Corporations appropriate progressive language to try to fool people into thinking they're progressive...

Corporations appropriate progressive language to try to fool people into thinking they're progressive. It seems like the only people falling for this are retards like you who have amazingly become convinced that these multibillion dollar corporations like google are "Marxist.",
It’s surreal. You think all these companies are part of a liberal agenda. In truth these entities are just reactionary, pandering, and trying to make a quick buck. They don’t give a shit about agendas. Oh wait, sorry I was wrong: Just look at all those communist billionaires like warren buffet and george soros are all about worker owned means of production and redistribution of hoarded wealth!

Attached: lefr.jpg (569x428, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The attached picture is rather dated, now, but the sentiment still holds true.

Attached: Occupy Tea Party.jpg (825x700, 117K)

Corporations aren't pro-faggot to get fag money, they are pro-faggot because fags period consume more than normal people.
>mfw "communists" support the cementing of bourgeois rule

>they are pro-faggot because fags period consume more than normal people.
So they're pro-fag to get fag-money?

pandering to a minority =! actively supporting consumerism get better reading comprehension

Attached: 1503308839307.jpg (326x220, 15K)

Humans are not eusocial. Pretending we are simply concentrates all the money and power into the hands of the scummiest people who use any tactic they can to snuff their competition.

All you are doing is stooping down to their level, this is no different to the right saying "Commies are not people" and only talking about the most extreme examples.

Hang on now. Are you trying to say that investment bankers like Buffet and Sorors are on the same plane as Google? Common now. If you're going to shill, the least you can do is try harder.

Also, what the fuck is the point of your rant? Do you have an issue with Jow Forumsacks calling some big corporations marxist? Why is that anathema for you?

Know what I think?
You're their useful idiots!
How many commie flags do we see attacking Trump supporters & Rally's?
The end game of the (((elite))) is Capitalism for themselves & Socialism for the rest of, hence you lot are their perfect minions.

how can you not see that homosexuals and CEO's are the exact same; oligarchic minorities oppressing the great mass of people with their self destructive suicidal ideology??!?

>what the fuck is the point of your rant?
I'm just tired of people falsely thinking corperations are marxist. Most people are right-wing, why do you think Trump won?

>The end game of the (((elite))) is Capitalism for themselves & Socialism for the rest of,
>Capitalism for elites and socialism for the rest.
That's good mickey. Are you that single smart mick who keeps posting here? The one for whom someone once said it's a shame you're stuck in Ireland? If so, what you've said is good. Elaborate more and I'll help you roll it out in a concrete fashion.

Shut up, Italy.

Agreed most people are right wing, but only because you lot made them!
Who knew academia, MSM, Hollyweird & politics shilling racist anti-white propaganda would send flocks of people sprinting towards us!
Thanks for the recruitment OP.

>I'm just tired of people falsely thinking corperations are marxist.
Marxism is not monopolized by the state. It's a form of warfare. Though humans have progressed technologically, evolution and the game of life hasn't changed. We will always fight each other for more resources, it's inevitable. Marxism and capitalism are just different means of organization for economic warfare - the modern version of ooga booga sticks and stones beating each other to death. There's no reason why corporations can't follow marxist ideology in the internet age.

>Corporations appropriate progressive language to try to fool people into thinking they're progressive.
They also:
>give "progressives" a platform
>deny those that oppose said "progressives" a platform
>and routinely seem to do "progressive" bidding as long as it actually doesn't cost them too much
It's not like most of the activists are champagne socialists anyway, including you OP. But champagne or not, in a just world you'd be dragged out of your bed at 3 am and have one put behind your ear.

>Commies are not people
You really aren't though.

speaking of Italy, in the 1400's under the Medici when textile manufacturing was just beginning in Europe, Tuscany was the wealthiest of all the Italian states and over two generations they lost it all because the Medici promoted homosexuality among the textile workers so he they could pay them less wages and the population growth dropped since no one could afford children.

Left and right are increasingly outdated terms. The real fight now is between globalists and nationalists. Both the progressive left and the corporations hate nations with closed borders and strict immigration policies. That is documented fact. Therefore, we nationalists have to fight both progressive leftists AND corporations. It's as simple as that. We don't really care what the reasons are for their alliance. Hell, I would take an old-school marxist who wanted to protect the working class over some dipshit open-borders libertarian any day.

I honestly don't know many libertarians who want open borders. Securing the border is one of the very few legitimate responsibilities of government.

>The real fight now is between globalists and nationalists
And the globalists will win.

