pic related. discuss if you find it interesting.
this is relevant to Jow Forums because its politically incorrect to say bad things about chinks and gooks, even though they aren't as protected as blacks, muslims and mexicans.
Careerist Roastie Hates Chinks
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She is absolutely correct. Fuck the Chinese, they're like cockroaches.
>A khazar jew calls out the chinks...
She said nothing wrong, based and redpilled.
Also fuck chinks and gooks, they are snobby and rude. I make sure to let the door hit them on the way out.
They don't cause street crime, violent crime, but they fuck us over in other ways. In the end, they are an alien people who do not belong or fit in here. They have their own countries. We are rapidly losing ours. That said, Asian girls with sweet personalities can stay and breed with us.
>kikes BTFO
Driving like an Asian is not about cutting in front of you.
Driving like an Asian usually involves the death of pedestrians.
Soulless, materialistic cunts.
Chinks and roasties.
LUL jews are getting enriched. Hope the chinks and japanese, koreans, indians and christian arabs will outjew the jew.