redpill me on white privilege
White Privilege
Blacks have the privilege and it was given to them by Jews, who are the most privileged people in the country.
>Wanting to be redpilled on a bluepulled subject
>white people dont exist
>use white privilege
rare as a sane democrat
>That flag
white people are genetically superior which gives them privileges such as a higher IQ and a lower propensity to become failures in life
>be white
>have white privilege "power" according to msm and tumblrinas
>try to stop white supremacy
>dont know how to use my privlege powers
>get shot by a black man trying to fight white supremacy
>pay a gorillion dollars in medical bills
>learn that i dont have privilege powers
>become white supremacist
>in-group preference exists everywhere
>novelty responses to out-group members exists everywhere
>white Europeans came to America and built a country for white Europeans, just like every society does for themselves
>Reeeeeeee white people are the cause of everybody's problems reeeeeeee
It's bullshit user. These people promoting the idea are fucking goblins. Ask yourself this: what nigger in America doesn't have the choice to study and work hard? All those hood niggers could CHOOSE to do exactly that but that isn't the choice they make, is it user?
Also this. It's really a hilarious irony that the real explanation for "white privilege" is just genetics for IQ, planning for the future, and lower propensity to violence
SPF 100.
jews copy their own works to enslave goyum instead of the religious original sin, now the gullible none religious fucks will be blasted with untangible guild and made do bullshit they otherwise would not do all in the sake of maintaining control over the masses, once the mud people take over it will be a good incentive for them (not that they need it that much) to justify genocide, thus removing the only real competitor to (((them))), then they rule over a prison planet
>use Your Privlige to help us! :DDD (PLEASE!!!!)
LMFAO so much for empowerment.
Hi Joan go fucking die you arid thundercunt, kill your kids too
>use your white privilege to fight white supremacy
but i thought acting against my own economic interests was something only stupid rednecks did?
Are you a FUCKING rat cause RATS RACE. FOR ONE WHITES ARE WAY TO FUCKING SUBMISSIVE. AND LOTS of the blacks think just being black is intimidating meet a soul sister the other day i had to tell her i aint affraid of the dark girl had no damn soul. Meet me at night..hell just cause i cant see em dont mean i wont find em and whoop some ass. They seriously think we should be intimidated by them. Shit to had to reminder that OBAMA aint the fucking president any more as well as WAKANDA is in fucking EGYPT.
Why would I want to fight white supremacy?
WHITES ARE FROM WARM TEMPERATURE PLACES BODIES NEED LOTS OF VITAMIN D. BLACKS are from cold climate places their skin absorbs vitamin d better
>affirmative discrimination of whites.
reminder that IOTBW is happening again this Halloween
spread the word, tell a friend, get ready
It simply doesn't exist.
The idea that someone's skin color is affecting how they succeed in life is just another way to pin the blame of their failures on something else. It really isn't that difficult to grasp. Especially if you're white and you've lived just as bad as (or worse than) the niggers that the media likes to parrot constantly (which I am).
here you go
it's a scam, it works for certain people who is claiming white privilege but in reality what matters is social class and cash.
also good looks, the whole racial advantage thing it's just a social construct (a real social construct unlike race)
>Rare and trips
White privilege does exist, but not in ways leftists think.
People of every race tend to get along better with people of their own race, so whites have the advantage in the US as they are the majority (just like the japanese in japan, the africans in africa).
However, this is not what causes the difference in performance and success between those groups. Genetics play a role here and that's where leftists are wrong.
it's simply nature
They could've just wrote "kill yourself honkey"
Whitey dun gonna get de pivledg of payin for mah shit while I do whatever the hell I feel like, cuz racism.
Catch-all term for cultural practices passed along domestically such those involving education, civic engagement, personal responsibility , child rearing and overall successful life practices learned over centuries of white civilization that were not passed along to minorities.
Leftists seek to replace this with a vague and nebulous conflation of "white privilege" with "sin", as they originate from lapsed Catholic secular households that that have Catholic mentality but not the ideological framework.
bitches love white cock and most companies will hire you and banks most likely to give you a loan but thats a good thing and based on reality
just like in sports teams are more likely to scout black players
White privilege is having niggers make up a fake genocide and getting it blamed on you. Leopold ii did nothing wrong