Brit/pol/ - Colonial "Lying" Scum Is Afraid To Fight Me

>The Sun: British secret services, not Russia, assassinated Boris Berezovsky

>Athens 1944: Britain’s dirty secret

>The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill

>Politician suspected of child abuse 'would spend evenings with convicted paedophile'

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Lmao, you're obsessed.
See you at the yokkao babes.

I just can't stop doing numbers on these losers lmfao

i'm obsessed because im not willing to play along with your lies?

i've made you such a mess you utter pussy

watch me fuck this pussy like hardcore porn

>27th August Yokkaoo
>"see you at the yokkao"
>it's 2nd of September
what did he mean by this???

can't stand larpers lmfao

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mans on a wig back ting u get me

Just a quick ONE aNY ONE REMEMEMBERS Me FIGTHINg THe BRIT/POL Preston Rail Car Park ......dejaju vu .. me here If you up for a fisty cuffs . with me cuddley me .... state name an Freely into this an if You die .. you fault ok .. just leave it..its a fit fite NOT Kill ok .. lol people want watch tom.....

Man's Certy = Zeus


It's as if I am the rising sea level... and Zeus is a coastal tribe of Neanderthals

Need a wank but need sleep

I fucking hate Master Brew. Why is he trying to divide British nationalists around this stupid fucking Bomber Harris videos. He's gone full civic nationalists cuck.

Masterbrew is a gchq psyop to cash in on the popularity of You Kipper

(in my opinion)

Calm down horatio. Brew is just trolling and will move on from this nonsense in a few weeks when he gets bored. Nobody can remain civ cucked in modern Britain

took two antihistamines to help me sleep then realised they're not even the drowsy kind ffs

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Serves you right. Should have had 2 pints of bitter instead

Drink a cup of hot coffee, lay down and read. You'll fall asleep.

He's a retard, he has started counter signalling Mosley and appealing to the lowest common denominator of the nationalist movement. I am sick to death with this high tory shit, the aristocracy doesn't exist anymore, the queen is only a figure head and one that has done nothing to save this country, plus Charles and her grand kids are shit libs and race mixers. Master Brew doesn't seem to realize that he would be considered subhuman to the high tories, with his fucking northerner accent. Why did he pick the most divisive and most bad optics event to civic cuck on. I hate this Peter Hitchens posting, I hate Mogg posting that isn't highly ironic, I hate these pseudo intellectual, morally indignant, stupid, fucking cuckservatives that he carries on making videos on. I've been feeling black pilled enough as it is and watch all of these public nationalist figures cuck into dust doesn't help.

Fuck Harris, I would personally fucking suffocate him if he was still alive, good thing that fat cunt died.

Maybe, I don't think so though. Good thing You Kipper hasn't cucked.

I hear you mate. Mosley deserves respect, fuck bomber Harris. As a northerner myself I'm not a fan of high Tory memes or civ cucking but I'm still unconvinced brew is sincere. Jacob ree zogg can go fuck himself I have no time for that toff after what he said about Enoch. The conservative party is long dead and beyond redemption. Personally I still enjoy a bit of Peter Hitchens but I don't consider him a leader or visionary. On the upside Albion radio has been fine without brew. Keep your chin up and try not to focus too much on the endless blackpills of late.

Yeah, lad, I'll try to do that, thanks. Hopefully Brew is just being a contrarian.

Albion radio is trash.
Tedposter and I should start a podcast

Why do you say that? It's one of my favorite podcasts, they are doing gods work, we need things like this in the British nationalist movement.


I grew a backbone tonight lads, I have a sudden urge to go back to the gym and capitalise on this

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Nationalism is only one piece of the puzzle. Plus, if Millenial Woes is your political bedfellow you know you're in trouble
