5.000 people in Germany screaming: "we are adolf hitler children", "non whites get out"

Thoughts, Jow Forums?


Today non whites.
Tomorrow poles.

Attached: 1535838260596.jpg (1080x1920, 825K)

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Doesn't sound like that to me. It sounds like "Germany, Germany! We are the people" or something.

the fire rises

Geil, Man.

give timestamp

this is why wh*toids should be extinct

Ausländer raus=
Foreigners get out

I like what I'm seeing. What am I seeing?

Whites always crack me up

>recessive genes
>less athletic
>lower fight IQ
>less muscle
>higher body fat
>less fast twitch muscle fibers
>punches are weaker
>weaker chin
>lower pain tolerance
>lower aggression
>always getting cucked by black men in the bedroom
>interracial is synonymous with black dominance
>whites pay welfare to blacks like an enslaved population pays tribute to their overlords
>slowly getting replaced in the west like the evolutionary deadends they are