I thought conservatives were supposed to REDUCE government spending
Are all Texans retarded, or just the ones in charge
>i dont understand the difference between opex and capex
It's not free to run a huge aircon system dumbass
Paying the hospital bills for guards and inmates passing out from heat stroke isn’t free either
OH NO WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CRIMINALS (like every politician you support) eat shit commie
If it’s cheaper, why wouldn’t you?
It isn't, eat shit commie
If you don't give a shit about the thousands of people in on victimless crimes then at least give a shit about the staff. Unless working at a prison now makes you a criminal?
no, I don't give a shit about the staff, millions of people work outside in direct sunlight all day
Prison is a leftist enlightenment idea invented by egalitarian faggots. Criminals should be fined, lashed, branded, or executed (depending on the severity of the crime). Sending niggers on a free ride to the University of Crime is the dumbest possible “punishment” conceivable.
Gotcha. You're just retarded then.
Thanks for clarifying.
keep crying commie fag nobody gives a fuck about you
Prison is literally a protocommunist idea
then you won't mind when you and all your shill buddies end up there with your boss david "kid cocks" brock
Lmao this guy just really really wants to spend $3 million extra to not have an air conditioner.
Listen, I’ll be fine with that when they remove all the ac units from every other government building. I’ll wait
Why do you support sending nogs to a facility where they learn how to become better criminals? Are you a shitskin? Why not just shoot the apes and be done with it?
Ironically this case was fought in a courthouse WITH an air conditioner in it
kill yourself shill rat
I just don’t get it, why do you want to waste $3 million so bad?
They could just get rid of niggers and prisons wouldn’t be needed.
The state has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. The whole point of the prison system was to make it so slavery effectively never ended.
Lawyers are the real criminals as usual.
>it was just petty theft n' shit.
>or dealing
>or dopin.
>they jus doin' what they want
>why the popo gotta enforce laws and shit.
Here, let me spell it out for you since you seem to be eating paint chips or living under fucking power lines.
What the court case does it set precedent. 7 million was spent to fight it. 4 million was spent to put ac into a prison.
Now others will take them to court because their AC isn't working "up to standard" which will require replacements.
Future prisons will need further systems built, adding more cost as well.
soon the cost of installation/maintaining AC's in those prisons will vastly outweigh what they spent to cover it, all to keep lawbreakers more comfortable, because the left has given up on the idea of actually civilizing these people. The only call to action now is to make their lawbreaking behavior accepted social norms, and convince people its not worth punishing these "victimless crimes".
This is seated in the left's racist viewpoint that these people will never change and they need as many of them out of prison as possible to vote for their gibs and keep them in power.
Fairly sure the state makes big fat net loss on prisons.
Lol you act like air conditioning is this insanely expensive and complicated system to set up. Like I said- I’ll be fine with it when they remove the AC from every other government building.
Are you high? They’re money GENERATORS. Prisons are legally allowed to pay prisoners third world wages for their labor, so they’re able to undercut any other company competing for the same job by orders of magnitude. They cost money to maintain, but they earn money overall in what is essentially slave labor.
>aman bajetha
Nice, is this your twitter account OP? Go fuck yourself.
And of course energy and mantienance are free for forever.
What a fucking nigger.
This. Old style restorative justice were people would be given the opportunity to make it up to their victims would be good too. Real redemption for those who deserve it and want it.
No it's not lmao, give them air conditioning then you'll have to entertain their next retarded plea, and they will be even more emboldened. Fight them at every step. Don't give them an inch.
>remove all the ac units from every other government building
>Punish the good tax working people who continue to contribute to society by removing AC units
>punish the bad criminals in prison by installing AC units so they can easily enjoy their prison sentence while the good tax working people pay for it
>then the criminals are released and then dont mind committing crimes because going back to prison is a step above their ghetto house without AC.
