Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - CBTS Edition

>What's happening
AfD and Pegida hold a demo today for the dead cuban-german who got stabbed to death in Chemnitz
Media noticed that they fucked up by shilling so much
Revolution begins today

>Must watch Chemnitz videos (censored after 400k views)

>Chemnitz Rundown in English


>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat, no fatties in Auschwitz)

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>Meme Collections 2.0

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

Create memes
Spread memes on social media
Harass Journalists on Twitter
Join up with Friends and form communities
Get fit
Don't be a pathetic mockery

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Other urls found in this thread:ästinenserhilfe-komplett/a-45312973

Tidied up the OP a bit, don't think we need to have the RI fag videos in it for example. Still needs improvement.
Who going to Chemnitz today? I'm too far away sadly but will watch closely, the whole world is watching!

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First for the new Reich

The overton window has shifted so far, Sarrazins renewed demand for Bundeswehr helping to deport illegal shitskins isn't seen as ridiculous as it was seen a year ago.

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Author of the popular Chemnitz Revolution video (that got censored for muh (((Copyright)))) will have a livestream, RUPTLY and others will be there too.
>Ich werde morgen einen Livestream auf meiner Facebook-Seite ( direkt aus Chemnitz machen, sofern Störsender dies nicht verhindern.

It can only work with a complete replacement of the republic's institutions.

btw you might want to get some more in this thread by advertising.

Things certainly won't remain peaceful in the rotten West once it has begun.
nah, Krautism will prevail.

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>1165 MITAs in Sachsen
>»mehrfach-intensiv-tatverdächtige Asylbewerber« – also schutzsuchende Zuwanderer, die in den letzten zwölf Monaten mehr als fünf Straftaten (leichtere Vergehen) begangen haben oder mindestens zwei Mal wegen eines Verbrechenstatbestandes (Mindestfreiheitsstrafe ein Jahr) auffällig wurden.

>krautism will prevail
dan mach ich das

Yeah, this sounds credible...

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I'm going. My local AfD-Verband organized a bus ride. If any of you aren't networking yet, I can recommend it. Get in touch with your local party chapter, we need every helping hand in this fight. Or join some other organization, like the IB, if you think the AfD are "lel cucks".

i'm afraid that will be the result of this "revolution". the system goes in full defence mode and will do everything to make the right look bad. provocation started already.

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Obviously it will do anything in its power to not get itself uprooted like the weed it is. letting people here the other side of view is not democratic.
Good riddance, user. Make us proud.

We actually talked about this yesterday. Some survey asked if right-wing extremism was a threat to the Bundesrepublik, 76% said yes and ta-da, you can claim that 76% of Germans think the AfD needs to be monitored by the Verfassungsschutz.

Schröders Meinung zu Chemnitz

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I wish there were soli demos in NRW

> other side of view is not democratic
that's the point. therefore the chances to change the system with the tools of the system are very limited.

Yeah, its so limited that you need to break the system with its own tools, the tools they use against you. yet again its okay to scold you, insult you and exclude you. the media will only cover a certain look of it too, because they are öffentlich rechtliche, and therefore government propaganda bootlickers.

HSV-Dresden cancelled because of Chemnitz
They must expect a huge happening, considering Merkel already sent lots of Bundestroopers to Sachsen.

Volkslehrer video about Chemnitz, nice interview with SPIEGEL

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So now every Dresden hooligan is pissed off and has nothing to do on the weekend except take a half hour drive over to Chemnitz. This will end well.

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I do wonder if someone could peacefully protest not getting set on fire in Chemnitz, and then getting set on fire to protest his protest because he's right-wing.


>They must expect a huge happening
I think rather that they want it really hard, they urgently need a habbening to make this center right movement look like a thread to democrazy. if we see unschöne bilder, afd will drop next week and vs observation soon is very likely.

Demoupdate der nächsten Tage:
Duisburg Hauptbahnhof, 3.9.18 – ab 19 Uhr – Solidarität mit Chemnitz

Hamburg Gänsemarkt – 5.9.18 ab 19 Uhr – Merkel muss weg

Wien Josephskirche – 8.9.18 ab 18:30 Uhr Gedenken an die Befreiung Wiens 1683

Halle an der Saale Riebeckplatz – 10.9.18 ab 18 Uhr - Wehr dich es ist dein Land

BND Larpnazis will make sure of it.

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what's your point?

The media kvetching about Hetzjagd didn't damage the AfD, quite the opposite actually.

It's weird with the AfD. even when Poggenburg did the "Kümmelhändler"-ordeal, the AfD rose by a full percent or so. a media stillstand only harmed the reputation, you need to keep that flame kindled and the truth seems to help there, because people get stabbed, assaulted and raped all the time, it seems. and this is the hinge-point. if something big happens and they don't report on it, they get MASSIVE shit for conspiring against us (which they did once if you remember new year's in cologne) so they need to obscure the truth so good as possible for muh multi-culti.

