>b-but Trump hasnt done anything! / /BcSAGmDf
NEW APPEARANCES >TrumpTweet: Securing American's Retirement 8/31/ /QKcgFcOC39I >Pres Trump returns to DC 8/31/ /GGQn7DL9m6A >Pres Trump @NC GOP Fundraiser 8/31/ /2Brckl0r_RM >Pres Trump signs EO on Retirement Savings 8/31/ /video /?450940-1 / >Pres Trump on RFD-TV 8/28/ /KRChhdPkSY8 >Pres Trump arrives in Charlotte NC 8/31/ /lHqqgQsVPUs >Pres Trump departs DC for NC 8/31/ / /kjQVUroZgwk >This Week @State 8/31/ /A6m1ToytzF8 >Pres Trump arrives @WH 8/30/ /22jmAwxcQyE >Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 8/30/ /TIfkb67yDIU >Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Evansville IN 8/30/ /ZSHGf_3xL_8 >TrumpTweet: Throwback Thursday! 8/30/ /yXJuPmrcF9I >CBPVid: Fentanyl The Real Deal 8/30/ /6Yc9lSaSKls >Pres Trump arrives in IN 8/30/ /M_VHb3Gz2ZU >Pres Trump departs DC 8/30/ /4sj3aAX8tr4 >Pres Trump leaves WH 8/30/ /1055U3sDjOs >VP Pence @American Legion Convention 8/30/ /T4R6knl480Y >VP Pence/2nd Lady arrive in Minneapolis MN 8/30/ /DJjjBTpQ4a8 >WHVideo: FLotUS Melania welcomes 2018 Presidential Sites Summit 8/30/ /goL530nOsTY >TrumpTweet: Fuck Google 8/29/ /m3X2P3Yjm40
OP pastebin: /nygxu29R prev
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September 1, 2018 - 16:41
September 1, 2018 - 16:41
One of these is not like the other
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September 1, 2018 - 16:42
September 1, 2018 - 16:42
>"Why would the people of Texas support Ted Cruz when he has accomplished absolutely nothing for them. He is another all talk, no action pol!" Donald Trump, 2/28/16
September 1, 2018 - 16:42
make your own hilldawgs my pepes!
Attached: 1476291262257.jpg (3961x2878, 2.13M)
September 1, 2018 - 16:42
Grow your own food.
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September 1, 2018 - 16:42
I sure am glad that snoozefest is over
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September 1, 2018 - 16:42
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September 1, 2018 - 16:42
September 1, 2018 - 16:42
September 1, 2018 - 16:42
F best Twitter account.
Attached: file.png (1172x1234, 311K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:42
Very manly arms protruding before congress
September 1, 2018 - 16:42
September 1, 2018 - 16:43
Do you think the reporter was literally shaking as he typed this?
Attached: Screenshot_20180901_124027.png (942x503, 114K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:43 /Daily_Mash1
>this is the faggot that created literally every hilldawg meme
>this is the faggot that created literally every hilldawg meme
>this is the faggot that created literally every hilldawg meme
>this is the faggot that created literally every hilldawg meme
he also claims to represent red storm while blackpilling
be sure to follow him on twitter
September 1, 2018 - 16:43
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September 1, 2018 - 16:43
drumpfags blown the fuck out
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September 1, 2018 - 16:43
September 1, 2018 - 16:43
That's how you lose a hat.
September 1, 2018 - 16:43
Attached: DUDE AWOO LMAO.gif (900x900, 3.65M)
September 1, 2018 - 16:43
is that dog bark one still active?
Attached: Bongiorno.jpg (799x1032, 338K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:43
This coming off the heels of Jack swearing up and down they're impartial.
September 1, 2018 - 16:43
How long until people forget about this tumor ridden senator?
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September 1, 2018 - 16:43
You're only lying to yourself
September 1, 2018 - 16:44
September 1, 2018 - 16:44
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September 1, 2018 - 16:44
>about to die a horrible and slow death >damn yourself by betraying your state and your country because Trump was mean to you >given a funeral by a bunch of globalist atheists pretending they think you’re in Heaven What did John mean by this?
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September 1, 2018 - 16:44
checked and kek'd
Attached: kim checkem.png (776x772, 742K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:44
An hour.
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September 1, 2018 - 16:44
Can't wait to hear MSM educate how Trump is racist though
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September 1, 2018 - 16:44
durka durka durka allah ackbar bring me that goat
September 1, 2018 - 16:44
maybe drumpf should have campaigned in florida
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September 1, 2018 - 16:44
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September 1, 2018 - 16:44
September 1, 2018 - 16:45
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September 1, 2018 - 16:45
I truly and utterly believe the midterms are a lost cause, at least for the house.
Attached: 13f.gif (498x594, 113K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:45
September 1, 2018 - 16:45
One user was saying it was to take publicity off the other pastors speech. He dropped a megaton of red pills.
September 1, 2018 - 16:45
F. I want to see Facebook and Twitter burn.
September 1, 2018 - 16:45
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September 1, 2018 - 16:45
That's a pretty good list of victims.
Attached: leaf is so sad.png (631x255, 48K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
stop using that mexican proxy, and kill yourself finnshill
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
That service was fucking surreal, Jessie Jackson particularly
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
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September 1, 2018 - 16:46
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
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September 1, 2018 - 16:46
I keep telling people that McCain is being propped up by the media to be this magnificent American, luckily everyone has agreed that he is a traitor.