Looking at your original post, and seeing how there are no links to your faggot tumblr post, one can only assume you are:
>a galatic faggot
>truly retarded
>an actual lefty from reddit
>butthurt about trump presidency
op are you autistic
Top quality arguments, retard
The cost to INSTALL the A/C will only be $4 million.
The cost to RUN IT EVERY YEAR will cost millions more.
Make the inmates power it with stationary bikes
They already do it in every other government building, if they can afford it in the courthouse they can afford it in the prison
>Ironically this case was fought in a courthouse WITH an air conditioner in it
xd that IS ironic haha
One of these things is not like the other. Let the spics melt. I would be much better if they spent another 6 gorillion dollars fighting this case then be forced to install air conditioning in every prison in the state.
Go Mollie Tibbets yourself op.
Most inmates are from a subspecies that actually thrives in the heat. By cooling their environments you would be taking them out of their natural habitat. They are already paying the price of their deeds why would we punish them further? Don't you have a heart?
>tfw you get BTFO by a leaf
no offense
>Lol you act like air conditioning is this insanely expensive and complicated system to set up
You sound like the article didnt explicitly say it cost 4 million to set up in a single prison.
No they just blame The Size of Government for their deficits Deficits caused by low corporate ta revenue
Lol, so you want to spend millions more in order to ensure our prisons are as close to a death camp as you can make them. You’re right, one of these things is not like the other: you’re a fucking lunatic.
And they also mentioned the state spent almost twice that fighting against it. It was never about the money
government project?
yea they never HYPER overpay for shit right?
fucking politicians probably just buthurt they couldnt fast track one of their buddies company's to do the install so they delayed it
>wanting air conditioned prisons makes you a communist
I assume they did it to avoid other prisons making the same request. If just two prisons require AC that becomes 8 million. So 7 million is cheaper.
prisoners dont deserve anything good, they're dumb enough to commit crime and not get away with it. killing every single inmate right now would save a few hundred billion for a few years and noticeably decrease the black population
Outdoors in heat is better than indoors with the same heat, since the heat then has nowhere to go.
If you just keep blindly assuming that conservatives are stupid then you’ll lack the critical thinking skills to see things clearly and you yourself will become stupid. So you should stop being a faggot and use your brain.
>Don't fight lawsuits because they're expensive
>people notice you don't contest the suits
>everyone sues you
yeah real smart. The cost of suing deters frivolous suits. If people know they will win they'll sue for the dumbest shit.
Lots of organizations are obligated to put up a costly defense rather than compromise and pay a lesser amount. Why? Paying out encourages further suits. So it could be about the money.
Liberals would have sued conservative lawmakers for unbearable living conditions if they didn't fight them on this lawsuit.
>4 mil to install
>cost per year in electricity
>cost per year in maintenance
>killing every single inmate right now would save a few hundred billion for a few years and noticeably decrease the black population
>I don’t realize I’m crazy
Yeah, and if you burnt your house down you’d never have to worry about break ins anymore either. Also, fuck the prison guards and staff too I guess, right? The part where you think genocide is a solid counter argument for buying an air conditioner is why you’re retarded.
good that muddies can't into math
>what is maintenance
>what is running costs
>what is dirty prisoners not supposed to chillax
seriously. and why should you give a fuck if rich texans fight for their right to not waste tax money on dead meat?
>you want to spend millions more in order to ensure our prisons are as close to a death camp as you can make them. You’re right, one of these things is not like the other: you’re a fucking lunatic.
A year or so ago Trump cut spending to Gitmo. They were going to spend some absurd amount of money to construct a soccer field for the inmates. He canceled the project and said
>level out the surface and let em play
Give the prisoners drinking water. Since I'm such a nice guy I say we can give them an ice machine too. Problem solved faggot.
They already do it for every other government building. This isn’t some new experimental technology. They’ve been doing it for years
When estimation are not reality
niggers btfo
That is literally Sharia law right there. Much more efficient and cost effective than housing and feeding people for years
You know what would save even more money? Closing the fucker entirely. That place should’ve been closed 10 years ago, your argument is pointless
You have to go back, Abdul.
