A 15% flat tax on all your income, why would that not be perfect?

Flat tax on everything from dividends to capital gains to income from work to income from inheritance. Essentially everything you make in a year, you tax with 15%. No exemptions, no tax credits, no mortgage interest deductions, no kid allowances etc.

How would that not be perfect?

Attached: 1.jpg (1000x1500, 264K)

jews would never go for it

Flat tax is superior however as long as mouthbreathers believe that more money in the budget = better tax policy it simply won't be introduced.

>income from inheritance.

Great, tax income that has already been taxed. Nice...

Government already quadruple dips might as well double dip into it to finally fuck people in the ass.

Taxes are objectively theft.

Ancaps are objectively retarded.


Attached: 1489896907198.jpg (475x628, 54K)

I'll shoot you for that.


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>inheritance tax
How about a post-dumb-shit-on-Jow Forums tax?

>How would that not be perfect?
Huge revenue gaps

gib Belorussian qt

Attached: gib.jpg (778x512, 41K)

better yet. zero income tax. 10% consumption tax.

that would drastically reduce our federal budget

how the hell are you going to make up for the revenue shortfall

Because business would actually have to pay tax and reeee hard at government for exemptions


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stop helping the rich you fucking idiots

Attached: zuck.jpg (480x360, 17K)

shrink the government. almost everything can be automated now. no more public sector leeches.

>muh tax rate
I refuse to pay any taxes while there are niggers in my country

Who is that girl? Is she riced?

>shrink the government. almost everything can be automated now. no more public sector leeches.
you do realise almost most your spending is not goverment spending but transfers such as welfare and pensions and health insurance

Yeah, its engineers and surgeons pulling $250k/y that are fucking you over

there should be 0% income tax on all money a citizen makes up to a certain amount and then a flat tax on all money made beyond that
it's more important for the poorest to afford basic necessities than to pay taxes

pensions should not even exist in this day and age also welfare should not exist at all. survival of the fittest is nature's law

>survival of the fittest is nature's law
except inherited wealth means not all are on a level playing field to compete

life is not fair, deal with it.

We need to replace all taxes with a single tax on land values. A land value tax is the only kind of tax that has zero deadweight loss. All other taxes reduce total economic activity, wealth and employment.

Attached: LVT Will Save You(1).jpg (1437x908, 375K)

>welfare should not exist at all
i think some welfare for people who get into shitty situations by simple circumstance is perfectly fine
like a veteran who gets his legs blown off, or just someone with a long career losing their job because that company happens to go bankrupt or something

Survival of the fittest is not about the the individual, but his genes. A family shares its genes. The individual is not a separate entity out of nowhere, it's an extension an extension of that family. Just like your arm is not a separate entity from you.

>life is not fair, deal with it.
then you are not having survival of the fittest it just means those who are degenerate yet inherit will succeed while others who are not will fail

what do you think good genes are?

no, that is what family and friends are for. if for some reason a person has neither, they are most likely a piece of shit. as for losing a job, someone that cannot save and plan for their own future is an idiot that does not deserve anyhing. everyone should have at minimum 6+ months worth of savings to cover all expenses.

all it means is that wealth will continue to concentrate in the hands of jews because when r>g and the rate of return on captial is higher than the growth of the economy then labour will continue to have a shrinking share of national income and inequality and monopoly will form

You have two children, your children inherit half of your fortunes each. Almost all fortunes dilute in few generations to nothingness. There are very few exceptions to this rule.

>all people that inherit wealth are billionaire jews
stop being so retarded

you have a simplified view of the world

do you not know how the animal kingdom works? get rid of the brainwashing you have about fairness and all of that bs. nobody owes anybody else anything, not even opportunities.

Fuck that much a tax increase. I already live in one of if not THE highest taxed state in the US and ours isn't even that high. Fuck right off.

