The white race

The white race will never die so long as it lives in the hearts of mixed race children. This is how we will preserve our legacy.

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Millennia from now, whites won't exist, but our descendants will, and that's a beautiful thing.

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At least the girls can be pretty hot

That's why I'm married to a mixed black girl.

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Mixed race people is actually worse than pure blacks

That is ridiculous, mixed kids almost always identify more with nonwhites. Your duty as a White man is to have an above replacement rate number of White children/thread

You're literally retarded and Italian, but I repeat myself.

Whites are a dying race, this is the only way we can and will survive.


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If the white race were worth saving then it wouldn't need to be saved. You don't hear blacks or Asians talk about saving their race. The rest of the world is pretty successful at procreation. You all make it sound like white pole are literally pandas that cannot procrate without help and support.

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>be white dude
>started dating a black girl a couple of weeks ago
>old white people keep telling us that we'll have cute kids
Why the fuck do they want us to have kids so badly? Are they just trying to use us to make themselves feel good about how un-racist they are?

>white race wouldn't need HELP to be saved.

I missed a word there. Whites don't need help. Just fuck and have babies. The problems is this site is full of uncles who equate their lack of success procreation with the entire white race.

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how about go fuck yourself you piece of dreidel cunt
post hidden, like any other shit like op's diarrea

Why do white women love black males so much?

This is the real red pill horrendous spelling/grammar aside.

As long as every 7 foot basketball American making millions of dollars a year has a blonde, blue eyed wife the white race is premiere.

The absolute state of burgerland.

When you drop a turd into a saucer of milk, you may technically still have some milk, but what you really have is a bowl full of shit.

There is no "half-white", you are either white or you are not.

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The difference is blacks and Asians don’t have another race constantly pissing down their necks and trying to genocide them from within their own governments

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whites are like fucking pandas bro, you need to convince them to fuck each other, and even then you gotta be there for the whole show or else they'll get bored and start eating food that's not even nutritious for them and then go to sleep.

t. mutt looking for racial acceptance

Depends on the mix.

What is it with white people and sharks?
Are you really that delicious?

The white race doesn't exist. Blacks were granted a "race" because europeans fucked up their country with arbitrary borders. Their clans were divided and since we cant trace them with accuracy, we call them all blacks. Asians don't even think themselves as a race and hate each other. So other europeans. Race only matters to mutts like OP.

Now kys.

Alright, what is an example of a white and shitskin union in which you believe the child remains white?

Because deep down they know you’re destroying their genetic legacy and civilisation but their Marxist conditioning tells them otherwise, which causes cognitive dissonance. In other words you’ve short-circuited the fuse in their brains

Just know when the economic collapse happens I will be targeting you, your sheboon gf and any niglets you produce

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No, the white race will never die because there are almost 1 billion whites on this planet.

Tell me the last time a race with 1 billion people just magically vanished?

Especially white women shaped like this

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The kids of these mutts will die as savages. They can't produce the White Man.

The White Man gives the white race value. The White Man is the world breaker, world shaker, moon raker.

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Would you consider her white?

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Black/White mixes are abominations.

Mulattos: Children born of wedlock, born from selfish parents, growing up without fathers, being raised by coalburning single mother. They are the mistakes of white whores. They become thugspawn due their identity issues. Hated by whites, hated by blacks. The blacks & whites will eat them alive.

Many of them actually associate with blacks more than whites. Many of them have health & mental problems before they turn 30 due to the badly mixed genetics. Plus, they are cursed with the low IQ of their black mothers/fathers.

They are also an ugly breed. They look more like niggers, so they will associate with other niggers.

Brazil & Dominican Republic has already done what you've done. They once were a thriving nation with a white population. Decades of coalburning lead to their civil demise. Once a thriving, is today a shithole

The mulatto race will surely turn your nation into a shithole.

Just a reminder:
Sleep with niggers, problems get bigger.

What color are her nipples?

