The poll finds a majority of the public has turned against Trump and is on guard against his efforts to influence the Justice Department and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s wide-ranging probe.
The poll finds a majority of the public has turned against Trump and is on guard against his efforts to influence the...
Why you typin' like a lil' biiiatch, OP, biatch? Say it correct:
Da poll findz a majoritizzle of tha hood has turned against Trump n' is on guard against his wild lil' fuckin efforts ta influence tha Justice Department n' special counsel Robert S. Muella Pt III’s wide-rangin probe.
Now niggaz can reads it.
and how was this poll done? guessing in cali and new york?
Polls can be rigged to say whatever you want them to say.
Jow Forums just says what it thinks
Jow Forums > Polls
Jow Forums is not a monolith and is manipulated by special interest groups.
1. Correct
2. Incorrect
No, he's right on both counts.
1) Correct
2) Correct, but consider the fact that there are so many special interest groups involved that the manipulation is drowned out into white noise (pun not intended)
It's termed "pissing into an ocean of piss. "
>WaPo poll
Try again
>polls were right about Lamb vs. Saccone
>polls were right about Jones vs. Moore
>polls have been right about just about everything but because they were wrong two years ago (and they were still right about the popular vote) every poll must be fake
Well, at least you aren't a complete loss.
I feel like the manipulation coming from certain groups are sort of like specially-developed chemicals meant to propagate across the ocean of piss, all of which separate like oil and wash up on some California beach where they will be consumed by homeless people.
The polls about Trump are typically heavily influenced by moneyed interests. Besides, you can say "polls say" and reference academic manure like Southern Poverty Law Center and people will still fucking buy it. I don't trust polls as much as I trust people on the ground, and even then you gotta talk to a whole hell of a lot of people on the ground just to get a general idea of what's going to happen.
Those two elections overestimated the Democrats in both races.
Unless you're RUSSIAN, or DUMB-AS-FUCK you knew a Donald Trump Presidency wasn't going to end well.
Donald Trump? HAHAHAHA!!!!
One of the USA's Top 5 con-men who never succeeded in a real business.
He was seen as an oafish, goofy, ugly, ignorant, buffoon from the people he wanted to love him - wall street and Hollywood.
Then he found YOU dumb niggers.
lol - fuck off, weakling. Go back to browsing dick rate threads on /soc/ you faggot.
>attempted manipulation is not manipulation
most don't fall for it, shills shilling shills
95% of it is smoke and mirrors, illusion of manipulation, nothing more
It's actually going very well. Or did you miss the trade deal this week?
>Unless you're RUSSIAN, or DUMB-AS-FUCK you knew a Hillary Presidency wasn't going to end well.Hillary? HAHAHAHA!!!! One of the USA's Top 5 con-women who never succeeded in a real business.She was seen as an oafish, goofy, ugly, ignorant, buffoon from the people she wanted to love her - wall street and Hollywood. Then he found YOU dumb niggers.
>Jow Forums is a bunch of niggaz
got it.
I think this is their press release
questions n everything.
langerresearch (dot com) (slash)wp-content(slash)uploads(slash)1200a1 Trump and the Mueller Investigation (dot) pdf
You mean the one that didn't happen?
So, you literally cannot come up with anything?
>WaPo article
>OP hides the poll source
Gas yourself nigger
I get what you're trying to say and why, but reading the source yourself. I ain't saying you're wrong/right but what exactly do you dispute in the press release? sweaty. Leftniggers are just using our poll spin tactics. Trump has overwhelming support among Americans. You will see that come November 2018 & 2020. You will see him go from 62,000,000 votes to 70,000,000. I guarantee it. Screenshot this
I will screenshot it, just so I can use it to laugh at you in November.
>maybe if we all just keep saying everyone hates him it will magically come true
Meanwhile in reality
That's a good joke.