conservative retrenchment on the Supreme Court.
The progress has been slow, and there have been setbacks... but here we are. Here we finally are. We are finally going to have a Conservative Supreme Court for the first time in 80 years.
The younger guys won't fully understand the gravity of this moment - but ever since FDR got a stranglehold on the court, it has been used to advance leftist agenda (or permit unconstitutional actions by leftist Presidents and Congresses) and destroy this country. With Kavanaugh - that all ends. The courts will finally be a force for good in the first time in my life. Expansive view of the Commerce Clause? Gone. Affirmative Action? Gone. Unconstitutional restrictions on firearm ownership? Gone. Usurpation of States' Rights in the realm of social policy? Gone.
These next few years are going to be wonderful - and Donald Trump is the man who made it all happen. You are all lucky to be alive right now.
Well, now that we are all in agreement that Trump's Cabinet picks have been a disaster, who would you rather pick instead or do you now wish you voted for Hillary?
I'm honestly surprised no one had called for that boycott sooner due to the Bible verses on containers, but losing your shit over a generic 25k contribution to the GOP? You'd think the jews would learn you don't fuck with burgers in this country
Hh yeah? well i've stubbed my toe once on my bed frame.
Dylan White
gen x here. excellent points about scotus
Lincoln Reyes
Austin Wright
What do you mean by mutual arrangement? Are you referring to some deal Trump may have made with Republican senators? He'd better be fucking gone. If he's not gone, I'm going to tune out Trump very quickly, because I'm not going to tolerate another two years of defense, defense, defense.
Ryan Johnson
Nah, name isn't Jerry. It was done by an off duty sheriff when I was ~11. Choked me while doing it, told me to scream as loud as I wanted because nobody would help me, and I tore my vocal cords. But I'm still alive, and he's not, so whatever.