I have a plan

there is the kid in my class who is the biggest asshole ever, he's also cringy as fuck his facebook is Tom Hukins you don't have to BUT if you want to you can troll that cunt

Attached: download (8).jpg (227x222, 8K)

Oh fuck. I came to shit on you but those 8s

Shut up and go back to school retard


what is the pay? your mom or sisters pics?

> his facebook is Tom Hukins
You do realize there's probably about a thousand Tom Hukins on Facebook. Saged.

atleast our schools dont get shot up


> atleast our schools dont get shot up
Of course not. Kekistan is not a real nation.

i only saw two its the red head
riding the horse

then fuck off summer fag see you in 8 months

it's the kid riding the horse

Maybe it's time for you to fix that.



austraila is tho

>i have a plan
>thinks we're his personal army
fuck off

i said if you want to you nigger jew

that was close