>The Sun: British secret services, not Russia, assassinated Boris Berezovsky
>Athens 1944: Britain’s dirty secret
>The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill
>Politician suspected of child abuse 'would spend evenings with convicted paedophile'
Brit/pol/ - Scheduled for Demolition Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
What's the worstest spider you ever saw in Austrialia mate? I saw a picture of a white and yellow wolf spider from supposed to be from the Aussie desert. It was fucking terrifying.
u better not see any GUID poster itt. i swear on me mam
You sign up with your name at apple as "John Boomer". You post a picture with GUID apple generated. Now Apple had a Database that is "GUID | John Boomer" and a database "GUID | images posted by John Boomer". Apple can combine the two databases to Be GUID | John Boomer | images posted by John boomer".
Now the Apple code does a search for the GUID. It turns out it is Jow Forums/pol/. So now the database is "GUID | John Boomer | image posted by john boomer | John Boomer likes Jow Forums/pol/." A week later that same image is on ifukfurries.com and loveosmebbc.com. Apple code does a search and updates the database. "GUID | John Boomer | image posted by john boomer | John Boomer likes Jow Forums/pol/ | John Boomer fucks furries | John Boomer loves big black cocks" It does not stop there. There are 10 poor Apple users who replied to John Boomers first image and now there is a databaase of like minded people all of which are registered with Apple. So the database updates. Now the Database explodes with cross-referencing people. "GUID | John Boomer | image posted by john boomer | John Boomer likes Jow Forums/pol/ | John Boomer fucks furries | John Boomer loves big black cocks | 10 like-minded Apple users".
It gets dark in hurry now. When Apple tags Jow Forums/pol/ as a place of hate speech guess what happens? Apple has a database it can share with any other company interested in filtering out anyone who disagrees with the left ideology. People get fired, people get blacklisted from employment, students lose scholarships or get kicked out of colleges.
It was black and yellow sorry
Deserve it.
Miami firm has caused Millwall to forfeit their scheduled match, and they vow to come to Millwall to end the firm once and for all.
It's all fucking over. The Yanks have won. Miami F.C have claimed the South for themselves.
Thankfully I live out of the zone of those and Sydney funnel webs. Have these though.
Honestly I'm more worried about snakes, every snake in my state is tremendously venomous and I've had a few too many close calls.
Why does he record himself at such an odd distance? is he a unironic manlet?
My dad called the abortion referendum result in Ireland "progress". Wtf is wrong with 50 year-old boomers
stop updating the pastebin you mong
make the final version and then post it
they are the generation whose parents fought the nazis. nuff said
Brit/pol/ stands shoulder to shoulder with our Islamist allies.
How do you milk sheep?
Release a new iphone.
note the images that appear in the search results for the guid code.
the user who posted the guid image clicked those images and now they are associated with the user in multiple databases and begin to show in search results.
if your iphone is in a thread with guid images, it tells the database which ones it has seen.
by posting a salted guid image and having ACCESS to the right database, they can doxx you. they just have to post the pic and hope you click it, but that might not even be needed.
fuck off you nonce
saw something similar, a few of them just chilling on a bush outside of Sydney Zoo, about the size of a fist.
It is essentially finished user, and the only updates again have been minor like name changes and a few edits for readability's sake, big updates if there are any will be announced a few threads beforehand. again if you're ever in doubt of the version just search on the trip on archive. then again I keep posting the newest version quite consistently and answer any questions I get.
>supporting globohomo sexual morality
m8 this is brit/pol/
nobody fucking cares
Hospital parking fees now abolished in Wales.
i'll be here all day you little cocksucker
I'm not clicking that I nearly just threw up in my bin just hovering over it! What snakes have you got near you and what close calls did you get with them/?
Jesus christ. Did you vomit?
Start using Starcraft players to direct drone strikes.
Eastern brown snakes, black snakes and tiger snakes.
I've trod on a black snake and a brown snake before, and one time pissed on a tiger snake in the bush without realising.
The fastest times I've ever ran in my life were the times I trod on those snakes, when you feel something a little soft under your foot, look down and see them the adrenaline hits you instantly and you bolt without a single thought.
During the piss incident I saw it mid-piss and just froze. It wasn't happy about getting pissed on but it slithered away instead of entering an attack stance.
Thread theme.
This is the dataset we'll use to direct the right wing death squad AI along our streets.
Inbred crazy eyes
Holy shit. Are they just everywhere or what? We are lucky over here about stuff like that I guess.
quick run down on the lore between Norf F.C and Souf F.C
Nah, they're never in the cities and stay away from most of the suburbs unless it's super hot and they're looking for water. I just happen to go bushwalking/camping a moderate amount.
Inshallah may Allah direct them to victory on their Javascript Jihad.
