This guy is hiding in room, a hapa vlogger, he has fucked countless Japanese girls and even spread stds in the country. My question is, why are Japanese men such willing cucks to outsiders? With other Asians it's understandable, as other Asians don't have money or status. But the japs have no excuse, they're rich and are considered honorary-whites in the west.
Why are Japanese men such willing cucks?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a Hapa. Japanese girls love them more than white guys because he still has some asian features, but more taller and with a more chiseled look. Also Hapa people are more forceful and charismatic than full Asian people.
jap girls are gross, who cares
japanese women will fuck anyone
Genetically predisposed to low levels of testosterone and/or high levels of estrogen.
You spend so much time thinking of your neighbors home that yours falls in ruin.
japs are a mixed race to begin with. koreans that invaded and mixed with the natives.
The guy who sits in his room and is a cuck.
What youtuber are you watching also sage.
Hiding in my room isn't even a Japanese hapa, I think he's half Chinese.
Harry Potter (young) boyish good looks
If Japanese women are into that...