Maybe. But I will continue to fight them anyway.

They're not for full communism, no, but they aren't 'reactionary' either. They promote left liberal policies and values.

we want harmony and peace and we aren't people

I've met them. They're the kind of dumbfucks who think that being libertarian means defending big business at all costs.

>amazingly become convinced that these multibillion dollar corporations like google are "Marxist
I can't believe people are that fucking stupid.

Harmony? Peace? By flooding our nation's with the 3rd world?
Huh...hear that lads?
Also he's has JQ in his trip code

Big businesses have, in recent memory, mostly survived because of government intervention. Either by reducing taxation for them (but not their smaller competitors), disproportionately high taxation on foreign competitors (far higher than any government subsidies in those countries), literally giving them taxpayer dollars (Either as-is or a "loan" that doesn't actually need to be repaid, like Bombardier) or other legislation that prevents others from conceivably competing against them.

We need er said they're Marxists, we said they use Marxists as their useful idiots

>Maybe. But I will continue to fight them anyway.
Maybe. But your grandkids won't.

>, I would take an old-school marxist who wanted to protect the working class over some dipshit open-borders libertarian any day
This is mental retardation.
>leave everyone alone
>starve everyone to death after stealing all wealth

>By flooding our nation's with the 3rd world?

You mean your capitalist masters

All Marxists are useful idiots of the globalists.

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Both sides are for it because it's all controlled opposition.

You sound like one of the intelligent, "woke" libertarians. You are an ally in the anti-globalist struggle.

I usually use the term "classical liberal".

As opposed to welcoming some open-borders, pro-globalist dork because he claims to be "right wing" or "conservative" (according to his own idiotic definition)?

Nah, the old-school marxists got a lot of things wrong and I would never want them at the helm. But if they want to help us rein in the multinational corporations, then I am fine with using them as temporary allies. It's how battles and wars are won.

Improved it.

Attached: imp.png (898x720, 424K)

Communism by it's nature is international & traditionally Jewish.
Both of which hate nationalists & whites.
What you call Capitalism has always been around, people have always held private property & engaged in transactions among each other.
It's retarded to think practices humans have engaged in throughout their history are going to end because a degenerate alcoholic schizophrenic scribbled some shit when drunk instead of working to pay for food to prevent his children dying of malnourishment or health care so they could get help with the schizophrenia they inherited from him then commit suicide.

>I'm not a marxist but aren't they so much better than a slightly subverted group

Attached: This is you.jpg (1280x1109, 215K)

That term has recently been ruined by Sargon and JBP, who use it to persuade their fans that organizing for their own racial/ethnic interests is "collectivist" and therefore evil. "Classical Liberalists" are individuals who are too fine and proud to stoop to using the most effective political strategy and would prefer to lose with dignity. I hope you're not one of those. You seem smarter than that.

> In truth these entities are just reactionary, pandering, and trying to make a quick buck

Everyone knows this, no-one except retarded baby boomers makes the argument that duh corporations are part of a librul gommie conspiracy. Corporations are only interested in unfettered profit, and the nation is a threat to that. Corporations want an alienated, dirascinated populace who only truly identify with what they consume. They want a low IQ labour force that will be too busy infighting over racial and gender quotas to actually organise. They want an end to borders that prohibit the flow of capital and labour. This is what people here actually think while you're busy debating fox news strawmen.

We all know the corporations don't support liberal causes intellectually, but the fact is they do still support them for their own reasons.

They're globalists not Marxists.

They've appropriated cultural marxism as a tool to further their influence not as a means to establish communism.

Attached: Stalin Incredulous.webm (582x600, 1.4M)

Let's say I haven't defanged myself.

No, that's not me at all. I despise SJWs. And the point is moot anyway, since old-school marxists are an extinct species. 99% of leftists these days are progressive types. Many libertarians are just confused whites who gravitated to that philosophy because it is implicitly white, but most seem only subconsciously aware of it. Once they become fully aware of why they gravitated to it, they are only a step or two away from being fully woke anti-globalists and pro-nationalists. The ones who cling to open-borders ideology in the face of all evidence against it are either hopelessly brainwashed idiots or Jews using it to serve their own group interests.

Glad to learn that.

Borders wouldn't even be an issue if it wasn't for the Kalergi plan being followed to the t by the Elites.

above all else, Capitalists make their own graves. it's contradictory for them to pander to marxists or progressives. it's about chasing profit for them, corporations have to appeal to markets right?
what do you suppose that could cause?

Attached: yes.png (814x578, 532K)

Didn't know Marx also engaged in actual labour.

