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fuck you Todd

Climate change = fake+gay. tinfoil hat shit debunked a million times.

>Climate change is making the planet hotter and there are droughts which is causing problems in the food supply because there is not enough water

>Climate change is melting the polar ice caps and cities will be under water because of flooding

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I will so soon as those pushing it indicate they believe it -- by calling for an immediate halt to mass population transfer from low- to high-carbon footprint lands.

Until that happens, I will regard the fake dangers promulgated by climate doomsday prophets the same as I would have those promulgated by the 80s AIDS doomsday prophets IF THEY HAD SAID THAT EVERYONE MUST FUCK HOOKERS AND NOONE SHOULD USE A CONDOM.

this, but unironically. it's all Al Gore's fault, he made up bullshit and now people think all of it is bullshit because of him. conservatives use to be the ones that cared about nature, but have been successfully subverted

Time are not scientists, the theory has been consistent from the start

Whether or not climate change is real doesn't even matter. We need to start phasing out fossil fuels so that we don't need to rely on a limited resource and so that we can ignore the middle east shitfest. If we dont need oil, Israel's position is weakened.


Show me an AGW-promoting scientist who loudly calls for a halt to mass-immigration and I will show you a scientist who really believes in AGW.

climate change is fake and gay lmao

I don't deny it. That's a thing that has always and will always happen.

But the government should have nothing to fucking do with it, is the point.

scientists are autistic nerd, they are no really outspoken, they don't want to lose their jobs either by involving themselves publicly into politics.

Are you fucking retarded?

It doesn't matter if you want to deny climate change. The elephant in the room is not moving, and if you were too stupid to notice record temps this year, heavy rain more north and awful droughts and fires in the south, 2 cat 5 hurricanes last year, and fall taking forever to take effect last year, well you'll have no choice but to notice as things get progressively worse in the next decade.

Whether it's happening in the past does not matter, it's happening at an accelerating rate and we are ABSOLUTELY FUCKED if we don't take precautions. Corporations aren't going to care until their way to make a profit is put on the line by either the damage caused by all of this, or public outcry, and by the time either of tose happen it will be too late. the government has NO CHOICE but to butt in, because even though the election system is fucked, we can actually vote in politicians. We can't do that for money hungry corps.

what precautions? the fact that this is pushed on western nations, but not china and se asia, is evidence that the intent is not genuine. same with plastics in the ocean.

>Oficial stance of scientists on climate change is their honest scientific belief based on hard study and not at all influenced by the fear of losing their careers and grant money
>On the issue of mass migration and relative carbon footprint they are afraid to give their real opinion because of the risk of losing their careers and grant money.
They are only n..nerds, go easy on them guys.
Yeah right!

I don't deny it, I'm looking forward to it. I've studied the predictions, bought land that will only improve with the changing conditions. If Global Warming is true, then nations like Russia Canada and the US (via Alaska) have nothing to lose and everything to gain. All that land, useless now, open for agriculture. The whole Arctic sea, open and safe for trade and fishing. It's a fucking miracle. Fuck the rest of the world, I want my hyperborean paradise.

Mass immigration : AGW
Condoms : AIDS

Land in Northern Alaska is dirt cheap right now BTW. No real upkeep costs either. Cancel cable for a year and you can buy yourself several acres. Maybe you'll never use it, but your kids might, or their kids.

what scientists think really is irrelevant, what's important what are the facts and data.
migration really is a part of overpopulation issues in this case. here's one talking about it, he touches on immigration but in a very casual way not revealing his position

What makes you believe this hasn't been pushed on China in any way? As much as they probably wont do much about it, at least they are smart enough to realize it's a problem and are taking some degree of action. The trump administration isn't doing jack shit to help. No matter who did what, we only have one planet earth, and right now our ecosystem is being threatened by a 6th man made extinction event. We have to act now, no matter who is in charge.

WHAT do you want to do about it? force everyone to live like amish?
cull the human population to 500.000 (a la "Guidestones")
humans have always changes their environment! that is what civilization is all about!

farming is unnatural and yet it works, the "Malthusian" alarmists were wrong, the "acid rain" hysteria was unfounded, the rain forest will disappear? there is now more for forest than even...

Please enlighten us with a precise list of the precautions we need to take. Do they include:
> Send more money to China to be mismanaged and embezeled by corrupt officials?
>Send more money to the arab countries while they are litteraly expanding their coal-burning powerplants?
>Raze ancient forests in Germany to make room for huge solar panels fields that only work at full capacity a few days a year?
>Send even more money to South Korea for them to use on building literally new cities and employ hundredes of bureaucrauts to for the management of the money transfer.
What are you even taking about?

of course I don't want people to live like amish silly. While there need to be some big changes in the way we live (like improving public transportation, and not eating so much meat, because the beef industry is a big contributor to deforestation and greenhouse gas), we don't need to be amish. We need to realize that our planets ecosystem needs to come first before capital.

