Anyone looking forward to automation?

I can’t wait to never deal with another fast food dickhead.

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>I can’t wait to never deal with another fast food dickhead.
who do you think is going to be making your sandwitches? those dickheads will be moved from the front (dealing with money) to the back where they get to make your food without you seeing them.

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call me when that flipping thing can get the pan, letuce, tomatoes, pickles and cheese then wrap it all and deliver for pickup

But how does it work if you pay cash?

Only Wendy's actually flips burgers. Mcdonalds has a clam shell grill that grills both sides at once. Burger King has a chain broiler that they feed hamburgers into.

Yea, workers of the world shouldn’t be subjected to being bullied by these piece of shit consumers who take their micro dick power tripping fantasy out on a burger flipper.

>politely emphasize PLAIN as meaning just burger and bun, nothing else whatsoever
>literally the simplest thing they could make
>drive away
>it's covered in fucking pickles and onions and shit
how does mcdonald's even stay in business? whattaburger is the patrician's fast food. much more reliable service.

What are you doing with your Gender studies bachelor in Thailand?

I'm moderately anti social, but although it will make my life easier, it's likely that I'll get worse at social interaction with less of the minor interactions.

>eating fast-food
Fucking burger haven't you learned anything?

Pay if you have a credit card, there are cashiers who take cash mu dude

That’s the thing, lost in translation is a very real thing and to them a plain burger could mean normal burger.

I think you mean customer service automation, but god yes. I can't wait for a machine to launch my Wendy's order at me at 35 mph rather then a nigger touching my food.

I'm fucking ready.

>in Thailand?
you should probably take Geography classes or have your eyesight checked or the least is mouse over a flag and double check before you make a post that makes you look stupid..

but then again, what could you expect from a (mexican)

"Plain burger" could mean regular burger, with the normal toppings. Next time, say "just meat and bun."

Those tasks are significantly easier than the dexterity and sensing shown in the gif. It’s literally just drop the ingredients from a funnel. Do you live in such a third world shithole that you’ve never seen an assembly line or factory? Do you live in the Middle Ages?

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>implying anyone in the first world needs to know youre worthless country even exists.

are you looking forward to being unemployed too?
because when these who get their jobs automated have no money to spend, then it doesn't matter if you are le robot programmer, a doctor or a government worker, you all will see your income drop or even lose your job, since the overall demand will fall.

So those dickheads will lose all hope and become criminals. Enjoy getting mugged.

>Instead of having a person take your order and place it on the counter they have a person bring you your food to your table when its ready

How does this save them money?

>new tools take away jobs
This argument is as old as the agricultural revolution and it literally has never happened. A small amount of jobs disappear and are replaced with a mountain of new jobs that didn’t exist before. Literally every time. There were lobbying groups that said the automobile would destroy the horse industry. It did, but look at the car industry. Don’t be a brainlet. Show literally ONE example of new technology ruining an economy. Literally every single time new tech grows an economy.

I agree, however Hungary is far far from being 1st world, I bet you couldn't even point it out on the map compare to Costa Rica, I bet you couldn't even point out Thailand. But hey, your mom says hi, she's not that loose for her old age

it'll be better for me because I can't talk well.

>he lives in a shithole
>therefore it’s ok I live in a shit hole
>better insult his mom because I know I live in a shithole

Machine learning and AI -> AGI is different user

Your mom moved to "shithole" just like I did to live a simpler life. I guess that implication flew waaay over your head, would moving to Florida make more sense to your feeble mind?

a little cash slot that you have to put the bill into 7 or 8 times to get it to scan like on vending machines.

im not. theres going to be a huge unemployed surge. theres no easy fix to that.

This is why I go outback and order cheese fries and a cold beer when I want "fast food".
Because I'm not poor and I appreciate good service and cute chicks bringing me my food n beers.