Not all's lost.

ah, i see. you are absolutely right on this. but that would only confirm my apprehension, they got to and will push harder. who do you think will profit from escalation?

That's why I wrote this into the OP:
>Media noticed that they fucked up by shilling so much
For example they showed the Klartext video in ARD yesterday, including ficki ficki, and didn't use the words Hetzjagd and Mob as often as they did before.

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>who do you think will profit from escalation?
Depends on which side will make the better memes and propaganda desu.
The general population doesn't give a fuck about a few Hitlergrüße by V-Männer, that's for sure.

Do you think the day/night of the drawn veil is soon or something?

That's why I called this thread the CBTS edition. :^)

I really hope for Antifa doing some violent shit, if they kill someone the war begins.

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I may be stupid and overslept, but... CBTS?

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>Fucking FW coming out of nowhere
Man I thought those crypto cucks only existed here

Calm before the storm, the threads where Qanon began.
He's here.

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media would frame this scum as heroes, frontschweine in the fight for protection of democrazy against uprising fascism.

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Please tell me you don't belive that shit was real?

In yesterday's thread some user posted a Twitter screenshot of a guy claiming that Merkel and Steinmeier would come to Chemnitz, though I don't really know why they'd do that.

And that would be a good thing, further accelerating is necessary.
Nope, iirc the threads were started by a kraut/pol/ poster too.
Kek that would explain the masses of cops.

This should go into the OP of the next threads.

neither merkel nor steinmeier are welcome in saxony. imagine the pictures of a mad saxon hutbürgerboomermob chanting "merkel muss weg" with some hool/nadsi riots where antifa could be framed as the defender of weak democrazy
it looks like everything is done to provocate this exact situation. even a football game was canceled to ensure some footsoldiers from dresden showing up.

Won't work, trust in the media is so damaged they'd appear even more like the Minitruth. They are idiots. They had full control even with the free information flow of the internet as they controlled the framing ... and then they fucked it up. Really tells you what type of people has taken over the Schaltzentralen of Germany ... the 'ruling' left has intellectually bled itself so dry that even the Soviet apparatschniks of the old days appear like mental beacons compared to them.

They were in FULL control, they could have furthered all their plans to their logical conclusion ... if they had only acted smart. Instead, in their sheer mental retardation and hubris they opened the overton window so wide you could move a whole SS Panzerdivision through it by now.

Still, we should not underestimate them. They may not be smart but they are fanatical ... in these regards they are closer to some IS goatfucker than anything else. Generally incompetent but DAMN motivated!

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Und wie heißt die Lösung, wenn der linke Mob tobt und die Polizei dich nicht schützen kann? AfD. #G20

Und wie heißt die Lösung, wenn der afrikanisch/arabische Mob tobt und die Polizei dich nicht schützen kann? AfD. #Messereinwanderung

Goddamn I love this video so much, who would have thought that the sojaboy we laughed about would have such a huge impact.

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Just stopping in to say good luck.

waiiiit, its up again?
I sent it to a friend and this is what the vid told us.

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Btw some based Anglo made a thread yesterday about the old Weimar Republic. I HEAVILY recommend to read this and most importantly understand its implications if you have not already. Pflichtlektüre!!

Has been archived here:

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thanks, feels good to have all the anons from other countries watching the Chemnitz situation in the last days, it gives us courage.

Thanks, burger, same to you.

Jews censored it after 400k views, it was too powerful.
Skimmed over it yesterday, can you recommend a post in particular?

lefties are truly retarded
>hahahaha, i will do a thing and no one is allowed to react on that
yeah and we just take it because politics and social changes aren't continuing progresses, eh?

but i guess lefties are used to that line of thought
>having an argument
>cant win
>screech "nazinazinazi!"
>rush out of the room
>"wow! i won another argument, im so good!"

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Gj boys

>saxon speaks
>leute geben die sich provisionen lassen
>mon visage
god i love that accent. also, based as fuck reporter. the only neutral news i've seen on this subject YET.

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no doubt about this in the long run. all i want to say is, stellungskrieg intensifies.
and i really think we won't see the start of a right-wing revolution as claimed by some user before. what we'll see is an angry bear mother protecting her pups (gibs).

you dont understand!
Antifa its the final solution!


