An Australian study has found that about one in five corporate executives are psychopaths – roughly the same rate as among prisoners.
>The study of 261 senior professionals in the United States found that 21 per cent had clinically significant levels of psychopathic traits. The rate of psychopathy in the general population is about one in a hundred.
>He said recruiters tend to focus on skills rather than personality features and this has led to firms hiring “successful psychopaths” who may engage in unethical and illegal practices or have a toxic impact on colleagues.
>“Typically psychopaths create a lot of chaos and generally tend to play people off against each other,” he said.
>“For psychopaths, it [corporate success] is a game and they don’t mind if they violate morals. It is about getting where they want in the company and having dominance over others.”
4/5 ceos are neo nazis in america. that fortune 500 company reveal in the 90s was pretty big deal in america
Noah Perry
Well, do you want to make the shareholders money or do you want a guy (or memegendered person of color) with a nice smile and a friendly heart?
Really doesn't make you think.
Jace Reed
Are rich people prone to be bathshit insane?
Serious question
Ethan Ward
Oh yea. Even in the criminal underworld, psycopaths are the crime lords. Having no emotion, capable of being extremely ruthless, feels nothing, ice cold. There's a lot of careers they thrive in too, and being in the corporate world where it's dog eat dog suits them wonderfully. And they love governmental positions of power as well. Which is why our society is so incredibly fucked. These people are not fully functioning humans, should be identified, and put outside society in a commune or something where they all eat each other's faces.
> Pretending morals and ethics don't form the backbone of a functioning society.
Landon Reyes
Morals and ethics are what we use to control people like you
Cameron Perry
hi fatty
Anthony Davis
No no. It's our code of honor and how we treat each other so the world isn't a giant toilet. Which is EXACTLY what you Jew fucks are going to inherit if your plan were to work. A giant, smelly, shitty toilet. Without the white man to leech off of, your betters, you have nothing.
Xavier Morgan
>non archived clickbait topic is morals and ethics >virtue signallers kvetch about morals and ethics >The user points out morals and ethics are false arbitrary constructs >somehow The user is the one lacking in comprehension
also get fucked, slave.
Daniel Ortiz
>filename THEY ARE TRYING TO DATAMINE US The image filename is NOT an iPhone filename. These threads almost never take a complete stance on their pictures and want YOU to give an opinion so they can collect data.
That is simply a bullshit label they apply to those that are not allowing themselves to be feminized by this bullshit society that has been forced on us.
Gavin Morgan
> You were told to think that way. Hardly. Unlike yourself some people have philosophies and beliefs they work out themselves. It comes from having a high IQ. We don't have to be spoon fed everything like you assume all people must. We learn from our mistakes, we see wrong done, we observe the world, and develop philosophies and understanding on how that can be avoided or made better.
Andrew Walker
> just obey! Whom am I obeying? The entirety of society tells me to do one thing, and I choose the opposite. Who do I obey?
Bentley Torres
No shit. You have to be fucking insane to be at that level.
Jaxson Hughes
People who focus on being the nice guy are ground up in the business world.
Camden Nguyen
You are arguing on the sanctity and objectivity of concepts like morals and ethics Society tells you to do this, then you convince yourself to believe it. You obey The user and the others who pull the strings.
Andrew Campbell
You seem to think we are not on the same side. I am white I don't want to be surrounded by brown people helping other whites improves my life dramatically
Michael Myers
Now that's edgy
William Anderson
Morals and ethics are passed down by society to their offspring. They are rules for having a better life. A cleaner life. Mistakes learned from the past. Of course most children never listen to any of this, teenagers rebel, against it all. Then they suffer, make horrid mistakes, learn, grow, and come around to all the things their parents told them. Morals and ethics are guidelines on how to generally not fuck yourself and others up and make the world a shitty place for everyone. The alternative was tried a million times. And the lessons from these bad times, are called morals and ethics. Dumb shit. This idea you have that society tells people something and they are a SLAVE to it is fucking stupid. Nobody does that. Everyone has to make mistakes and learn. Nobody listens. But the lessons are there. And they have much value.
Noah Carter
Le sauce?
Aiden Smith
Low agreeability is often conflated with psychopathy.
Jayden Miller
4 in 5 CEOs are bugmen
imho i prefer based psychos like Peter Thiel than the Bill Gates and Tim Cucks of the world
CEOs don't want to give me their money so they are psychopaths.
Leo Jackson
hmmm sounds like jews in general >dont have morals so cant break them >enjoy putting goyim against goyim >end justifies the means >whats good for the jew capitalism is a caste-system where the deciding factor is a product [money] that is produced by only the jews. It makes the gods when your whole society revolves around gathering these meaningless commodities; in any way possible, as the loser will justify his abuser by claiming "muh capitalism". what a perfect system to enslave people.
Dominic Long
Oh in fact I have long assumed the mass inbreeding and genetic abnormalities with Jews has produced a type of Sociopathic or psycopathic retardation. I once talked to an Israeli flag about this, and he said it was not in fact out of the question as he had noticed most of his people were like this.
I get that a bunch of people enforce what you want but I don't buy it.
Fuck off and die.
William Wright
>masculinity is having zero capacity for empathy, delusions of grandeur, being sexually promiscuous, lying to get your way, etc. Etc. Either you dont know what psychopathy is or you dont know what masculinity is
Logan Butler
This is a good thing. Psychopaths have their place in a functional society.
Ayden Taylor
Joseph Lewis
makes sense. the biggest ladies men and uber-businessmen i have ever met have all been psychopaths. really interested in you until your greeting is over. fake people.
Caleb Carter
Fuck your games.
Daniel Bell
No real people, you are upset because they are not circle jerking you 100% of the time.
Adrian Gomez
The real question is how many of those Australian CEOs are shitposters?