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Whats happened to terry?

he died.

RIP Sweet Prince
he was one of us

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There are no CIA niggers in heaven.

RIP Kevin Nealon

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It says that he died from (((an apparent hiking accident))).

Terry was a CIA nigger all along guise

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RIP Daniel. You were great in Last of the Mohicans. You will be missed.

It's not fair. It's not fair goddammit, his work wasn't done!!

Fake and gay. Terry lives.

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Cant help but notice [citation needed]. Hope this is fake.

Davis died on August 30, 2018 in an apparent hiking accident.[citation needed]

No, this guy never even went hiking

>It says that he died from (((an apparent hiking accident))).

Hiking? Hitchhiking to Heaven more like.

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And now the CIA niggers are coming for us.

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He never hikes, he only goes to 3 places, just outside his house and sits on the ground while he watches the locals, the store and at home.

Its some faggot with a shitty youtube channel that wants to rid on terrys dick by faking his death/ doing his own live stream of Terrys past stuff because Terry cant provide him constant content to upload. He is a brit fag and needs to be stabbed to death.

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This is probably a psyop by that giant hambeast
Thats what I am telling myself anyway, legitimately cut over this

what in the fuck who was snooping on our Terry?

where is the original so I can shoop it with a gigantic black cock?

Some cunt was posting live memorial service with paypal for himself earlier, if this is true then the idiot has made an enemy out of a lot of anonymous people

You obviously haven't been following his journey across America the past few months when he ragequit his parent's house

How is this political?

Fo real my nigga? did the CIAnigras got him?

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How are you not a newfag?

kek hope you're finally at peace at the big Butchers in the sky, Bill

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Its a vid he posted for his oneitis.

What so special about this guy?
Just wondering, I've seen some of his videos but am a brainlet so I don't know
Can someone redpill me?

Cianigger detected

Use to be a talented programmer but had a bipolar/schizophrenia episode and has been retarded ever since, surprisingly he is still able to retain the intellect to still be able to code.

Poor badstard
Hope it ain't true

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We couldn't let is OS catch on in the wild
small work for such a elusive chap

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cancer kys

Created the one true OS

He wrote his own operating system from scratch. Actually, it wasn't just "his own operating system", but it was God's Temple. God wanted to have a digital temple this time, so Terry built one for God and named it TempleOS. God's Temple is pure and clean, and the entire OS can be compressed to around 2 MiB. On that 2 MiB, there is among others a first person shooter, a flight simulator and a drawing program. It was written in God's programming language, HolyC, for which Terry wrote a compiler (Terry wrote his own compiler because he wasn't a stupid MIT nigger).

The love of his life betrayed him with a nigger (or so he's been told), and it went downhill pretty fast from there.

RIP Terry Davis

I wish him well he is good man from inside.

>be genius
>have breakdown
>god tells you to build the 3rd temple
>spend 10yrs creating templeOS
>lets you talk to god
>run over cianigger (thats what you do)
>get thrown out of parents house
>go on roadtrip posting vids from van


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Fucking hell, for a moment I thought that was Daniel Day-Lewis and I was like ''fuckkkkk nooo'' my favorite infidel actor just died. Fuck you OP for triggering my sympathy for dead infidels.

T'Erry D'Avisious

>The Third Temple is not political
spotted the no-brain nigger monkey

>glowing intensifies

It's true he was literally up there with Linus Torvalds and Richard Stallman, Jow Forums would have looked up to him but his shitty genetics killed his entire life

I'm trying to find the shit about him being a genius programmer before the breakdown

Ayo, I never axed fo' dis

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That's kind of a pre-requisite for being able to program your own OS from scratch in the first place.

so much glowing on this thread, you would think it's a radioactive mine

He wrote a compiler. He wrote a fucking compiler.

You must be part of the nigger cattle

These niggas bleed different, we don’t bleed, we make niggas bleed, blood.

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he's the only person who ever wrote a complete operating system from scratch.

watch Metokur's video on him. it's in the 'internet insanity'-series.

He also created his own programming language which is based off C+ or someshit.

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Fuck eceleb trash like that
Calling the man insane for views and doing nothing but lifting Jow Forums rhetoric like the rest of the opportunistic trash
Terry was something else

Oh no!

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Fuck Jim, he failed to capitalize on his momentum years ago and now he subsists by trying to attack fucking TERRY?

Literal human garbage. I aeriously hope he hangs himself.

Terry just currently homeless you guys

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the video claiming his death is logged in as Terry.
fake account, fake news.

i don't think he's dead

sounds like one of those pranks that Jow Forums used to run, claiming X celebrity has died

>cia phonephoster trying to spread fake news


I gave him $HH not long ago...

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>he's the only person who ever wrote a complete operating system from scratch.
I doubt it but he's a smart guy no doubt.

He literally built an Operating System to worship Allah. Definitely going straight to Jannah

R.I.P. Q
You will be missed, but your legacy will be continued by the anonymoose army.

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This news is from a thread on Jow Forums with no confirmation, with a snapshot of a twitter post, of a snapshot of an unconfirmed facebook post of his family members.

I'm sure Terry is alive and well. Please don't harass his family, they be good people.

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>He literally built an Operating System to worship Allah
Fuck off nigger, TempleOS was a tribute to the one true God

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I wouldn't be 100% sure about this, it may have been a discordfag/impersonator faking his death.

cia glowniggers hacking your cpu with gay porn

are there any evidence for his death?

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CIA Niggas iffy, uh, PC got the stiffy, uh
Got the system, uh, usb sticky it holds fifty, uh

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this reminds me of the Pharaoh Show guy

Memes never die

>>get thrown out of parents house
but can they do this?is it legal to kick a mental ill person out of the house?

Jesus, what a fucking faggot. Please stop shilling for this retard. Nobody likes him/her.

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I'm actually starting to think my skepticism was wrong..... I think Terry actually died...
I will never get to watch another livestream of his, or see him work on Temple OS....

This, all his old content is conveniently gone.
Almost in prep of some memorial livestreams.

Kill yourself slowly you glow in the dark cunt

wtf? this is actually really sad


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fake news

>that one livestream where someone sent Terry that (WE WANT YOUR SOUL) song
>he gets infuriated and types an essays worth of shit talk & threats in the CIA/FBI email contact/tips page

>be a leaf
>be retarded as fuck
>believe any nonsense you hear
yeah it checks out

God never asked for this.

>you think I'll enjoy nigger cattle when I had space alien? What are you, crazy? I've got a fucking space alien
Preach Terry. Who would want nigger cattle if they had space alien? It would be retarded.

Dude, it's real... I checked the facebook... all his family members are sharing the memorial

No shekels for your weeb faggot spic rapper.

seen this, but not sure if real, hope it's faked

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>trying to shame Terry because he likes a wank

Begone with haste.

im sure you did.................... got a link, faggot? and yes, just paste the .com/part not what comes before.

Goodbye faggot.

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silly nigguh detected


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