Profiteers and bankers

Loss of virtues

Decline in birth rates

Thanks mate, looking at Chemnitz news and my other thread, much appreciated

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>Die Chatfunktion ist für diesen Livestream deaktiviert

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i saved it. whats a relative free video service, no one gives two fucks about? we need to spread the news away from JewTube

Much too early for a revolution. Instead, strategically I would at the moment support the reactionary forces (I count the AfD among them). We're beyond the point where they could possibly 'fix' the situation but they will prove to be a strategic partner after the economic collapse and its implications are felt fully. Like the current elite needs the Antifa as a radical (and if needed deniable) extension of their power the reactionaries will need us if they ever desire to restore order ... only that in reality we will not be the mere 'good servants' that they will want us to be.

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Haha, great!!! :D

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>The Government needs the Antifa
You mean like pic related i grabbed from a thread here?

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will read the thread later. i'm pretty sure we'll run into a weimar setting very very soon. fundamental parallels could not be denied. but we got a whole other situation this time. first of all, there is no reactonary force which could heat up the streets. the only violence engaging group is quite the opposite. and another fundamental difference to weimar is the gib state which ensures pensions, hartz4, beamtengehälter, kindergeld, funds for gender studies and AAS for about 70% of the population. very few people are NOT depending on state money. i can't imagine that those got any interest to overcome this system.

Can you guys give me some Jow Forums approved german youtube channels like this one? I ignored german youtube so far.

I like to use streamable, no account needed.

I like to watch
>Hagen Grell
>Vulgäre Analyse (centrist but good at btfo of state media)
This YT search will yield some good results:

Bericht des Westfernsehens über Chemnitz

oh, and by the way, i don't expect anything revolutionary from wutbürgerboomer who allowed the "marsch durch die institutionen" which brought us into this mess. they are selfish in their interests as they always were and all this right wing protest is about getting back their comfy boomer life they once had . there is not much left when they are subtracted in chemnitz.

10 years old kids rape 10 years old kid
Guaranteed german victim, guaranteed shitskin rapists.

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>Zehnjähriger Afghane war schon vor dem Fall verhaltensauffällig

>Für die beiden elfjährigen Mittäter (ein Syrer, ein Afghane) wurden inzwischen andere Schulen in anderen Bezirken gefunden.

No word about the victim.

pretty good, compare that to Springerpresse

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How long until this starts?

It's a start desu. Boomer complacency is what got us here, and since it's gonna be decades since the generational turnover is gonna be felt in politics, we need them as a basis.

You see, if they don't mention the victim, none of the readers will have to imagine how a 10 year old boy or girl got their life destroyed by shitskins. Because that would make readers angry, and anger is ewiggestrig.

5 PM here. so in 5h and 20 min after this post.


post link?


Jasinna - Die Toten von Chemnitz
apparently quickly censored from YT, quite a few reuploads popping up. Just started watching so dunno if good.

Do they get shamed in comment section?
Is the age of perps certain?

They should transfer them to some rich elite school, bring some Diversity to rich politicians kids.

If you want it a little Spicy:

>there is no reactonary force which could heat up the streets

No there isn't currently. What me mostly miss is all those shellshocked war veterans. I'd rather expect 'heat on the streets' from Islamic fundamentalists. Wrong side, I know, but heat is heat. A critical point here would be the formation of Bürgerwehren as soon as the situation really becomes threatening ... also disenfranchised people in police force and military (and we got those already it appears, at least in Saxony).

>very few people are NOT depending on state money. i can't imagine that those got any interest to overcome this system.

HERE I see a looot of potential! Imagine the Euro really collapses and the German federal reserve gets dragged down into oblivion. Who is gonna pay those people? Can maybe be postponed by printing increasing amounts of money, devaluating everything. This is EXACTLY Weimar!

Agree, they are useless, nothing more than meatshields. Yes, they just want their gomfy lifes back, have the state do everything, pamper those little bitches until they die of coronary heart disease from eating too much Schweinsbraten. But let's spin this further ... what would happen if they suddenly realize en masse that there is NO FUCKING WAY back into those 'days of old'? Mass panic is a threshold thing ... it simmers under the surface, unseen, unfelt. But then suddenly you pass beyond a certain point and it erupts like a wildfire and grips everybody. You cannot predict when this will happen ... but you can be prepared for it will happen inevitably.

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no fucks were given. Empathy is not a virtue in a multicultural society

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Now this is simply great! Seems they can no longer keep their little sluts on the short leash.

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Jasinna klingt immer so Pornomässig...

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boys will be boys :)

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Good luck Deutsch bros, next time we fight its side by side.

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Holy crap guys just witnessed all the local skinheads driving's happening!!!!

Captcha: cars...Jewgle knowsästinenserhilfe-komplett/a-45312973

based and redpilled, let's just hope those leeches don't decide that Germany is now historically responsible for them

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Imagine what could have been if everything went according to Vorsehung ... I see a chance that the Anglos may shake off their (((parasites))) the next time.

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What do you mean "driving away"? from where to where?

Oy vey!! This will make the cracks even bigger. Current world order is not even in control of its own narrative anymore.

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