Philosopher, Bard, Father, Husband, Landlord, Farmer, Warrior, Mechanic and

Philosopher, Bard, Father, Husband, Landlord, Farmer, Warrior, Mechanic and...

A polymath like da Vinci/Aristotle, a renessaince man. So why all the hate towards him?

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Fuck! He even invented his own music genre, dungeon synth mixed black metal. How based can one become really?

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As cool as he is, he really doesn't do much except being crazy and making half decent music. In fact I think he got out of the Burzum business a while ago. Clearly has good genes, Nordic features, blue eyes, 182cm. Back in the 90s and early 2000s he was really the icon for Scandinavian metal. I remember reading about him in lords of chaos as a kid, he was talking about how Northern Europeans descended from aliens from Atlantis or some shit.


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Because he's batshit insane.

Anti-Christian LARPer

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>only one of those isnt a larp

Hail Odin sire.

Butthurt christians are NOT welcome in this thread. Go read a bible or something.

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Calling him a polymath like da Vinci/Aristotle, and a renessaince man is a bit of a stretch.

He's just a criminal who fled his country and sits on a farm making autistic children with an equally autistic wife. The rest is just his fanbase worshipping him because of his cult-like following.

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Kike slaves are not welcome on my board.

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He's an edgy faggot who burned churches, killed his friend, and will burn in the lake of fire for eternity if he doesn't wash away his sins with the blood of the cross. Can I get a hallelujah?

Jow Forums is a Christian board

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>i vocalized a thought, i'm a philopher
>he is a legit musician
>i collect welfare on behalf of my crotchspawn, i'm a father
>i fuck this gal for years, i'm husband
>i let a guy sleep in my couch, i'm a landlord
>i harvested four-and-teen potatoes this year, i'm a better farmer than the irish
>i own an axe, i'm a warrior
>i fixed a leak in my toilet, i'm a mechanic

I just now realize i've been baited.

Wlefare Queen
Mentally Ill Retard
Lives in a mid hut
Fathered a bastard child
Made shifty degenerate music
Human garbage

>blood of the cross
Kikes and Mudslimes can even type the holy name of “Jesus” when they shill.

Listen to yourself man, ad hominem not only against him, but his children and wife as well. Do you have to be a cultist to like say.. Aristotle? Or be a "fanboy" just because a man say something that is right?

Says a amerimutt christcuck, you were born to serve kikes.

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Christian are literally seething by just the mention of him. I guess he has done something right to be able to provoke to inprovokable.

>psychopathic and delusional tendencies
>destroys historic monuments to be edgy
>makes money off retards
>pic related cringe levels of faggotry

Fuck off Varg you will never be cool outside your circle of homo autists with black clothes and corpse paint

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He is not a degenerate, he is based as fuck. Have you even read his blog or seen a video of him? Maybe try to make up an independent thought for once..

You forgot murderer and ex convict

He is a total fag who stole music from Bathory.

You're really gay for him. Have you even read Locke?

You forgot arsonist and murderer, varglet.

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absolutely nothing to do with politics and eceleb garbage, fucking kill yourself for following this hobo my man

So was Napoleon, and your point is?

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butthurt Amerimutt Christcucks and terroni

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Varg Is literally my hero

>t. Muhammad

Brainlets think alike.

>worshipping a literal nigger

Attached: varg shitskin.jpg (1125x940, 165K)


He's unironically shit at farming.

actual you are t. butthurt Christcuck

Well you got your answer OP. Have a nice day

Stay mad, cringey christcuck "alt righter"

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Come on, venn. This thread must have stopped being funny after the third time.

says the memeflag
no u

he dare to say the truth about branches of Judaism, another reason is because he has hard time accepting some opinion, so he bans and fights with lots of people

About Fat People:

On porn:

About alcohol:

Now i get it.. you are so butthurt because he attacks your hedonistic shit life. You are literally like drugaddicts defending his abuse.

>be ameritard
>call others alt right
>muh christcucks
The absolute state of eagleland. You will never be white. Stop larping.

who is this guy?

>lives off welfare
>hates on fellow Europeans because they believe is a christ
>murders a fellow European
>burned down historical monument
Fuck off varg
Burn in hell

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Let's find out!

>Internet celebrity! He is based!

Ya that ground zero mosque will really be a historical monument in 100 years

Before all that he was a metalhead, drug addict and a schizo murderer.
No different than a roastie taking 47 cocks and then wanting to settle down.
Basically he was never a paragon of virtue and should not sell himself as one. If anything he's proof that you can still change for the better in the sense of self improvement.