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Tech it's destroying society and is putting a brake on the "growth economy" meme... Especially the current generation of technology, which is driven by cost-cutting (automation) policies. It's essentially making everything over efficient, so there is no place for the middle man or the small player (such as bookshops or retailshops). Capital is concentrating in the big business. Just check how many people are working for amazon or facebook and then compare their output to some country (such as mine). Yeah, this is not gonna last for much longer.

No because they'll replace the hard working hispanic men and women trying to take care of their families.

Yeah, there is. Universal basic income.

thats not an easy fix. but its the only realistic solution.

Everyone involved in the tech industry will have to be hanged eventually


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Literally everything you said is almost verbatim the argument that has been used for literal millenia against new tech. Prove to me the horse industry was wrong and you’re right? Show me literally one real world example of what you’re saying happening in the past to a negative end. Really. A single example.

See people say this, but people will still work due to comparable advantages even if they lack an absolute advantage of specialist computer systems. Talk to an economist on Jow Forums or something, ignore the software developers on this one as the former group understands the abstract presented by the latter

Yeap, you wouldn't be able to deal with millions of unemployed otherwise. Once the tech is here and it's cheaply than simply hiring a worker it'll come. As an example in some major Chinese cities in the last 2-3 years, 30-40% of high tech factory line jobs have been lost to automation.

This is either bait or you're a nigger

Best cheese fries on earth, great beer, hot babes serving.
You got a problem with that, loser?

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They already have these in most Korean McDonald's. It's pretty comfy desu.

Do you like working 40 hours a week for 60 years and dying? What is so wrong being unproductive? FFS medieval peasants had more time off than us.

> burger, plain

soon you will be able to go to a restaurant drive thru that operates like a giant vending machine with no human contact. if robots make the food it will be literally perfect every time and you won't have to worry about curly pubes on your French fries.

You know, it would all work out just fine, but the jews and the boomers have other plans.

Why should we work towards an age of abundance now that technology could get us there and now that birthrates in developed nations are bellow the replacement age. It's almost as if our highly developed societies felt that there's no more need for so many people.

But no, we can't. Our leaders and much of our youth is stuck in 20th century thinking that we have to have more and more people. So automation will come, and we will all be dirt poor, because there will be too many people. Because we imported them. And now we are forced to implement universal basic income because it "literally" the only way to deal with the created masses of unemployed

Work doesn't have to be your identity, it can be your hobbies, passions when where is or almost abolished, creative and athletic pursuits will flourish and you can truly raise your families. We create technology to make work easier, what's wrong with the next step of abolishing menial tasks?

>needing "hot babes" to bring you food

Surely you have a pretty wife since youre not a loser right? Why do you need girls who are paid to be nice to you?

It's just an added touch man, fuck.
You idiot spergs always overanalyze shit. Think like a human for once. Maybe you'd have a happier life.

Start with cheese fries and methamphetamine.

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I've had a suspicion that we'll create this "age of abundance" due to automation before collapsing several years soon after due to climate and overpopulation (inb4 you say everyone can fit in Texas, that's not overpopulation retards), AI systems would then be reconfigured to produce and hand out basic rations and making pop up housing and medicines.

Wait until the masses learn we're running out of helium and exactly how bad that problem is.

The McDonalds kiosks are fucked though. I've used them in China, US and Australia and they're all fucked when it comes to paying. The user interface is shit as well - the input lags, the screens are blindingly bright and the graphics are low frame-rate.

Best thing is to just not eat McDonalds in the first place.

I don't know, the reason why basic income won't work is because it takes away a humans primal need to provide shelter and food for survival. So like, the most basic drive.
If we cant overcome this primal drive, then you're right, the age of abundance will also be our doom

It's very simple - our society is collapsing... it's the demography, you stupid. People are no longer making kids, because they have no security and not enough income, since everything is getting automated and there are less and less perspectives. Just compare our current situation to the world in which your "boomer" and pre-boomer generations were rised. Yeah, they had it nice back then, they were building the foundations and there was a need for every men and women to work. And then go back to the present, the present of the herbivore men. A striking difference, indeed. There won't be enough jobs in the future and we are already reacting to it (well "we" the non-niggers). The horse argument is a meme, because you don't want to acknowledge that making the first step into industrialization was one thing and making the step towards a robotized world, managed by AI is a completely different thing. There will be less of us. Some will live very well, they will be enchanced, they will work towards new goals for what is left of humanity. But I know that I won't be one of these people, so I have no reason to support technology.
In Ondřej Neff's novel The Darkness (Tma) - they did precisely this, they hanged the scientists, after electricity went off everywhere on the world and people had to adapt to the old ways.

