So I have a friend who ends up wanting fuck tons of source documentation
He's a believer that blacks are victim of systematic oppression and "the man" doesn't treat them fairly because they get longer sentences in comparison to whites with "the same priors"
"They are arrested for crimes they didn't commit at 7x the likelihood of whites"
My response to that is- if they are arrested 7x for crimes they didn't commit it's just spillage from the variance in the more crime they commit as a whole...
If you're 12x more likely to be killed by a black than a white, then it's likely you'll have extra innocent people locked up because of volume discrepancies...
>Whites evolved in the caucus mountains, our lower IQ died out from lack of planning skills, which is why our IQ bell curve is higher on the list than blacks by a deviation
Is this incorrect? (That's my rough understanding)
All I could find for old source material was cranial capacity studied on Wikipedia
Any legit source material/links that could be shared would be greatly appreciated
Regarding Crime : The page has a pdf link. It covers all the topics you mentioned. For example victimization reports and hospitalization data suggest black people are arrested at the same proportion they commit crimes. You argument then follows. If they commit 7x the crime per capita, and are arrested at 7x the rate and the portion of arrests that are false is constant. Then they will be falsely arrested 7 times as much. That is just common sense. If you have 1000 white people and 1000 black people and 1 in 10 arrests are wrong and you arrest 10 white people and 70 black then on average you arrested 1 white person who didn't commit the crime and 7 black people who didn't commit the crime. In a way you friend is acknowledging that they commit crime at a higher rate.
For IQ stuff you can dig around here : How the IQ Difference arose is almost purely speculative. The "Colder Weather" theory has a number of proponents but I don't think the cause is really worth worrying about. There are more than enough people denying that it exists to worry about that.
Some of the most condemning evidence for both black crime and black IQ are they fact that they are consistently bad weather they are in the US, Britain, or any western country. Also twin studies are pretty great. Also the fact that mixed race people's IQ are almost exactly linear interpolations of the two parents race's IQs.
To deny these claims is to believe evolution only acts below the neck.
Joseph Powell
When we send 30 million illegal beaners back America will be over 80% white again.
Glad you posted this thread. For the past few months I've been living with a literal basedboy. The guy is an ethical vegan (trashes people who are vegan/vegetarian for health reasons).
He is a huge believer in institutional causes being the reasons for all the woes of non-whites.
The thing is, when we talk he has very reasonable arguments and tries to push the "empathy" angle, the fact that because we are both middle class white males, we simply can't understand the plight of the disenfranchised minority.
It's tough to argue this besides the classic Ben Shapiro argument of "show me an institution that is racist and we will take it down together".
I mean I think we can all agree that for a century blacks were enslaved and had no rights, so why is it so hard to believe that this is the cause of the high crime rates/poverty rates of African Americans?