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September 1, 2018 - 16:46
only people above 6'0" are allowed to be hilldawgs... manlets need not apply
Attached: drumpfmanlet.jpg (224x225, 13K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
>Canadian jobs
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September 1, 2018 - 16:46
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
What's wrong with that wolfgrill?
Attached: PeekAWOO.png (900x1000, 139K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
They weren't kidding about this "master race" thing. Not a long ago this is how Germans looked like. What a fall!
Live on RT, that Chesnitt "silent march". Great optics, 30 years old boomers marching orderly and chanting .... nothing! Just holding pics of the victims of muslims. /watch?v=fQ7KsqMgGuw
If course they would find a sandnigger to talk to the cameras.
Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-01 at 17.44.49.png (546x734, 484K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:46
September 1, 2018 - 16:47
Why are Meghan McCain's tits so big but her head so small? Wish she was more proportional
September 1, 2018 - 16:47
I tried to make it more kino I may have just been fucking around like a faggot dunno
Attached: disuo.png (800x800, 552K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:47
Is not my fucking fault things are looking bad
September 1, 2018 - 16:47
lol drumpf niggers can't ball
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September 1, 2018 - 16:47
Good thing you're in Mexico.
September 1, 2018 - 16:48
you never grew up using angle of death and sending nukes >/slaps with large bit of trout
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September 1, 2018 - 16:48
Even my local boomers believe he is a traitor. It's fairly telling.
Attached: boomer_stando.jpg (657x1024, 59K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:48
September 1, 2018 - 16:48
drumpf can't math well
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September 1, 2018 - 16:48
the McCains come from an ancient line of hobbit-like people, here's Grandpappy himself
Attached: Vice-Admiral_John_S_McCain.jpg (482x600, 69K)
September 1, 2018 - 16:48
>head so small? wtf she's got her dad's oversized cranium. Her hair is literally styled to make it look smaller. She's also obese and the head only gets so fat.
September 1, 2018 - 16:49
>cringey kekistani post-ironic memes are starting back up Keep this shit back on reddit where it belongs.
September 1, 2018 - 16:49
wasn't those the good ole days
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September 1, 2018 - 16:49
>stop walking over our PM like a doormat If you act like a doormat, then people will feel inclined to use you as one.
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September 1, 2018 - 16:49
LOL ! What exactly does this dumbass think he should have been doing?
September 1, 2018 - 16:49
If you don't have the camera RAW of it you're just fucking around.
September 1, 2018 - 16:49
good awoo
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September 1, 2018 - 16:49
Damn, they teach here the answer to that would be 9.
September 1, 2018 - 16:49
hilldawg is going to melt down your guns and turn them into surgical instruments for your mandatory sex change procedure
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September 1, 2018 - 16:50
Is this a real tweet holy shit
September 1, 2018 - 16:50
>It's an abstract kind of AWOO
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September 1, 2018 - 16:50
Yeah, my boomer dad took a little convincing since he's from a military background as well.
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September 1, 2018 - 16:50
Best part is: the more the left believe this the more space they have for infighting. They could have ran Biden and it would be an easy victory in 2016 but they were so confident whoever got the nomination would win the presidency they allowed Hillary to run.
Right now it is the same thing: they are so confident in these polls and prognostications that for instance, they eschewed a pro abortion pro gun former DA in Pennsylvania to run a pussy hat wearing leftist.
Back in December before the tax cuts I was really afraid about the midterms. Right now? Not really, I am actually relieved to see the democrats making the same mistakes as if they didn't learn a thing
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September 1, 2018 - 16:50
I just want the big tech bubble to pop. Facebook and Twitter need to dissapear of the face of the earth. They have done more damage to humanity in 15 years than junk food and the TV ever did. Fucking great.
September 1, 2018 - 16:50
I'm certain I saw this being used as an actual Hillary campaign slogan somewhere
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September 1, 2018 - 16:51
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September 1, 2018 - 16:51
come on hilldawg... at least give the drumpfags one win
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September 1, 2018 - 16:51
I don't even know what Canadians do imao. I know the slightly less gay provinces, Saskatchewan for example, do mining, oil, and farming but I don't consider them to be Canadians at all.
September 1, 2018 - 16:51
user you're scaring me
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September 1, 2018 - 16:52
Facebook has enough wealth to last another 20 years if it never made another dime. But they’re also making record profits. So get used to it.
September 1, 2018 - 16:52
So? You fags have been milking this garbage for a week, fuck off already.
September 1, 2018 - 16:52
The Mexitard is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a beaner, parasite, spic, rat, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an 86 IQ and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “B-bloo W-waev”
September 1, 2018 - 16:52
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September 1, 2018 - 16:52
We should just annex Alberta right now.
September 1, 2018 - 16:52
Can you imagine if Trump won? *shudders*
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September 1, 2018 - 16:52
madam president hasn't fulfilled all of her promises yet but I'm sure she will after the midterms and the blue wave
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September 1, 2018 - 16:52
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September 1, 2018 - 16:52
September 1, 2018 - 16:53
September 1, 2018 - 16:53
September 1, 2018 - 16:53
> 88 It improve since the last research? It used to be 86. > Good for you pacos
September 1, 2018 - 16:53
>Not a long ago this is how Germans looked like. What a fall! The whole West used to look better until you know (((what))) happened over the decades.
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September 1, 2018 - 16:53
>still posting hillary memes You realize she lost two years ago, right?
September 1, 2018 - 16:53
this happened on Nov 9th
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September 1, 2018 - 16:53
>tfw we'd still be hearing glass ceiling bullshit
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September 1, 2018 - 16:53