Harvey's also flips them but I guess leaf burgers don't matter

God I can’t wait for this, I’m so sick of seeing NOTHING but niggers in fast food joints... I’m old enough that I actually remember a time when most fast food employees were white high school or college students. Sick of seeing shitskins and their whining for $15 an hour, automation can’t come soon enough

Your just repeating the same arguments. You can’t name even a single example of new technology being bad economically

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You’re right, they don’t.

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>not bad for the workers
The loom?

Ya like society needs cashiers.
Let them be workers in other fields. We need ditch diggers and farmers now that Mexican illegal satus: getting out

I already did, but you don't seem to get it. It's affecting us, it's affecting our societies. The central parts of our towns are getting hollowed out, because 'hey I can just buy this from Amazon' (it's like no one realizes that you spend more when you go out, i.e. I might buy some fresh juice or some snack while shopping in the mall or on the central street, while on AmazonI I will just buy the specific product).

And then I get back to our society. People are not going out and are communicating naturally less and less. Youngsters now need a fucking app to find their significant other. People are also getting sicker due to unhealthy lifestyle and all the overprocessed foods that we are forced to buy. For example, statistics show that the average Bulgarian nowadays can buy more feta cheese than he could in the early 90s, but is just one little hitch - up to 40% of the feta cheese in the market has mixed in veg oils (even palm oil). This is not really the same product, but the stats are not counting that in. This new product is good for the automated lines, it's good for the stats, on paper it's even good for the poor, because they have access to cheap food and then we can shill that we have solved the world hunger problem. Except that we haven't.

The 'living longer' thanks to tech meme is another myth that needs deconstruction. People lived up to 90s and beyond even ancient Greece (for example Plato or Philolaus lived up to their 80s and Xenophanes was 95 when he died). Nowadays, mostly due to antibiotics, we have lowered child mortality, which screws up life expectancy stats, but healthy life span has not really changed much. It is because the tech development is concentrated in making everything overefficient, while contributing less to the general wellbeing.

Technology is really making it better only for a small elite and the useful idiots that service them, while the rest of us have dimnished prospects in an artificial world.

>those damn kids meme
I don’t understand how someone can look at history and still conclude “these crazy kids and their new dangled technology are ruining the world and society!”
You’re saying the same things people have been saying for millennia and making the same “observations” people have been making for millennia. You’re ignoring wildly improved quality of life and wildly improved economic turns as a whole and hyper focusing on small details like “kids these days use apps to date” and much feta cheese.

It isn’t improving life for a select few. Abject poverty is the lowest it’s been in human history. There’s a gap between rich and poor but the entire chart has shifted and continues to shift ever higher. The amount of people living in absolute destitute conditions is the lowest it’s ever been in human history by every single metric on raw numbers scales and % based scales.literally everyone’s lives are improving. Some are improving faster than others, but everyone’s life is improving at an exponential rate. Your anecdotal “the kids these days” and “cheese has oil” stories are non arguments in the face of actual real data. And even if I accept those examples as accurate representations of the situation, that isn’t an example of new technology “ruining the economy”. You don’t know what the final impact will be based on that alone. And if you look at, again literally every single instance of new technology being introduced, there is a very small lull followed by an explosive and permanent upswing in productivity and quality of life. Name
Where new technology ruined the economy. Not “I’m pretry sure it’s happening now even though I have no proof the economy is tanking”
Literally one historic example where we can see a thriving economy, then a new tech is introduced, then the economy as a whole goes under. Name literally one time you third world brainlet.

