IF climate change is real, how could we hypothetically "fix" it Jow Forums

IF climate change is real, how could we hypothetically "fix" it Jow Forums
>inb4 thanos snaps his fingers and half of us disappear

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plant more trees.

i said the same thing but "apparently" the deforestation is happening a lot quicker than the trees can grow

The best idea is 'enhanced weathering' where certain rocks are pulverized and spread around because they sequester carbon. It's very energy efficient because the chemical reaction of the minerals converting to a lower entrophic state as carbonates does 90% of the work.

The reason nobody is doing it is because climate change is a hoax and the governments don't want people doing something as retarded as pointlessly crushing rocks.

saging desu
make thread that just asks how to fix it

>how could we hypothetically "fix" it Jow Forums
So far nothing has worked because any type of global committee is lobbied and in part owned by the same organizations who pollute. Take major political power players like the EU who heavily rely on shipping and imports, which pollutes even more and the fact that they outsourced all industries to a country with extremely lose regulations and has thus far given them the free reigns in terms of emissions quotas until 2024 (i think this was the date).
The pollution is also increasing because the amount of people is increasing, and there is no will "politically" to turn this trend around because they generate consumers "they believe they do".

I think more protectionism would be beneficial because it would force countries to deal with the local effects of climate change it would also help hold politicians responsible for national economical matters, which they currently take no responsibility for. It would also give a sober estimation on how many excess humans now exist in every respective country, which are never going to find work or contribute in any meaningful way, a reality caused by the fake sympathy present in current politics.

There is no incentive to change anything at the moment because the elites are not affected as much as the rest of us will be in the coming years, so unless they are immediately in danger they will contribute to the decline of the globe.

in short the left and green parties have been couped and they function as a control mechanism to prevent any type of action against corporations.

we don't answer hypotheticals here

We'll evolve and adapt. Any case the earth is almost certainly alive and adapting to us at the same time

>We'll evolve and adapt
no, not at this rate of human expansion

Fix Indonesia, Africa, India, and China. Those 4 regions contribute the most to environmental harm.

>inb4 Thanos

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we're already far too many, incidentally most of the consumer pollution comes from the parts of the world where the number of people expands the most, Africa and Asia.

What is it with humans wanting to fix everything that is normal, natural and happens all the time?


how do we make it worse, you mean?

Open your fridge more often


The rate of human expansion is anything but normal.
If we agree that normal and not normal are human concepts. Then the artificial production of food needed to keep the current amount of people alive is already on the extreme opposite of that scale.

What are you talking about? With the food produced today you could supply roughly 12 billion people.
Are you implying that we are going to kill this planet or something? Because the only thing we can kill is ourselves. Nature was here long before us and it will be here long after we are extinct

Yeah, like cancer and polio, and not being able to fly or see shit when it's dark.... also, getting eaten by bears and not being able to get from one place to another in under a week

Yeah, people need to stop trying to fix things that are natural

1. Invest in Gen IV Nuclear, especially LFTR, and deploy GEN III heavy-water reactors as a stop-gap in the meantime.
2. R&D Carbon capture tech + Reforestation

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I didn't say they should stop.

I'm talking about biodiversity and pollution in general.
Unless the number of people on this planet is severely reduced we can say goodbye to a lot species of plants, animals and entire ecosystems which will be used to sustain the growing rate of human population instead!

Got to walk my dog
nice discussion

Of course climate change is real. No one can deny that.

The question is if it's human made. Most of it is probably natural.

Okay if you really wanna hear a sollution this guy Made a point. If you fix illnesses and advance in science you're gonna have overpopulation and lots of pollution and trash. So just stop fixing things and go back to nature

>fixing the climate dictated by the Sun
>he wants an economic environmental solution consensus that involves China, India, Africa, the US and EU
>he thinks everyone wants it fixed
>he thinks it can be done financially feasibly and yet deliver environmental results in a timely manner


The US continues to be a net exporter and consumer of fossil fuels. Europe would sooner impose tariffs on solar energy. India and China are impoverished and will never agree to anything that poses an economic threat to regime survival. Its been 20 years since Kyoto and emissions have only grown. Demonstrating that any emissions reduction scheme is ineffective and focuses international energy on the wrong issues.

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Modern rates of food production are totally unsustainable. it relies on mined phosphorous/ potash and feedstock and energy from the oil and natural gas. Also agriculture is increasingly relying on groudnwater from non-renewable fossil aquifers. Everything gets washed out to sea.

Phosphorous scarcity is probably the most serious issue. It gets mined, processed for fertilizer then promptly washed out to sea. We essentially mine our food.

I know. The craziest thing is that we throw away most of our food.

>mine food
And remember for a good few years the greenies were and still are peddling the bullshit that is ethanol biofuels. The bullshit with (((organic))) farming is they use iinefficient production methods produce the food charged at a premium.

China traditionally was a net surplus food producer (its why they could field a zerg army), a change in climate, bad harvest or economic downturn and the peasants revolt from overtaxation and lack of food. Even in today's environment of relative peace and prosperity, China is IMPORTING food. Imagine in a time of economic scarcity. China isn't buying the world to conquer it, its buying it to feed the zerg army as a matter of regime survival. The whole thing is a humanitarian timebomb.

Remember there were FOOD RIOTS a few years ago and giant food scare because phosphorus speculation was that there was an imminent shortage and countries started hoarding food.

If we could warm the planet we'd actually be retarded not to.

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>Phosphorous scarcity
Maybe it's one potential global catastrophe I've subconsciously tried not to learn about, but this is new to me. Got any good articles you'd recommend to better explain it? I found this:

SRM (solar radiation management)
This is literally certain to happen because none of the other solutions are so easy, even though this will break rain patterns and destroy agriculture in certain regions like India

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Ethanol and biofuels are the result of price controls governments place on grain. Like a subsidy, they buy any surplus grain to keep prices above a certain level so farmers don't go bankrupt selling grain at a loss. Almost every country in the world does this.

So, long time ago they used to just dump the excess grain they purchased into the ocean, or burn it, but naturally everyone hated that. So then they started to give it away to places like Africa and we all know how that turned out. So now they mostly try to use the surplus to make fuel.

I remember murrikkkans went balls-deep with biofuels,because of high oil prices. As a result they had food riots in Mexico because of corn shortages so they had to scale it back.

Anyways, yeah the food situation is fucked and it'll be the poorer countries to get hit the hardest and naturally they'll all come here to eat our food. There is nothing that can be done about this either, unless they develop unlimited energy sources like fusion and they can try to extract feedstock from the oceans or something. This probably isn't possible, though.

Yeah, it's difficult to control waste, even in starving countries they waste most of their food. Germany at least encourages composting to recover the phosphorous and whatnot but it's really just a token gesture.

Google is your friend.

Main topics are food security and production and phosphorous shortage.

>soon we will all have (((real communism)))
No fud much benis :DDDDD

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Best way is just to have your own garden and use all your waste for compost

Depopulation and reforestation. While we're at it, we can refertilize the soil and end our dependency upon the pesticides that poison us.

>inb4 thanos snaps his fingers and half of us disappear

Wouldn't unironically do shit about climate change. Though it would probably halt a big portion of other shit the third world likes to dump in the seas and the earth.

The people in shithole countries would fill the void by breeding like cockroaches in 20 years.