>acting like a Canadian wouldn't be more likely to do this, being the "if your enemies fuck your wife you win" cuck capital of the world

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Good lucky kiddo
I own guns, you're not even allowed to own a suspicious looking stick

Don't believe the hype.
Only a tiny minority of them are into blacks.
Most coalburners are not attractive & many white women are actually disgusted by niggers.

>Black/White mixes are abominations

Laugh at this faggot.

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Whiteness is meant to submissive, recessive as the strong black genes take over, darkening it so that it echoes through the bloodline forever.

A pure white woman becoming a brood mother to a litter of brown mutt babies.

It's such a beautiful thing to imagine, I'm actually hard as I type this.

I dream of this diversification that Europe is experiencing to happen over here, and I'm glad that my country, my leader, and my people feel the same way.

Litter after litter of brown babies will inherit all that we've built.

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You're misinformed if you think there are anywhere near 1 billion "whites" on earth today

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they look rather coarse and unfinished.

Idk desu. Her sisters don’t look pink though so I’m guessing it’s going to be a no on your part then.

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>White people are pandas

Well then hopefully one day the Chinese will preserve some specimens and breed a few dozen to keep as a reminder of why you should never trust the lies of the jews.

Show her without the fake hair faget

She dyed her hair black to look different from her sister
She's a natural blonde.

This doesnt look like it would be her baby, there's no love in her touch..

That's a no. So is she North African or beaner flavored?

I can't wait for Whites to go extinct

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I have a serious question. Why do black people literally smell like poopy, or some sort of poo poo varient? Has anyone noticed this? Serious answers please.

>Whites are a dying race

And that's why we need to implement extremely aggressive policies asap including repatriation and execution for anti-white treason.

Still hotter than whatever you would ever fuck.

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Butterface! Nigger genes ruin everything

Great figure but...that face *sigh*

Her dad is an Arab, her mom is white

I don’t think so, she has dark hair even in her younger photos, as does their brother who came out a total sandnigger. I think it’s Gigi who got lucky with her blonde hair.

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>Depends on the mix.
only aplies on anglos
your history is living proof and you're not done yet

Half Arab.

I bet this is more aesthetic to you.

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Yeah, definitely white. She can go be in some sheikh's harem.

Soon, hopefully.

>Whiteness is meant to submissive, recessive as the strong black genes take over, darkening it so that it echoes through the bloodline forever.


White genes are actually dominant. Black is a recessive trait. The darker the skin, the more recessive the trait. The reason why coalburners give birth to ugly mixed babies is because the father is black. Any genetics on a woman will be recessive.

Honestly, coalburners are disgusting.

definitely not* white

Even her sister? I mean you wouldn’t say that if you didn’t know, would you?

>being this pissed that no one finds your favorite mongrel attractive

Have you ever considered she's been dyeing it for a long time?

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Negatory, friend.
Everything with nigger DNA is fixing to become very ill.
Sooooo sorry.
It didn't have to end this way, but y'all wouldn't stop.
The plan is already in motion.

Semitic races: you're next.

>Whiteness is meant to submissive, recessive as the strong black genes take over, darkening it so that it echoes through the bloodline forever.

Common recessive traits are highly selected. It's easy to fuck up a complex system with primitive nigger genes.

I don't know, does she speak with an accent? Would she immediately start spouting bluepill shit? If you're asking me does she "look white", yes you can make your skin pale and your hair fair and your eyes green and sometimes pass as white, but it is a façade.

The nigger genes really fucked up her facial features.

yes so you're exterminated so we can bomb that island without needing to feel remorse nor guilt

The non white races don't have a satanic cult out to destroy them since Genesis.

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Based and redpilled M

That’s interesting, blonde just doesn’t really look like it would go with her phenotype (she looks like her father) so I assumed it was naturally dark.

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Mixed childern are a disgusting disgrace. They are not going to continue the greatness that is white western culture.

Her father is white, prob italian descendant or something.

She naturally looks that way though.

He’s Palestinian.

Sage. You fucking faggot.

Stop dating niggers you fucking nigger loving race traitor.

