The holacaust happened. No amount of denial and fake facts that you find on nazi websites online will ever change that.
The holacaust happened. No amount of denial and fake facts that you find on nazi websites online will ever change that
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Zionist Talmud Jews are responsible for the holocaust and they blamed it on the National Socialists. Typical false flag.
So what? Even if it did, it doesn't give you the excuse to whine about how a certain group of people are owed sympathy points. The denial of holocaust denial isn't even worth it unless it is a lie.
Take your anti-psychotic medicine that your doc gave you.
If it really happened then why do Jews try to shut down an investigation into it?
>denying the holocaust is an investigation
Guessing you finished school with less than 5 GCSE's.
Welcome to Jow Forums. Get ready for some red pills, goy
>The New York Times on March 3, 1991 reported:
>SS death certificate log released after the collapse of the USSR, kept in the US National Archive
>403,713 people died in the labor camps
>73,137 died at Auschwitz
>38,031 were jews
>0 were burned or gassed to death
No, investigating it.
> Holocaust denial trial.
> Expert witnesses called.
> Expert witnesses come to wrong conclusion.
> Expert witnesses get their own holocaust denial trials.