>get rid of the brainwashing you have about fairness and all of that bs.
Why would any human want to get rid of the precise thing that separates him from the rest of animals? We have rules, duties, laws and justice, because those are what allow us to advance and dominate nature instead of being dominated by it.

i paired it down to natural laws that can be seen i the animal kingdom. life is actually pretty simple without all the added mores and values that everyone is conditioned to believe.

You're retarded.

If you make 100 million € a year and pay 90% tax on it are you going to tell me that you're "poor" because you "only make 10 million € a year?

civilization is beyond the natural rules you fucking moron
for example, it is built on monogamy, not hypergamy, whereas in the wild you taking a harem will only be good for the species

if you make 100 million a year and are taxed 90%, you move and your country can't tax you a dime anymore

false, humans have dominated animals without all of the rules that restrict mankind. the rules were made by the elites to control the masses from killing them and taking their wealth. everyone has been instilled a fear to take what they want. it is not natural.

If you try to take 90 % of a millionaire's income, you will soon notice that you won't have any millionaires left. When you look at your neighbor, who only takes 80 % of their income, you'll notice that they seem to have a lot of your former millionaires. And then some clever country decides to tax only 5 %, and soon they'll be the only ones making money out of millionaires.

How you gonna pay for my kids n shieet wit only 15%?

>the rules were made by the elites to control the masses from killing them
the rules were never made, they organically formed as society did when we went from hunters and gatherers to an agrarian civilization
you're a fucking idiot that has no idea about the foundations of society yet you speak as if you do

That's just so retarded that I really don't even bother arguing with you. I'd be content with embracing your anarchy for the split second that it takes to shoot you, and then I'll be free to return to civilization.

hunter and gatherer societies did not have all of the conditions and rules that everyone abides by today. there are societies still that live a much simpler life with less crime, but harsher punishments. rules are created to protect the people with power, not to benefit the poor or slave class.

you are naive and know nothing of power structures and control systems to spout that

It was income to different person on previous time.


>rules are created to protect the people with power
this is the type of shit a child says to its parents

Parents and children are not really different people. They are so closely connected that a parent would die to see his child survive. Parents work and sacrifice for their children, because they share their genes. It is a continuum. The smallest unit of human existence is not an individual, it's a family.

I'd fine her a 15% flat tax. (:

>if you make 100 million a year and are taxed 90%, you move and your country can't tax you a dime anymore
Irrelevant to the point:
The "Flat tax" meme has nothing to do with the "fairness of taxing" or "equal impact of taxing" or any such thing. If you're taxed 90% on 100 dollars you're fucked. If you're taxed 90 % on 100 million you're still fucking rich.

>If you try to take 90 % of a millionaire's income, you will soon notice that you won't have any millionaires left. When you look at your neighbor, who only takes 80 % of their income, you'll notice that they seem to have a lot of your former millionaires. And then some clever country decides to tax only 5 %, and soon they'll be the only ones making money out of millionaires.

Again, I COMPLETELY accept that millionaires will have the means and very likely also the will to leave. But it's irrelevant to the point about flat tax.

I don't want to overtax, but flat tax is still retarded.

This. Nothing like getting left a house and not being able to pay the tax.

Bullshit. You are legally different person. Should your parents, siblings and others be punished if you commit a crime?


it's not income at all
let's say i'm a rich man at age 90 and i've saved up a bunch of money
now i want to give away my money to my children. i give away all my money and i have to pay nothing in taxes. it is just a gift anyway

now let's say before i manage to give it away, i die. all of a sudden a part of this money goes away in taxes.
why? how does this make a lick of sense?

that's rape user

Absolutely irrelevant to any question about philosophy.
>Should your parents, siblings and others be punished if you commit a crime?
Maybe they should.

A family might consist of individuals, but they are too closely connected to be considered separate. Otherwise the concept of family wouldn't exist. Otherwise parents wouldn't care whose child they pick up from the daycare. A mother wouldn't bother feeding her child and a father wouldn't bother providing for the family. But we do such things, because we are closely related genetically. We are not atomized individuals, no matter how much you rage against the concept of a group. No matter how indoctrinated you are, you are not really alone.