You can't keep repeating the same argument when it was already shown to be retarded.
You will understand why prison were created when you will burn in hell.
Let's keep them all in your house instead.
Incredible that people as retarded as you even manage to feed yourselves on a day to day basis. Nature is amazing.
He has mommy and daddy to feed him tendies.
Only pussies use AC, also it's "hard time", fuck the prisoners.
It wasn’t though
Lol this is just funny to think about. You think because I don’t think the state of Texas should spend close to twice the cost of an air conditioner fighting against it that I’m going to go to hell. That’s the first part. Then the second thing you think is that once I get there I will have a revaluation about the US prison system. And also agree that air conditioning is a waste of money. You have no idea how funny you are.
Sweet argument.
Now how many $/yr to run amd maintain?
most important is freedom
Regardless of how you feel about the prisoners conditions, I love how 0 people seem to have any concern for the staff. If this was the Texas House of Representatives building no one would bat an eye if they spent $10 million upgrading the air conditioning system they currently have
>Lol this is just funny to think about. You think because I don’t think the state of Texas should spend close to twice the cost of an air conditioner fighting against it that I’m going to go to hell. That’s the first part. Then the second thing you think is that once I get there I will have a revaluation about the US prison system. And also agree that air conditioning is a waste of money. You have no idea how funny you are.
> (You)
>Sweet argument.
>hurrrr we need a multimillion dollar air conditioning system to keep the CO's cool
ez problems
ez solutions
>genocide is a solid counter argument for buying an air conditioner
retard, prisoners being good for nothing wastes of space undeserving of luxuries and in most cases life is in fact a good counterargument
3 mil operating expense is pretty huge for maintaining a system. It'd get a decade or so of use before you use even CLOSE to 3 mil. That business degree is wasted on you.
Hahahaha holy shit. I know you’re not seriously suggesting they buy a window unit for the break room or something as a viable solution to the problem. You just can’t be that retarded. No one is that retarded.
I’m not sure what your theory on the purpose of the prison system is- whether you think the experience is meant to rehabilitate, or punish, but I’m pretty sure torturing them undermines just about any goal you’d have for the purpose of a corrections facility. Being excessively cruel and total dicks to them while they’re paying their debt to society is not going to produce a more well adjusted citizen ready to renter society as a contributing and functioning member.
>no ac is literally torture
you can quit expressing your thoughts now
In Texas in the summertime? Trapped in a hot ass prison? You bet your ass
kys child
>victimless crimes
gas yourself
Dumb goyim pay for our shit or pay double on the inevitable lawsuit from our backers
>Texas spends not even 10 million on an issue
>blue state spends Billions on heathcare plan for druggies that fails
That's JUST the installation you retard. How much do you think it costs to run it every summer? And the repairs? And if those fucktards want to run it year round? It's prison for a reason. You shouldn't have TV, A/C, internet etc etc.
Dumping their dead bodies is free, you can get the inmates to dig up the burial site too.
>I thought conservatives were supposed to REDUCE government spending
They just lower taxes, they never reduce spending.
Why do so many people deflect on Jow Forums? You're totally ignoring the issue at hand.
I can't tell as I don't speak Spanish.
Many of them are in there are for smoking cannabis. A victimless crime
Why not put in educational systems in the prisons so they have a way to go back to society instead of just learning how to get good at buttrape
I’m always curious when I hear folks say stuff like this what they actually want. Like long term goals. What do you think prison should be like, and how do you think your version of it ends up producing functioning members of society at the end of the process? Because as far as I can tell sending somebody to a death camp for 20 years isn’t going to give you the end result you want
Only faggots from out of state can't handle the heat
>don't commit crimes and you won't be in jail
Mohammed is just pissed because it's still legal to kill mudshits in TX.
>being in jail is the punishment
>any added misery is cruel and unusual
>brainlet conservatards will argue against this
>t. akmed
Not having air conditioning doesn't constitute a punishment you triple nigger