Any of you mongrels doing any protests today? Saw four overweight people wearing user masks with placards and I thought about you all
someone post the thanos pasta for this user
thanos is based on chris langan
>the imam said any console but the Nintendo Switch is haram
Liverpool was like most fookin towns. Too many mouths, not enough benefits. When we faced the Hillsburracaust.. I offered a solution
Hooliganism, at random. Dispassionate. To Suvvern fairy cunt to posh London spacker alike..
With all the six sponsorships. I could simpleh snap my fingers, and Souf F.C - along with the Torehs would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.
When I'm done, half of Ingurland will still exist. Perfectleh balanced, as it propa shud be.
See loool
What are they protesting?
Where's the protest mate?
Their boards had "We demand the truth!" on them. I was going to go and talk to them but there were a few people taking pictures and laughing at them and I didn't want to get attributed to their faggotry. There was a guy with a Kekistan t-shirt in the same area as well, and idk if he was part of their group.
The South.
dhabihah is more humane that stunning
tbf to the Kekistani t-shirt guy he was pretty chill and sociable
Women choose to wear the niqah and that's their right. The right wing only pretends to care about women's rights when it suits them.
Reminder that these people are considered our bedfellows.
>you should't even be talking about women you fucking MALE
I'm not one for stereotyping. Never have been before and I'm not gonna start now, but these guys with placards were all bald/balding, wearing shorts, V for Vendetta masks and wearing black shirts. Plus, there were only four of them and they were standing in a very small square next to a really long queue for a shop.
I can tell you are racist because you never bring up child rape by WHITE MEN, they commit the most crimes statistically but all you ever do is complain about so called Muslim rape gangs.
What the fuck is THAT?
I'm never going camping in Australia ever.
>child rape by WHITE MEN, they commit the most crimes statistically but all you ever do is complain about so called Muslim rape gangs.
You have ANY of this you fucking shill!?
It's fine for Muslim men to speak for and chaperone their women they are just socially conservative at least they aren't racist? To be honest Islam has a lot of good points and its their culture. We are all Muslim.
I think he was joking.
He's probably still a shill though kek
brit fagot.
Still don’t see any counter arguments pffft
brit fagot
That's my line.
easy Francis, easy now
Why don't you model your wall on the white cliffs of dover ameribro?
>I can tell you are racist
>child rape by WHITE MEN
>so called Muslim rape gangs
would cost too much. personally I dont think we even need a wall, an armed 24/7 drone patrol controlled by AI and programmed to shot spics on sight would be more cost effective
Cheers lads, take this
ah traed tah tell ya about muslamic ray gans but ya dint believe me
ya called me a fookin chav
ya called me a fookin low braw coont
ya fookin laughed alon' with this suvvern coont insted.
ya cud've prevented this
ya shud've lissend, mate.
You make a convincing argument. But I can't help but feel automated drone patrols lack the aesthetics that medieval battlements manned by archers would have.
Amen. Im all about that machicolation life
Boiling tar poured on Mexicans?
I think you might be on to something
>amazon doesn't even list child brides
This is khilaf before the prophet (pbuh)
apparently this shit is just as complicated as game of thrones
where's your complaining license?
It is Allah's will that Github joins us in holy jihad against the kufar al-jahl in the house of war. Inshallah my brothers.
>When I was 13 I longed for a simple life. To be anonymous, to look like everyone else around me. To pass one day without being reminded of my skin or my scarf. So there I was, Iraqi by heart, British by upbringing.
>Instead of telling the foreigners to assimilate, Britain, you should take a long hard look at yourself. Because participation does not bring minorities acceptance.
>In order to achieve harmony in Britain's multicultural landscape, it's not immigrants who need to integrate, it's the white majority. Until the majority stops treating people of colour like a curiosity for their entertainment, the country will be stuck in an existential crisis in which British children grow up as outsiders.
This is a pretty good meme.
>tfw I've given up personal ambition and just want to see the forces of evil vanquished
5'2 tops
Imagine moving to another country then telling them to change
Not a lefty but even you can see the irony in that comment right?
Would be good banter, great irony considering how the cartel were flooding the US with black tar heroin.
henlo.... fren ? r u cat ?
This is one of the most spectacular animals I have ever seen.
Mi5 doesn't understand irony.
OC I made way back when, lucky I could still remember the filename for the archives as I deleted all my Jow Forums folders last year sometime
all megaliths were built using mammoths to pull the stones
prove me wrong 2bh i dont think you can
>inb4 advanced pulley rope system
No. Mammoths.
You know what you do with a wombat, don't you?
Damn I actually made this back in 2016 found one of my posts telling people to vote leave during brexit lol, I found a better one with more people on the roof too lol
that isnt a wombat
Well fuck, there goes my joke.
>I could suck deck all de, it makes me feel sefe
What did he mean by this?
Is Sargon in the video, being a top customer and all?