Why do you hate Islam, Jow Forums?

Why do you hate Islam, Jow Forums?

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I hate anything that bans beer.

lack of logos

Because I hate all semitic religions

> based on fairy tales
> thinly veiled arab nationalism
> makes you worship something
> no pork, bacon, booze
> no fun allowed

It's a religion for retards. "put ur brain away and worship god."

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What’s not fun about throwing gays off of buildings?

Never mentioned in the quran. Sand nigger tradition probably

the fact that becoming a tranny makes it no longer gay in islam


It makes you literally bow down and grovel to a terrible, bloodthirsty god. They hate dogs. They have no beer and bacon, they force marriage on everyone for the sake of the religion, and they condone the murder of too many people. Hell even Saudi Arabia executed a freaking poet. Praying 5 times a day? Hell no.

Because I've met Muslims and have been to Muslim majority countries/regions.

Forced marriages are haram. Dogs being prohibited isn't in the Quran. Bloodthirsty god? Why?

Have you read the history of Muhommed's conquests? Martyrdom in Islam is dying and taking out infidels with you. They are the only one who still stone, behead, chop off limbs, force female circumcision, etc. They even say kill infidels.

Also, read Rushdie's Satanic Verses.

How is that any different from muh odin Valhalla?

FGM is a weird subsaharan African thing not specific to Islam. As for them in wars - no worse than anyone else.

It'll be a problem when Norsemen start immigrating en masse and demanding we be tolerant to their shitty ideas. Until then, I'm not too worried.

Odin is an extinct religion. Just like the Aztecs, the Druids and most polytheistic religions. Some are reviving the Odin traditions but no one is slaughtering anyone. Those days are long gone. And no, I am not Christian either. These bloodthirsty gods have no place in the modern world.

I've read the story of Muhammed's (pbuh) conquests. They were peaceful and they let religious minorities live freely on one stipulation which is paying the safety jizya or safety tax. After Muhammed's (pbuh) death and after the 4 caliphs it all went to shit. Stoning isn't in the quran nor Is female genitalia mutilation. I do not take by most hadiths too.

Like they did centuries?
The modern world won't outlive the necessity of death.

>It makes you literally bow down and grovel to a terrible, bloodthirsty god.
>They hate dogs
Dogs are stupid, they lick their asses all day and then lick everything else.
>they force marriage on everyone for the sake of the religion, and they condone the murder of too many people
not true
>Praying 5 times a day
Whats wrong with praying?

Doesnt matter whether it's in the Quran or now. Islamic countries are the only ones doing this stuff nowadays, and the main war-mongers in the world. Take out Ukraine, what do you have? Yemen/Somalia, civil war in Syria, Iraq/Iran, Palestine, Eqypt, Algeria, Libya (modern slave trade) the exceptions are Ukraine, South Africa and the drug cartels. Why is this? Taliban Al Quida, ISIS, what do they all have in common? Oh, and im not Muslim, I want to visit Mecca, can I?

Take it from a muslim, dogs aren't forbidden in Islam.

They justify sedition and the death of innocents. Islam is basically a less subtle form of Judaism in its desire for world conquest.

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Its sad that most muslims are sunni low iq inbred sand niggers. I now see why you hate them.

If you can't see the problems with Islam, then I can't help you. You know how they spill blood for conquest. They need what everyone else had, an enlightenment so they stop living in the 9th century.

Main warmongers are Islamic countries? Are you literally stupid? Because of WHO is the Middle East destabilized? Israel and his biggest warmonger buddy in history, USA.

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It's a literal mind virus. The affected zombies become obsessed with spreading it around the world.

Isreal has only been around since 1948. And to answer your question, Britain and France, and later Germany. But you can not tell me it was all peaceful and quiet in the Ottoman Empire.

Its not Islam its the Muslims themselves.

Yes, but they aren't doing it now and haven't for centuries. Are you seriously saying that Norse mythology provides as much issues as Islam does?
>Muhammad's conquests were peaceful
Nigger, he was a literal warlord.

It's Islam. It's a shit ideology and only shitty people practice it.