The irony of that image will be lost on marxists.

Protecting our borders and enforcement of strict immigration policies is what standing in the way of implementing the Kalergi Plan.

Thanks for bringing that up. Few people know about it and many of those who do think it's a myth. We really need to educate people about this document. Kalergi wasn't some delusional nobody. He was basically the architect of the EU and was honored as such. His plan is being carried out to the letter by the global oligarchy.

Corporations adopt progressive policies not because its good for the population, it’s because they found a way to exploit it for personal gain. Look at desegregation for example. They didn’t want it until they found out they could make more money by forced integration. Legalizing drugs again is another example. It’s not going to be legalized because it’s good for you, have you started to notice who is moving into that market recently? Pride advertising is another new one. Getting big businesses to fund Marxist efforts was always a part of the plan. These companies will do anything that they think will make them more money including destroying the entire country and killing off all the people that reside in it, which is exactly what many people are counting on. Greed will be their demise.

Leftists make their own graves when they push for open borders and multiculturalism. Diverse, 85 IQ workforces do not organise and co-operate

I have been saying this for years. Can't believe i actually agree with a commie on something. Them pushing leftism is just a means for more power and profit.

Corporations will often sacrifice profits to promote the progressive agenda. You could argue that they are playing the long con, but corporations are almost always about the next quarterly report and hardly ever cognizant of very long-term consequences. Dig a little deeper. It's not always just about making money.

I have said that about corporate marxism for years this it's as perfidious as your posts go

Rank-and-file leftists are useful idiots. They are mostly doing it for signalling purposes within their small circle of peers. They can't even see the glaring contradictions of their actions and stated goals. They actually think they are "fighting the power". They are not bright, intellectually curious people. They are dullards with fundamentally silly motives.

>What you call Capitalism has always been around,
People fucking up the environment have also always been around, does that mean it's good?

Destroying bio and cultural diversity in favor of homogenization is beneficial to many of them in the long run though, and the feels crowd will get them through the short term.

Commies have a pretty shit history when it comes to that so I wouldn't bring up muh environment if I were you.

acknowledge that homosexuality is a weapon of the bourgeois you commie fuck and not "liberal pandering"

Real Communism has never been tried, though. I know it's pretty much a meme at this point but it still holds true.

leftists don't push for open borders and multiculturalism, neoliberals do. What would a labor rights movement have to gain from importing cheap labor that doesn't speak their language? nothing. what would a corporation have to gain from importing cheap, low-IQ labor that is afraid of being deported if they try to unionize? a whole lot of money.

To achieve this without looking bad, corporations adopt "progressive" language and values, using retard SJWs on twitter as their pawns. Corporate industry controls the progressive movement by funding Democrat candidates, allowing liberals and younger people to feel "revolutionary" without actually talking about the capitalist abuses that effect the working class far more than "racism" or "not enough trans welders"

Do people really think a company like google or apple care about gay rights, or some "secret cultural marxist" agenda, because they put a rainbow theme on their homepage? Nigger these companies make billions working with Saudi Arabia and China, how dumb are you to actually buy their shit?


OP you are what's known as a retard!
Perhaps you're a functional retard that's managed to move out & pay your own rent, but you're a retard none-the-less.
Listen to me & listen to me carefully, people are never going to willingly give up their private property or businesses.
People are never going to give up their transactions with each other, do you understand?
You're believing in a fantasy that always turns to delusion, m'kay?

That's true. The ultimate goal is a mass of low-IQ brown consumerist wage-slaves who do as they are told and care only about the latest bauble or fad. They need to be just smart and docile enough to perform their menial jobs but not smart enough to realize their degraded position and not independent enough fight back against it. A white-mestizo-asiatic-african blend will be exactly what the oligarchs require.

It still holds true to you because you're a fucking misinfo fuckboy

what would you say to that 15th century tuscan textile worker? "sorry dude you don't get paid enough to feed your kids but at least you can sodomize your co-workers" ???

Know what I think?
After decades of benefiting from multi culturalism via importing votes.
You've come to realize that your once greatest asset is now your Achilles heel!
You can see the writing on the wall, that the normies don't want open borders, don't want to be replaced & you can see them flocking to the right in droves & now you want a piece of that sweet sweet pie.
Well sorry dude, the right has this monopoly sowed up.

are you the same Irish fuck that was in a thread about socialism like 4 hours ago? why are you here, you should be out killing catholic molesters.

