What happens when you die?

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you start to decompose

you get reborn 10.000 years from now

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You stop hearing about jews

you leave your physical body behind and face judgement

We’ll all be laughing with you

nite nite nigger

When you die

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you go to an afterlife

Words don't mean anything
It's endless night


the same things that happened before, but without you

Judgement by what/who?


only the dead know

Christians go to heaven, while heathens get the eternal oven

the afterlife will be anything you want it to be

the only correct answers

Your body decomposes but the consciousness within you is separated from your material body.

I'm of the opinion that while memories (what makes us, us) is material, consciousness (the part that interprets those memories along with the current scenario to give a feel of self-awareness) is an inherent property of the universe, like energy.

I absolutely refuse to believe that a bunch of meat, sodium & potassium can produce consciousness. There must be something else that we are unaware about.

Niggers start raping your kids you nihilistic piece of shit

You genetic material lives on in your offspring.
Oh, what's that? You got vasectomized and didn't get to have children? Oh well, better luck next time. Except, there is no next time.

Gantz prints out your double and you fight aliens in tokyo.

No need to be an asshole leaf
It was a genuine question and everyone will face death because it is a part of life

you finally grow a beard

well goodbye Jow Forums

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Death is your eternal rest after hard day of life self indulgence will make you fear death but working hard will make you long for it

godspeed, baby face

You join the Fuhrer in the eternal battle .

the consciousness that was inside of you no longer resides in it and your brain will cease to function because the spirit batteries were pulled

Smoke some DMT and you’ll get a taste of existence without a body.

Everyone and everything dies

Really makes you think