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we've had this in new zealand for years.

I like cashiers and don't won't to touch that nasty screen that little kids with poop hands touch

Fuck incompetent fast Food workers.
Anyone who is working a min wage job after 25 should kill themselves

youre a retard. blaming the worker for not being competitive enough solves nothing. you will just have a bunch of people on welfare.

yeah i love self checkouts and ordering stations. can't wait until they're everywhere

This is not small details, it's just comes to show your stats are complete meme and have nothing to do with the real world. And about your economy - you had to implement negative interest rates and make people ditch paper money, so you can skew the statistics into positive territory. That speaks enough. But this won't last, because it's fake. I already told you - technology has killed more people than all the scarecrow that existed throu the history (such as Hitler and Stalin). It's dimnishing the prospects for us and it is why there will be less and less children. The market economy won't be able to function, because there won't be any demand. This is your downturn. It's already happening in my society.

>costa rica
>calling anyone mexican
No bueno

Best to say "nothing on it"

1 post by OP. GUID filename.
newfags pliz sage
SAGE in options field. or just ignore

joan is too fat to post funny threads

>meme flag
>opinion discarded

>I can’t wait to never deal with another fast food dickhead.
That's only because a computer won't silently judge you for ordering 20 Big Macs for yourself, Joan.

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automation is the doom of capitalism, so yes, I'm looking forward to it.

I don't see them make my food as it is
What a fake and gay comment


Fuck off

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Japan looks forward to it.

Dan pls, we know you were just their to oogle Hortence.

Fat sister is watching, stop responding morons

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You goddamn morons would rather simply bump rather than redpill.

We have these at the local McDonalds and a self checkout at the grocery store, and no I'm not looking forward to it. The average person is too dumb to use these machines. The only positive change for me is that I have stopped buying energy drinks, because they always have to check that I'm over 15 before I'm allowed to buy the drink and leave, and I usually have to wait 5-10 minutes before anyone shows up and clears me.

>you have to be over 15 to buy engery drinks
lmao what

I unironically am. If something, it’ll reduce the red tape culture and will get rid of useless retail employees

Can’t fucking wait. Keep the incompetent dickheads out of my way.

Who cares?

>automobile would destroy the horse industry
That's a pretty fuckin brainlet look on how steam engines, and then combustion engines made jobs of thousands of agricultural jobs and forced the labourers to find shitty jobs in shitty cities. It might have levelled out somewhat but the industrial revolution was a shitty time to be a labourer of any description. And it'll happen again if we're not careful.

>made thousands of agricultural jobs redundant
fuck drunk typing.

I'm happy about it on a personal level, but it's a disaster on a societal level.

This will be an utter catastrophe for the economy in the long term

To me it doesn't matter if fast food workers have jobs or not. I will never eat there.

It's your own fault for visiting shitty restaurants. Proper restaurants do not need this kind of shit and it will only cause problems because 90% of the population is too dumb to use these things.

I hardly ever goto mcdonalds but I went the other day. Tried to use the stupid touch screeen but it was slow and boring so i ordered from the counter. Had a large menu to look at. Ordered some angu thing and a girl actually brought the meal to my table and the chips were in a metal container and the burger was on a wooden plate. So fuck these touch screens. None of this would have happened if I used it.

you probably got handed the wrong burger by the tards in service. Only way this shit gets fucked up is if they forgot the sticker on the wrap or handed wrongly.

tell me more about burger technology

>assuming this thing would just be in a nromal kitchen and not a purpose built kitechen with chutes for everthing .

you fucking nig--


ok fair enough

The ones I see in McDonald's go unused. They fucked up and should have automated the kitchen staff instead so I could get my mcmuffin in under 10 minutes.

Only an autist could have this happen. When I order, I make sure they understand what I mean. You probably repeated the words 'plain burger' and then autistically walked away.

It is over.