I can guarantee that this time Christians will not survive in this world. Just look at how much time it takes for them to wake up. This time by the time they wake up, it will already be too late. Christians are dinosaurs walking.

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>he killed his native European saami degenerate associate!
>he has never wagecucked for the shlomo!

Lol, everyone famous is online these days, get with the times grandpa.

Napoleon conquered other lands, Varg sits in a hut and jacks off all day

That image is a fake image made by YOU Christians shills. I can type some pro-Christian shit right now and say I'm being paid.

pissed memeflag shill

His music is good, some of what he says is ridiculous, some of what he says is valid. He's got a unique perspective on things which at times is stupid and at times is clever.
He's got a messiah complex and a lack of self-awareness in seeing and accepting that he can be wrong, which he often is. This is his biggest flaw. I'm not subscribed to him but I'll ocassonly watch a video on his channel if it looks decent.

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I see why you kiss his ass now. You are a brainlet. Everyone with half a brain knows that this guy is a cheap scam for the easy-baitable.

>Varg advocates all white men going on welfare so the system will collapse


I want Europe for Europeans. Of course I'm pissed at you guys putting religion above your race and common sense.

Proof how you guys made South Africa fall:

If that was so, why doesn't he use patreon?

quite correct assessment.

>Wlefare Queen
Commies aren't people
>Mentally Ill Retard
>Lives in a mid hut
His house is made of stone. much sturdier than the tinder boxes amerimutts live in
>Fathered a bastard child
So having white children is wrong?
>Made shifty degenerate music
that's your opinion
>Human garbage
try harder

>listens to trap music
>has a traffic cone size butt plug

No, clearly the autistic faggot is you mohommad.

>this much damage control

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Not hate, just banter. I also think he was used by Mayhem to remove their bossy colleague. Too bad those guys (and Manson too) took Devil's image from his christian persecutors.

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You forgot one: Murderer.

>implying one needs patreon to scam people
Sweet child. He is a false prophet. He is born to deceive.

and a child rapist.

What have been better without the guitar. If he added a hand drum it would be much better.

Burning jewish temples and killing communists is a good thing, tho.


He believes in a coming collapse, so he choose to live as if he would live then...

The issue is, he tries to drag the whole race to live like him. Whites are not lazy not people who just exist, we are curious creators. If we just lay back and do nothing, we mines well let ourselves go.

Jewish yes. Christian no. It's just a dick move.

I can agree to some extent, but then it would be only dungeon synth like this:

I think it's kind of cool to make your own genre.

I admit i was memeing a little in the first post, but honestly though, is it too bad to be self-sufficient and have a family?

It is, but it has to sound good. He could always increase the BPM and a few 32nd notes. More deep tones.

I find this type of music very comfortable:

No, not at all. I think in any standard of wealth you should be self-sufficient. His kids will turn out well, more so than rich brats. The issue is his thoughts of the collapse. Instead of practicing, he chooses to essentially live like it's already here. It's a huge deal, more of a personal thing.

Because I emailed him like 7 years ago asking if he wanted someone to playtest myfarog and he never responded

>murders someone
>pagan LARP
>absolutely based guys
>autistic daughter
>how can one man be this based?
fuck off Garv nobody likes you

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stop watching porn

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I think these times have become so that you are either part of the socialist consumerism, or that you try to build up something for yourself, becoming independent from everything. The final redpill is to stop listening to what others want you do to and choose life yourself.

He's retarded.

Varg is fucking awesome. Don't be discouraged by these retards. People with brains actually love him.

kek'd, was looking for that pic

Says guy with memeflag.

He didn't advocate any of that. You know by lying you are actually pushing more people towards him right? Any normal person who finds out you lied will think that Varg does have something to say which you don't like you fucking kike.

>Putting what you believe in above race
How terrible

>never had a real job
>never worked a single hard day in his life
>collects donations his entire life and uses his rich family
>met his autistic wife over email
>buys all his food from the store
>claims to live a simple life and anti-new technology but has a 30K solar panel system

boomer incarnate

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He looks like that guy who has that Medieval Weapons channel on YouTube.

Does this autist even have a university education?

>people with brains
Nu pagans are just atheists
I bet my right hand you never read a single book on paganism and you only heard about it because daddy garg spoke about it and you think you're honoring your ancestors but you're Mexican

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Louis Cachet

>He didn't advocate any of that.
He did and still does you stupid memester.

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>with my french autistic wife i met thru email

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