>what scientists think really is irrelevant,
I have no way to evaluate the carefully selected "facts" and "data". Whether the people pushing this theory really believe it is one way to determine whether it's true. An intervention that obviously logically follows (not buring massively more fossil fuels by mass-moving people to the West) is not only not mentioned but often vigorously rejected. Conclusion: both AGW and mass immigration are important to the agenda of the people pushing AGW.

agricultural runoff creating dead zones in the oceans needs to be addressed as well.

> Send more money to China to be mismanaged and embezeled by corrupt officials?
Why do something stupid like that when they have their own resources and a big uninhabited desert?
>Send more money to the arab countries while they are litteraly expanding their coal-burning powerplants?
Why would I even suggest this at all?
>Raze ancient forests in Germany to make room for huge solar panels fields that only work at full capacity a few days a year?
Well I'll give you this, at least you didn't do the old "I care about birds now because it involves wind turbines" bit. Why not wait for the technology to improve and put them on buildings?
>Send even more money to South Korea for them to use on building literally new cities and employ hundredes of bureaucrauts to for the management of the money transfer.
Judged on how I answered the other I even need to answer this?

the AGW theories have been "pushed" since 19th century but normal scientists.
other scientists can evaluate and debunk data, this stuff isn't even that controversial, compared to IQ and some other things. also keep in mind it's not only 1 country producing data, so it's really hard these days to just make shit up.

The chinesse are net beneficiaries of the wealth realocation scheme. This is at the same time they are building a neo-colonial empire in Africa that means more industrial production and more pollution.
Drop your rethoric. WHAT do you want us to do? What are your fucking precautions?

Long term tendencies vs. short term tendencies.

Todd I don't think climate change has anything to do with Skyrim.

You don't get it. This is beyond control. Shit will happen to resolve issues like over population, and all of the impacted traits of cities and environments humans created will have to be adapted, replaced, or discovered.

You have to look at it as something inevitable regardless of civilization's collective "intent", corporations are only a very small part of the picture. There are also billions of apathetic degenerates shitting up their immediate surroundings all over Earth.

It is immoral to destroy the planet and your environment without regard in a civilized society. Embed and promote that idea and all of the reasonable concepts you can derive from it into societies responsible for it, and you'll start to see real progress. Governments don't fix the problems you're alluding to. Getting people to pay attention to things and adapt as progress is made would be a far better path. Then "muh corporations" would bend to everyone's will through best practices and industry standards. They would have to, or they'd get btfo, because governments wouldn't be there to protect them when everyone decides to let them sink and go with someone better.

Wanna get rich in a world like that? Provide real value, show people and your community you give a shit about them, and they will make you successful.

The best answer, as always, is 'laissez faire'.

Everything I have stated is not merely suggestions, they are all actual things that are happening right now under guise of fighting climate change. Everything, including a literal new city built by South Korea with american and european money, that works as a literal tourist hub where they waste money on climate-change presentations and circle-jerks
Do your research, maybe this will redpill you.

Attached: obama climate changer cartoon.jpg (720x347, 121K)

I think climate change is real to some extent. But the market will find a solution. Government will mismanage the money put towards fighting climate change.

Like most government programs, it will be a transfer of money from productive to idle people. If the UN or other international org gets their hands on it, it will end up as pallets of currency being shipped out to HAMAS in the back of a charter plane.

democratic society won't fix any problems, government or not government, the government itself must be replaced into an effective more Fascistic one.

Why is it controversial to accept Global Warming as a probable issue?
We decrease fossil fuels by recolutionizing electric batteries and reduce fossil fuel emissions. Expand the renewable energy sector and nuclear energy sector?

the elder scrolls 6 is gonna be complete shit.

You want a good laugh? Watch Al Gore's Nobel Prize winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

And remember to pay your carbon taxes to him and his corrupt brethren of democrat assholes.

And worship King Nigger for his Paris Accord. Anyone care to explain to me how giving billion's of our tax dollars to other countries with no environmental regulations to take our jobs fights "climate change"?

Also, what was ClimateGate, asking for a friend. Thanks treehuggers!

because people are emotional idiots, brainwashed by kikes into caring about their shekels more than anything.

>public transportation,
>not eating so much meat
too tiny changes, that will only slow down the supposetly "inevidable" environmental collapse...

perfect sustainability is an illusion (irreconcilable with biological evolution)

and btw. why do care? for the future of humans? or "the planet"?

that might be something for you to think about:
George Carlin - Saving the Planet

are you saying that anthropocentric climate change is not real, because some niggers president and candidate lied and offered shitty solutions for political gain?

This guy says climate change is real and man made - do you think this guy would like to you (aside from the fact he calls himself a scientists even though he has no degrees in science)?

Attached: bilnyelikestheweiner.jpg (900x642, 144K)

Real scientists do dot corrupt historic data when their theory has been falsified.

Attached: global warming2.jpg (500x375, 89K)

People still believe this shit?

He has a phd in Mechanical Engineering idiot.

This is from NASA
"This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming."

Inb4 muh jews

I am saying climates change. It is not man made. Did you know the earth is getting hotter at the same rate other planets are getting hotter? Do you think it is the sun or do you think your carbon emissions are causing the temperatures on Mars, Mercury, etc to rise?