Industrialization was a mistake.
Industrialization was a mistake
handing it over to jews was a mistake
industrialization is inevitable, and anyone who shuns it basically gets conquered by a superior military force.
I bet you like seeing your wife blacked.
>photo copyrighted by his rat brother
A lot of what he says really makes sense to me. He's supposed to be a genius too. Shame about the bombings.
Industrialization was the best correct decision of all time.
oh ted if you only knew the horrors in store for us.
>tfw your slimy brother and bitch in-law sell you out to the FBI
The bombings are the only reason you're even aware of his ideas.
Globalism was a mistake
>I bet you like seeing your wife blacked.
I bet you like seeing your country conquered by a superior military force while you innawoods.
Global is a natural consequence of industrialization.
I've found more and more people agree with Ted the longer the left's bullshit goes on
>Global is a natural consequence of industrialization.
A new world war will be a consequence of globalization
Industrial revolution could never happen again due to depletion of easily accessible resources to kickstart it. Ted goes into this in his book. He makes a good argument that gives me faith we don't have to go back to pre-agriculture to prevent progress. Reminder agriculture is only some 12000 years old in humanitys near 200,000 year history.
>Industrial revolution could never happen again due to depletion of easily accessible resources to kickstart it.
that's bullshit, we could do it again, we'd just use different techniques and technologies.
read the book techie. It won't happen again because it isn't viable short term and self-propagating systems never think far ahead.
blah, blah, blah.
damn, now THIS is an argument.