I dont understand why you wouldn't want millionaires to pay higher tax

what the fuck does guilt have to do with taxation?

it depends how high your taxation is and how attractive your country
if you tax the rich too high, they'll leave and you won't be able to tax them at all
it doesn't matter how much you hate the rich, they still generate income while they're in your country and pay for the social programs you use to help the poor

No, because 15% of a working class salary means more to someone than 15% means to someone that earns £200,000 a year, raise taxes on the wealthy not to extortionate degrees but their tax percentage should be higher to pay for social programs, infrastructure, and the military, we need to fund a white birth program, we need beautiful schools and other government buildings, we need powerful militaries, we need a healthy people and a healthy environment. Fuck off, libertarian retard.

Because none of the things that you listed should be taxed.

Rich people can always move abroad and pay their taxes elsewhere if you try to tax them too much. Poor folks don't have such a luxury and when the rich are gone the poor will have to suffer the brunt of taxation once again and most likely taxes will have to go up to account for the deficit left by the rich who fled the country. 10% of 100 millions is still 10 million paid by the rich. It's preferable than nothing if they are chased away.

Also some people don't seem to understand that "rich people" with hoarded wealth are a detriment to the economy. So what if they leave? A healthy economy has nothing to do with people having money in the bank, it has to do with how much of that money is actually spent and invested. If someone has shittons of money in the bank, not being spent or invested then jobs aren't being created, people aren't given salaries, opportunities to work, opportunities to consume and generate new jobs. Money is like blood, it needs to circulate.

In reality however, money in the bank is spent by the bank on pumping up stock prices, housing markets and financial derivatives in order to generate more money in the bank siphoned from other banks doing the same thing, all with money created through debt slavery.

It is NOT going to fund new start-ups, research or create jobs.

Essentially... if rich people DON'T want to be taxed, they simply have to spend and invest the money back into the economy in a proper way. More employees, more projects. That's it. If they did that, there'd be very little need for tax.

>1simple tax
What a fucking dumb idea how the flying fucks can I get rich off government contracts if they don't bleed wagies to bloat my budget?

Engineers don't make $250,000 annually. Also, when you have $250,000 you can afford higher taxes than someone that makes $40,000.

>hoarded wealth
why would you punish people for saving for retirement?
do you want people to work until they die?

what about capital like money in the bank / you rhouse? property tax?

>Engineers don't make $250,000 annually
I hope you don't think they make less than that

>if you make 100 million a year and are taxed 90%, you move and your country can't tax you a dime anymore
If you move away from your business, there is good chance that your income tied to location of your business.

>now i want to give away my money to my children. i give away all my money and i have to pay nothing in taxes. it is just a gift anyway
Most countries tax substantial gifts. In some countries inheritance/estate tax and gift taxes are covered by same sections of tax code and have to prevent avoiding inheritance/estate tax by gifting it all to inheritors before kicking the bucket.

Plenty to do with that other Finns claim that family is smallest unit in society instead of individual.

Do you think retirement savings of mere mortals matter in the great scheme of things?

When we're talking about hoarded wealth we're talking about small groups of institutions and individuals who hoard more wealth than they even know what to do with. Billions and billions of dollars.

Not your meager baby boomer million dollar.

They do, but it was just an example
>they can afford to pay more
And they will be paying more. 15% of 200k is much more than 15% of 50k. The point is though that crying about high income earners is fucking retarded while we have large business pay fuck all by comparison.

and yet its the baby boomers paying the bulk of the taxes

Hahah lol

i'm saying that in context of the post by the norwegian

Income tax is for niggers. Productive efforts should not be taxed. It is laziness that should be taxed. Switch to a pure land tax. And I don't mean a property tax - a land tax. Hence if you improve your property, convert it to an apartment complex, a farm, a business, you pay nothing more than the valuation of the land underneath it.

Don't be a nigger and tax production. Be a white man and tax niggers who just hold land and do nothing with it.

Indeed. The 'real' hoarders move their money to tax havens, hidden accounts, hoard their money in tax beneficial assets like property, etc. etc.

