Why do millennials see working as a negative thing?

You work, you get paid, you're being productive to the nation and you get to make lots of friends.
i seriously dont get why the new generation abhors it so much like its some kind of a human rights issue.

Whats wrong with kids these days, Jow Forums?

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jew thread

>you get paid

>work sets you free
Oyyyyy vey!

Work pre-finance capitalism was just working for yourself, your family, and your community. Like what amish do. It basically just *feels* productive because it is.

Modern "work" is nothing like that so we want little to none of it

You're talking about one of the first generations to have no connection to anything. We have no sense of nation or community because it is filled with strangers. We have no sense of family because they are broken. We have watched our boomer parents work themselves to death to end up poor from economic crashes, divorces and debt. The modern job market forces you into an unnatural state of daily life, sitting down and staring at a screen for eight hours at a time, when throughout history most jobs involved being active. There is no reward for working hard, only more work.

>lots of friends
Someone who has never worked.
Work is terrible. I like getting paid, I actually enjoy the actual work part, but everything else, the drama, the politics, the bureaucracy, the commuting is terrible and soul killing.

It's one of the few things Marx was right about.

>You work, you get paid
Which is why people work.
To get paid.

>you're being productive to the nation
nice cult

>There is no reward for working hard, only more work.
I keep telling people this in the shop I work in. They run around like lunatics getting stuff done, and then when someone leaves from stress the management leave the space empty and lets the ones left work harder.

Millennial/Gen Z/whatever here(I'm 19).

I'm a rare case but I LOVE working. I've been coding since I was 13 and I have two subscription-based software products that I constantly update as well as run a small web development/seo business.

The barrier of entry to all of those are ridiculously low and that's why I got started with them - it takes little to no money to build SaaS products and practically zero capital to do web development. It's fucking great.

That said - most millennials fucking HATE work, and for good reason. Who the fuck would want to:
>work for a jew
>have their hours set by a jew
>depend on a jew for your only source of income
>have that income set by a jew
>have your tasks laid out each day by a jew
>get bossed around by a jew
>and if you don't do your job, get your life totally fucked by a jew

Doesn't sound enjoyable to me. I'll pass.

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Because I am salaried whether I work hard or not I get the same amount. There are people I work with who will put in 50 hour weeks while only getting paid for 39. I leave after exactly 39 hours. I do not work for free. I tell all of the old boomers I work with that they are setting a terrible precedent. It's a fair balance as they think I'm lazy and I think they're stupid.

I dont get a job in this shithole.

>make lots of friends
this doesn't happen

get some perspective user
can't be worse than where I'm from

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>Work sets you free
Isn't that the motto hanging over Auschwitz entrance?

I would swap with you in a heartbeat.I just hate this land

I sat down a Boomer a while ago by comparing wages now and then. Basically, our job would be about £3 an hour in the 70's, but our pay now in the 70's would actually be 50p.

Of course he went on about how "that's not the point!" and all that shit.

>80% tax
>80% of tax goes to niggers

ye nah Im fine being a NEET forever. fuck this society. it needs to be utterly destroyed and Im doing more to help by causing the collapse rather than prop up this sick system

Pretty much.
His theories of historical materialism are useful as well.

Obviously gommunism did not work out so well.

Fucking this. The actual doing work part is not a problem at all. Also actually finding a job can be hell.

When they get old enough to realize they weren't born into a rich family and will have to GASP work for a living, live becomes endless days of misery for them, you can hear it in their voices.


It's easy:
>You're worse off than your parents
>Retirement is a morbid joke your grandparents live out in front of you in increasingly dire straits
>Wages haven't moved since the 1980s
>Corporate profit margins are off the charts but you don't get paid any more for your contributions to the success of the company
>Working is harmful to your health
>Resent the fact you have to work in order to survive, call it wage slavery because you barely make enough to cover your bills
>Capitalists beg for retail investors but thanks to 2008 no one wants to deal with the banks

Working in this system is not a badge of honor. Not impressed at all by people who brag about how many hours they give mr goldberg as nonwhites flood into America by the millions every year

I know right? Who wouldn't want to be a slave to a system which threw them over board 30 years ago?

the nation part, yeah, is kinda cult-ish ...
but, the productive part is important. it helps a lot with depression. when your day is filled up with doing something that you don't hate doing (at worst) or love doing (at best), then you don't have time to dwell on the stupidity of life. so you end up being less prone to feeling depressed.

oversimplistic explanation, sure. but the point is valid.

What he really meant was "1/10 of what you actually earned thanks to inflation". Imagine being able to make the same amount of money you are currently...in half an hour.

the 2008 recession had a huge psychological impact on millenials.

right on, dude!

i've been a programmer for 35 years and your comments about barrier of entry are spot on. it's why i got into programming back in the early 80s. i've never had a job job, just clients, and at times subscription-based sites. i love the idea of building something that people are willing to pay for because they like it or need it.

good luck, hope you have continued success. :)

>web """""development"""""
No it's not. Fuck off and learn just about any actually programming language except for flavor of the month meme shit and then you can you're a coder.

Depends on the person. Some people it makes more depressed if they find their work next to meaningless or otherwise unimportant. They don't have to hate it or have any derision for their work at all for this to be the case, since a person can feel out of place without having any bad feelings toward the place in question that they feel out of.

you clearly can't read, right? he said he does both. and web dev is not just html stuff. it's javascript/jquery plus maybe frameworks and probably back-end coding, java or php or node.

fuck off back to your shitty world, faggot. you think you're some kind of legit serious programmer who can shit on anyone he wants to.

lol that filename. is it indeed famous?

can you leave?

They all want to be youtubers, gamers or influencers so why would they want a 9-5 job?

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being a wage cuck is a life of misery.

if you are lucky to live in a first world country forget about working for others and find ways to work for yourself.

James Holt pls go

Millennials live in an era where you can be very selective about everything, including the people you associate with. You interact with individual people or topics that you like in a one on one basis.

I can't stand interacting with people who are too different from me. Workplace small talk and discussions about football drive me insane.

They don't bond with their colleagues and I don't blame them. In this day and age people leave jobs so frequently that it would be heartbreaking if you did make attachments to people at work.

>No it's not.
that was for the software bit. WP is so much easier for making sites for local businesses, why use anything else?

yes it actually is, there are tons of pictures of this exact one.


>i've never had a job job, just clients, and at times subscription-based sites.
that's the goal user!

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