Corporations allow capital and labor to work together for mutual benefit, often solving difficult problems along the way. There are bad corporations like there are bad people: a few genuinely bad apples and a horde that are just too ignorant to do any better. Some corporations do try to do better, and I think we should encourage them.

do i need to post a quote from Marx on immigration again to make you shut up, potato nigger?

I agree 100% with everything you said, but leftists absolutely do push for open borders and multiculturalism. I'm aware that there are still people on the 'old' left who understand all this, but they will still retard debates on immigration with comments like pic related.

> Do people really think a company like google or apple care about gay rights, or some "secret cultural marxist" agenda, because they put a rainbow theme on their homepage? Nigger these companies make billions working with Saudi Arabia and China, how dumb are you to actually buy their shit?
m8 I agree with you, look at my first post

Attached: existentialcomicsmeme.jpg (960x807, 77K)

>consumerist wage-slaves
Also add debt slaves to that.

Can you name these anti-globalist, pro-nationalist, anti-immigration corporations? I want to believe that these corporations exist.

immigration wasn't even an issue in 1848. railroads were still bring laid

considering the nature of modern immigration he'd probably be an open border nigger the same way he was on the free trade debate

Yes, exactly. One more method of control.

I wouldn't disagree. But the fact that corporations have to do it to pander is evidence of a much larger problem.

Post all you want Mo Chará, but, it doesn't change the fact you've fucked up.
You're tied to a sinking ship!
You spent decades telling the youth they were evil incarnate because they're white.
You spent decades telling them they need to make up for their ancestral sin (you're the new Catholic Church pushing original sin on People) by allowing the 3rd world into their home.
We tell them that they shouldn't hate themselves, but in fact should love themselves & be proud of their history.
We give them identity. You take it away.
I mean, perhaps I should be thanking you for the recruitment you've done for us.

marx was wrong about lots of things in his books

>Europe will be the first places to become commie because the worker's toil and poverty will become unbearable and they will revolt
they didn't russia and china were the first places to get commied and they were poor barely industrialized shitholes
>workers got better standards of living so marx's idea that workers will literally starve to death under the bourgeois did not happen infact their lives got better
capitalism literally brought so much niggers over the poverty line
>marx was a jew
the jew's only motivate is to gain power
communism is just a ploy to destabilized the country by a revolution and seize power easily seen in ussr in the purges

people lives are gonna be better

>zero incentive to work harder
people are not born equally. some are just better than others because they work harder to get into a better job. and with a better job that means i can by more body pillows. why should i only get 1 body pillow if i work twice as hard as a burger flipper?
>communism cannot make rational decisions
in mao china the good rice farmers were forced into construction work
they melted farming tools and turn them into useless pig iron
birds were exterminated so the locust thrived and ate all the rice
>literally everybody starved

totalitarian and oppression

>seize the memes of production
in what reality does talking shit that i own and saying its for us is virtue. i work hard for this shit
>to establish a commie state marx or some commie said that first there must be a state that is ruled by the majority(proles) to oppress the rich
now you have a dictatorship disguised in the virtue of the proles
"ohh its for the motherland" "we need to kill the dissidents because muh equally"
Now you have abolute controll over the state because it's for the safety of freedom and shit.
commie rhetoric is oppression masked in a veil of virtue

my bad. The leftist view of immigration is sort of scattered depending on the context, they'll highlight different things. If its conservative pundit vs. immigrant, they'll pick immigrants because they want to protect the rights of minorities, and groups that have always been a scapegoat for far right violence.

But at the same time, most leftists would agree that corporations and their SJW twitter legion are faux revolutionaries, and any policy being pushed by big business is going to hold the rights of profit over the native workers. So far, in america at least they try to avoid the issue because an anti-immigrant socialist, is of course, literally hitler

>you who have amazingly become convinced that these multibillion dollar corporations like google are "Marxist."

Attached: WhenYou'reOppressed.png (520x535, 311K)

>Owing to the constantly increasing concentration of leaseholds, Ireland constantly sends her own surplus to the English labor market, and thus forces down wages and lowers the material and moral position of the English working class

Marx in letter on Irish immigration to Britain, 1870. Sound familiar?
Marx also argued that hostility between native workers and immigrant working class made them divided, and allowed them to be controlled by capitalist business-owners using media and entertainment
Again, sound familiar?

adios, my freckly friend. Let me know when sinn feinn blows up some more school kids

>Sinn Fein blowing up kids
>Sinn Fein are largest Marxist group in Ireland

Seriously m8, the cringe here is so bad, Sinn Fein are literally your lads...