Could the European way be passed on to future non-white generations? My guess is no. Hopefully I’m wrong. The definition of “western culture” keeps getting less trad. It’s getting faxed out.

Not quite. Once gene editing and designer babies becomes available, from there on in it will be an inevitability that the genetic traits that manifest themselves in the white race as High IQ, creativity, aspirations to the infinite, in other words the faustian spirit, will literally replace almost the entirety of other traits. Race as we know it today will become drastically less important and thought of as an old Earth concept and a 'lower class' problem, as the new lower class will be un-augmented humans. Overtime by birthrates alone and the probable higher amounts of wealth accumulated by the augmented there will be a near full replacement over time of the human race. Now as to what genes will be most saught after, ask yourself, what men are the most saught after by any race of women? What certain race's sperm donations is in heavy demand in Brazil? What certain ethnicity do Arab women in places like Toronto go after? Well its white men. Once the genes that makes white men are commercially available for genhancement these genes will literally replace most non-whites in their characteristics. Just think about how popular skin whitening products and having a mixed baby is among black women. Imagine if they could just go to a clinic and have get the UBERMENCH package, you think they would turn it down? Nah. Skin colour among the human race will still vary and it will be simply just a cosmetic feature along with hair. But facial structure, brain capacity, proneness to violence, these traits will become standardized. It will be an era we cannot really fathom, but it will essentially be the literal replacement of the world with white genes. To put it simply the spirit of the white race isn't going anywhere.

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Why would that be desirable anyway? I don't give a fuck if people act like us, I want us to be there.

Why tho?
She's cute, nice, and I like being around her

The cutest girl that likes me is black. I will not marry her. Half black kids look nothing like the white parent. Blacks should stay black and not mix. Most mixed raced blacks look like gypsies with big noses.

Honestly, if you're going to make this a thread on who has the best mixed raced babies, hands down the white male/Asian females win!

Why? Because hapas are far more attractive than niglets & niggers in general. They also inherit the higher IQ from their fathers, & aren't raised in single mother households. So their kids are less likely to become thugspawn.

In other words, white women are dating DOWN while Asian women are dating UP. Sorry black bois, but you really aren't higher up in the food chain. In fact, you're the most cucked race.

White women who sleep with niggers are getting a raw deal, & they know it! Which is why I don't feel sorry for them when end up getting burnt. Burn the coal, pay the toll.

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I prefer women of my own race, faggot.

Adorable baby! He’s got his fathers eyes...... and hair..... and nose..... and smell..... and low IQ. He’s basically a genetic clone of the guy that left you a single mother. Congrats. At least you weren’t racist...

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This is true. One of my siblings decided to burn the coal, have a son and now she is brainwashing him into identifying as black despite being half nigger and half white. Stupid cunt plays the race card because her “son is black”. Luckily most of my family has ostracized her or downright ignored her for that action. Can’t wait until she’s dead and gone, as bad as that sounds.

She can hide her brown nipples behind pasties but she can't wash the kebab out of her bloodstream. She's not white, my friend.

Wait until her family starts saying shit about you. Just get your fetish out of the way and breed with a white woman.

It’s a step up from mixed black, but overall, East Asian genes are very strong. Also Chloe Bennett’s father is the one who is Chinese. I don’t know if this makes much of a difference, but from what I have seen, it often does.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Coalburners get what they deserve.

that's some pretty kike-y shit you got there OP. saged for kike faggotry

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I've already met her family before

Well that’s good if you stand by that, it shows you’re not a hypocrite, but unfortunately the majority of your countrymen would probably disagree with you.

Because it’s unsustainable you selfish fat mouthbreathing cunt

I’m moving innawoods anyway. Good riddance. Can’t wait till Jared Kushner releases the bioweapons and wipes you off the face of the planet you race traitor piece of shit

Anything mixed with WHITE MALE is a step up.
Anything mixed with BLACK MALE is a step down.

Wealthy, intelligence, attractiveness----the white male has all the cards.

when the host dies, the parasites die as well