>Think we should give Islam a chance
>Let in Muslims
>Muslims start exploding everywhere
>Trucks of peace on every sidewalk
>Get dowsed in the face with acid
>Wife and daughter gets raped
>Packs of sandniggers bust the sidewalks and chuck concrete at everyone
>Government enforces sharia
>Daughters clit is cut off for FGM practices
>Get beheaded
>Glad to finally be dead

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Palestine and Israel should not exist. Both are shitty sand niggers but one calls themself a jewish israeli and the other calls themself an arab.

I'm quite confident that Islam worships Satan masquerading as God. Just like the Catholics.

Did not say that they are forbidden.

Been here since 1948 and only brought problems.

Fastest growing religion, nothing you can do about it bud.

Muslims not Islam


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>Never relax attitude towards everything
>At war with EVERY nation, religion, and value system bordering it
>Encompasses every aspect of personal life, politics, and economics and promises to be a fix-all
>Encourages suicide
>Encourages degeneracy by worshiping a false god of piety
>Low survivability

Really? Thanks for pointing that out. You convinced me to let Muslims destroy everything.

>Fastest growing religion
Yes, the shitholes with booking populations practice Islam. I rest my case.

Constitution of Mecca. Also, last 10 years of his life were the conquests.

There isnt a "Satan" its the old gods being recycles as something new, with their families ditched and pantheons dissolved. Jehovah is Saturn, Jesus is Dionysus/Mithra/Attis and Allah as Sin/Murdoch the sumerians. Even the Quran says he had three daughters that were permissive for prayer. It's right there, and Mohommed wrote it down. Now theyre called the Satanic Verses.

The solution to this is to never let sand niggers in your countries because they have low iqs.

He was a warlord and shitty subhuman, like anyone that has ever practiced Islam.

None of these points are correct.

I'd say a better solution would be to kill every single one of you fucks, the world would be an immensely better place.

No shit. They think a child molesting warmonger who told them to drink camel piss was a prophet of God.

>He was a warlord and shitty subhuman, like anyone that has ever practiced Islam.
Yeaaah... not sure who behaves like subhumans right now.

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Circumcision should not be forced on babies who cannot consent to it.

Pic related. Your religion justifies lying so long as it serves your own ends. Any god that says lying is permissible in order to undermine your enemies is not a god worth following. Your kind are no different than those Talmudist whores in Tel Aviv.

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Of course it is. I can't believe this is even a discussion. And the religion of the Norse was the same Germanic one followed by Saxons and Germanic Migratory invasions. Islam is possibly better since they explicitly state to leave Christians Jews and Zoroastrians alone once conquered.

A lot of people all over the place?

I wish I could talk to you, user. Because from what I know and what I see it's downright barbaric. That's why 3 out of 4 Muslims leave it when they emigrate to the US. they have a choice when they leave.

Camel piss? that never happened. Probably from that evil "Hadith"

They tax the shit out of them and eventually kill them if they dont pay the taxes, or force conversion, then kill them.

You shouldn't be the one calling others subhuman as your nation is the centrum of total degeneracy.

Hi Joan!

I'm pretty sure it's in both Bukari and Muslim. You can stop lying. It doesn't work here.

>>Of course it is.
Ah yes, I recall when a member of the Sons of Loki drove a truck through a crowd and Odin's Spear established a freehold, taking up chunks of Norway and Sweden, forcing everyone to convert to worship to the Aesir or be strangled. You're fucking ridiculous.

My religion justifies lying only for those 3 reasons and they are : To stop war or conflict, to save the lives of other or your own life and lastly, to prevent problems or conflicts from happening.

Grew up around Muslims. The ones who suffer the most are the women.

I'm sorry, but subhuman little shits like you don't have an opinion that matters. You should honestly be honored I've responded to you.

Aw fuck bukhari and his book. Most muslims believe in that violent book. I wish they stopped doing so. Hadith is also optional for muslims but for some reason sunnis and shias take by it.

See, I was right. Just shows how stupid and ignorant you Americans are, hopefully your nation crumbles you disgusting pigs.

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It's a lie.


Because it's the most reliable record of Muhammad's life. He was a dumb piece of shit and they recorded the testimonies.

Equality of gender is in the Quran. It is advised to not wear tight clothes or any outfit which is showing in the Quran. No burkas or anything and the Hijab is still being debated by muslims. Saudi Arabia could fuck off if they dont give women rights.

