Violence in Chemnitz Escalates
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nothing is happening in your stream faggot
Alois Irlmaier predicted this unironically
I wish there was violence, nothings happening though
Anyone catch what that pakistani youtuber was saying to ruptly? I don't speak hitler
Stream just died wtf
first small riots
sage this nigger, literally nothing happening
new stream?
>i am AfD voter
he's a youtuber, pretty based actually
Who was the guy that got taken down by police and flag taken off?
paraphrasing from memory
"i voted afd, its not about nazis vs forigners or left vs right but rather about the people vs the government"
just as it might get interdasting
>im Geist von Sophie Scholl
nu-right is cancer
what a surprise
There is no fucking violence in Chemnitz and there never was any, that's just state-media bullshit to dismiss the protesters as neo-nazi thugs.
Only fucking cowards wear masks, notice the other side chasing them isn't wearing anything cause they have nothing to be ashamed of
>linksautonome und rechtsextreme Hooligans
They never call the lefties extreme, they are only autonomous.
Guys also speaking english here. Sellner and Pettibone haning around there too.
shitty periscope stream
says people and police are running
pic related
leftie arrested close to AfD demo, probably threw stones or some shit
Please can we get a good quality stable stream on
They should have a blanket restraining-order against those fuckers. They are literally only there to start trouble and the protesters get the blame because there was trouble at their march (then again, that's pretty much the point now, isn't it)
leftie state-paid reporter
>rightwing death squads moving silently through the backyards to the leftie demo
forgot pic
>"only cowards wear masks"
Who told you that?
The same people who told you only cowards rape
Only cowards kill
Only cowards commit suicide
Only cowards rob banks
Only cowards beat women
Only cowards drink and drive
Only cowards do everything you don't like?
You're such normie faggot, I hate people like you
stream from leftie demo
You mean Karl Marx Stadt.
This is one of the most demented stupid thing that always the worst larpers on Jow Forums spout from their dumb mouths.
>that's pretty much the point now, isn't it
well yes it is, just look how they piss their pants and run away from both the police and the right.
All they can do is throw stones, fireworks and bottles and hope to injure someone and than call it a "successful" anti-faschistische aktion.
cuck bachmann on face book live
höcke speaks now
>Fuckin' normies not robbin banks n shiet
Lmao fuck off shill
next time post source faggot.
good stream
Masks are for niggers and Muslims.
t. larper
wtf a FAT Karl Marx head bust
>Being this much a coward
lol if you're such a tough guy then take the mask off little fag
Chemnitz was named Karl-Marx-Stadt during DDR
In GDR times the city was called Karl-Marx-City
Masks are useful for concealing identity so (((ZOG))) can't ruin your life.
Well shit, I thought this would've fizzled out within a couple days. Maybe the krauts are finally waking up
Only a fag thinks like that, be a fucking man if you actually give a shit
Redpill me on this "LIVE" orwelian internet 4.0 streaming.
Live doesnt mean what it used to mean, en vivo transmission.
It says "live" on yt and video is 2hr 19min long.
How do i know it is live from Chemnitz right now?
Link to webcam from marktplatz for reference.
t. larpers
>Go to the event against Antifa
>Show them who is who, all good.
>Three days later letter or call arrives
>"Hey man, it's a police here, got you on candid camera, you are going to the jail!"
>or if you are lucky, then it is either probation or huge ass fine or both, effectively ruining your career
And from now on also:
>Probation ended, finally
>go to another even
>end up arrested before it even happens, because you had this thing in the past
>pay huge ass fine again
You glow too much, nigger.
“1448 watching now.”
Damn. So close.
kek, the stream was interrupted, here's the current one
The stream got interrupted and the 2:19min was the recording from before retard.
sometimes the stream is getting cut off but I dont think they will stop streaming until the end.
It's still Ruptly and they are getting payed for reporting on stuff like that unlike some dumb fag youtuber who might just quit streaming to eat a hamburger.
>schämt euch
grandpa chad?
They should topple it.
Yes, clearly the little fag whose too afraid to show his face is obviously the better person, not the leader who isn't afraid to show himself and fight for what's right. No one there is wearing a fucking mask except the commies so what the fuck does that tell you
Looks like the cavalry is on its way.
It's the German John Cena
if only they had some crazy austrian to rally around
probably the state using Störsender
this guy (creator of the Chemnitz revolution vid with 400k views) said he'd stream too but I can't acces his videos. Anyone with an account can post the link to his stream?
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
He was right
I wish the polizei was as passive as the Berkeley police.
I would love to watch them getting their ass kicked.
satire account
I like the poem, but wrong thread to use it in
Cops blocked the demo with cars because of some antifa faggots, people are pissed and yell "push, push, push"
>Hurrr, law is same as in America everywhere, durr
Not only that, but also police in European countries are extremely different in their approach of riot situations. If it would be similar, you would all be wearing masks, dumb cuntflap.
one down, Wasserwerfer coming, people broke through police lines
Chemnitz is in Sachsen buddy.
do it hans
if they use the Wasserwerfers shit will hit the fan
All I hear from you is that you're a huge pussy
Here we go
Saxons walked out of Denmark during the roman empire, settled in Germany and the Low Lands, then took England when the Romans pulled out. So yeah, Saxons in UK, Belgia, Netherlands and Germany.
Stop larping dude and go out.
MDR reporting 3000 counter protesting. crowd they showed oozed with slime
Wasserwerfer speaking
>go home
people are pissed and want to keep marching
lol shut up pussy
Looks like the peaceful nazis are being stopped by the police, this in turn causes them to get agitated.
wowee, who would think that?
german anons, why is there a giant statue of Karl Marx's head
>announcement of police starts with
>Guten Tag
>putting commies on tracks to be hit either by the electrical surge or the fast moving train.
Fucking metal.
>said virgin larper on anonymous cantonese insect cooking forum
Kek, get fucked fatso.
show this thick Heck!
this is like an atomic race riot powder keg just waiting to go off
It's Eastern Germany, which is like intro for the Eastern Europe.
sören stream
>>linksautonome und rechtsextreme Hooligans
How can you even unironically type this shit
Eskalation any moment now.
Not exactly as aesthetic, but it is a start.