These people are the real cancer and so if they're taxed, there really is no reason to feel sorry for them. They had one moral obligation, to reinvest money. Failing that, there is NO CHOICE but to tax. Well there is a another choice, it's to print money which in effect is a flat tax. Which means it affects poor people more than rich.

What do you exactly think hoarded wealth is? Do you think that a number in some pensioner's back account matters to the economy? It doesn't. All of the resources that number represents are constantly moving and doing work. In reality, people who hoard wealth could physically not spend all of their wealth, if they suddenly tried to, because the resources don't really exist to match for that money. This is because banks don't have to be ready to actually give the pensioner's their money, since most of them are content to let it 'sit'. In truth, banks already use that money to its full extent.

Anyone making 100 million a year, no matter in which country he lives, pays taxes less than 10 percent of that, likely way lower even. Simply because those 100 million will be in shares or this person’s business or in investments. Those will be held indirectly and no capital gains will be realized. Any gains realized will be “taxed” in some tax haven where you pay 0 percent tax.

Because millinonaires already pay way lower taxes than working class people. Some billionaire in Germany pays probably 3-5 percent in taxes a year on his net wealth gain, while some guy making 70k being a self-employed plumber working 50hrs a week pays a 40 percent tax on that.

I know, and I made the same argument when I was a libertardian teen, but those who earn 200,000 of whatever currency can afford to pay a higher percentage of their wages than someone who earns 20,000. Someone who earns 200,000 could pay 40% income tax and still be left with $120,000 which is a good chunk of money, enough to live more than comfortably on, where as someone who earns $20,000 a year should contribute but less of the burden should be put on them, it is about placing burden. I support raising taxes on corporations, however it is important that they continue to operate in the country because they provide employment, that is why they pay less taxes than citizens, but I see where you are coming from.

Until central banks, like the Jew-owned FED, the BoE, Euro central bank are busted up and banned and nations go back to printing interest and debt-free currency, nothing will change.

Attached: FED1.jpg (600x600, 76K)

>40 percent tax on that.
In direct taxes. But then he also gets taxed, whenever he buys stuff. In Finland you get taxed for owning a property, for owning a car, for owning a summer cottage etc. etc. etc. If we sum it all up, you probably end up paying close to 90 % of your wealth in taxes in Finland. That kind of ridiculous tax percentage involves all sorts of crazy bureaucracy, so much of that ostensibly ridiculous tax income is lost completely in massive army of bureaucrats and who knows what.

>when i was a lolbertarian
I was never a libertarian. The fact remains that you're punishing an individual for filling an important role.
>corperate cocksucking

So if you work hard to leave something behind for your children that means its wrong? I'm sorry that ur boomer parents are such cunts.

Taxes must be in brackets
Up to 10.000 10%
10k to 25k 20%
25k to 35k 30%
From 35k 40%

That's because a billionaire will use profits to employ another person in yet another money making venture.
The plumber will buy an X box or a flashier car.
He is the end consumer and spends a higher proportion of his income on luxuries and throw aways. Even though the billionaire buys and has better luxuries more often than not the percentage spent on them is far lower.
I thought you Germans were supposed to be smart

>money is an evolutionary reward
This is what judaism does to your brain

I wasn’t taking about VAT, but solely about direct taxes on income. With VAT applied, the plumber pays 50 percent and more on his income in taxes while the billionaire remains at 3-5 percent.

>we should not tax the main enforcers of globo homo

Because this would never apply to companies, which are by far a better tax base than plebs

I'm talking about the principal of fairness from a theoretically perspective, I'm fine inheriting over-inflated real estate from my parents

>So if you work hard to leave something behind for your children that means its wrong?
This mentality would explain, why so many consider nationalists evil and why our leaders so willingly sacrifice our countries on the altar of multiculturalism. If there's no connection between the parent and the child, things like nationalism and inheritance truly do become meaningless.

Negative tax is best tax

>money disappears when a poor person spends it, but creates jobs when rich person does the same