They are correct, they are ALL correct, the proof is the middle east and every nation with islam in it, even western nation that are intentionally importing islam are reinforcing the image. The only good thing that the EU is doing by importing all these muslims is that they are corrupting islam by introducing liberalism and degeneracy. Just wait till all those muslims go back to the desert, there will be massive civil wars for alcohol and sexual liberation. Islam will cave like christianity and Mecca will be a home for homosexuality. Mark my words and get out of the West as soon as you can.

Don't you have some goats to fuck?

what are you then if not a shi'i or a sunni?

so correct that it was made 200 years after his death.

I follow Imam tawhidi's reformist teachings.

Telling me your fantasies now?

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all of this is happening because some french and british fuckos decided to do things they didnt know anything about after world war 1 and the collapse of the ottoman empire

It also justifies it to deceive non believers. You can enter a foreign land and claim to be a friend while at the same time working to undermine that nation and its laws. It's quintessential kikery at its finest. Everything a Muslim says is therefore under an ugly veil of doubt and cannot be trusted.
And for the record I don't actually "hate" Muslims. In fact I could care less about them. I just don't trust you worth a damn and wish you would stay in your own fucking yard instead of coming into mine and shitting up the place. But the way your kind is flooding into the west and causing trouble I may have to upgrade my feelings to hate.

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Instead of Sunni Muslims and Shia muslims uniting to prove criticisms wrong, they reinforce it more by their actions and hadith.

I legit thought Tawhidi's an Australian troll, he just sounded too good.
Anyway, killing those who cause fitna is in the Qur'an, what about that? What constitutes as fitna in your opinion?
What to do with muhsan adulterers?

Maybe if your nation didn't bomb Libya, Syria and Iraq you/we would have no refugee crisis.

Does your Imam spoon feed the Quran to you or do you know it says semen is created between the backbone and the ribs and it calls for the murder of everyone that doesn't submit to your bullshit religion?

If its lying to the unbelievers there should be a good reason like war or to prevent conflict. other than that lying is haram.

Fitna in Arabic has many meanings but its main meaning is spreading lies and chaos.

>Help, we're stupid subhumans that can't build shit ourselves!

>or to prevent conflict
Like finding out the real reason you're there? Seriously, we should just nuke the whole region. The world would be objectively a better place.

In some Muslim countries gays are either forced to become tranny or be killed

Are you mentally retarded or never read any history? For centuries the vikings were cowards who'd only hit and run monasteries. They were dark ages terrorists.

You clearly don't know anything, but again, you are just another stupid inbred American.

Nuking USA would make the world much better place.

And don't even get me started on Varg.

Which I do not agree with and I think Is stupidm

Your family is coming home and they have the smell of drugs and booze on them. Wait till imams start making claims that the Prophet was a homosexual. I have no idea how you are going to solve that issue. Palestine is going to be a Jewish sin spot with gambling and muslim prostitution.

>For centuries the vikings were cowards who'd only hit and run monasteries.
Yes, I'm aware of that you fucking moron! HOW MUCH OF A FUCKING PROBLEM ARE VIKINGS NOW?

what the hell do you mean by saying "finding out the real reason that youre there"?

>They were dark ages terrorists
Just like Muslims. The difference is about 700 years though.

I know every shithole in the world tends to have a lot of Muslims. So which is it? An ideology for subhumans or an ideology that turns people into subhumans? It's one of the two.

Because they don't exist, mostly. Varg is the perfect example of an extremest """viking"" today. He targeted the oldest churches he could. And probably would have started murdering people too if he wasn't a fucking coward.

And maybe instead of acting like literal niggers you could focus on the real (((enemy))) who orchestrated all that faggotry. You could also take in your poor refugee brothers and sisters but prefer to send them to more civilized places to act like a bunch of wild animals because you need to spread like a virus just like those goddamn Jews.
The fact that unbelievers exist is enough for a declaration of war in Islam. Until Islam dominates the entire world your faith can be considered "at war" with everyone else and by your own admission make lying permissible. Again I cannot trust you when you say "lying is haram."

Imams can't do that because homosexuality is haram. People shouldn't be killed for their sexual preference but I still think its wrong to be homosexual. Drugs and alcohol are also prohibited in islam.

So what would I have to do to be executed for causing fitna?
What would you do with the muhsan adulterer?