Why do you think leftists constantly push for wars abroad?

Why do you think leftists constantly push for wars abroad?

Attached: jewswantwar.png (308x364, 92K)

While they are also spreading fake news. South Koreans don't want the military drills to happen.

wars are a way to kill a bunch of masculine white men without having to rely on the pussified antifa cucks

Trump is the only president in decades to not start a war or worsen one greatly.

The media can't label Trump as a warmonger when their saint Obama has the blood of toppling Gaddafi, arming terrorist groups in Syria, etc under his belt so they have to pretend like Trump is on the verge of war 24/7 to compensate.

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This. They can't use their tired ass talking points if he isn't a warmonger. They wanna say "drumph lied people died" sooo bad


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Those are big poo or arab tits.

Why do Trump-tards always tell outrageous lies and think everyone is dumb enough to believe them?

Because war is the health of the state. Government always gives itself additional powers and more of our money during times of war.

to his defense, Obama did not want these wars, but he was too weak to say no to deep state war establishment.


because they're bad people.

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Why do you think we’ve been fighting in the middle east? Its not because of 9/11 its not to seize their oil, its really a war on homophobes.

Also a war on misogynists. .

Theyre liberal wars. Killing farmers for their backwards beliefs.

>the right doesn't also constantly push for wars abroad
This board has become fucking delusional.

First thing he did was increasing military help to Saudi Arabia against Yemen. he bombed Syria several times and now pushing for a war with Iran, threatened them along NK of direct conflict. But he's still a dove somehow for you cucktards

When policy stops mattering at all and it just becomes a cold war between different sections of society, your country is in trouble.

They did post an article on race realism once that was hinting that different races have different average IQs so they redeemed themselves a lot in my eyes with that.

What are those green things in the background?

Because all goyim must die

what is the military industrial complex for 500, alex

Its some sort of deployed smoke. Not sure of the purpose. Maybe to obstruct vision on landing craft still on the way in?

>bombed syria
>missile strikes an empty airbase that got repaired in a day

It looks like UFOs, how they all form discs

Because their whole ideology revolves around correcting people who are “wrong” but because they are weak people, they send others to do it. And their goldfish memory ensures they are easily manipulated into furthering the global agenda no matter how many times Iraq and Libya happens.

>sent in the military and established bases in the SDF held areas.

yeah the smoke forms rings that hang around. Maybe its to provide cover from aircraft attacks actually.

Attached: landing.jpg (3000x1592, 1.02M)

This kind of shit is why, as an ancap, I'd sooner side with socialist libertarians than liberals. Jews are incapable of honesty.

That's pretty cool
It confused the heck out of me forst seeing it

Dark rings and white smoke.
Id say the dark rings are meant as decoy targets. The rings are the same colour as the landing craft.