Have gyno

>have gyno
>hear creatine raises test levels
>start taking it daily
>feel a new bump under my tit that stings like I used to get when I first got gyno years ago
It must be raising my estrogen because my test is going up just like roids do

What do?

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You're going through puberty zoomer

Raising test levels can also raise your estrogen because they are antagonistic.

Creatine won’t raise your test levels. Exercising might, but if exercising is making you grow bitch tits then I have bad news for you.
You might just have a genetic issue that is causing growth in your breast(s). Happened to a buddy of mine. 1 breast was normal and the other was an A cup. He had to get it surgically removed.

get a prescription for androgel

also put in on your dick but make sure you don't get it on your balls.

Snake diet or suicide faggot

take it to /ladypol/

surgery is the only cure have to remove the muscle that grows you bitch tits


>muscle that grows you bitch tits

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