Was the overpopulation meme a psyop?

Growing up in the 90s, you'd always hear people talking about overpopulation being the #1 issue that the planet would face in the future - now its literally never mentioned by anyone, what gives? was overpopulation a globalist psyop to sabotage white birth rates or something more sinister??

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Overpopulation is a shitskin problem.

It's not. But saying it out loud goes against the "import millions of shitskins to do jobs goym" agenda so they've quieted down on all the problems overpopulation is causing.

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Yes, there's a faction that essentially wants to replace white people with less intelligent people who can be easily trained to become dependent, because this group of elitists aren't actually intelligent and can't handle not being the most intelligent group within the west.

They do stuff like welfare and affirmative action to bribe foreigners to this land and deny intelligent locals the ability to raise enough money for children.

Don't worry, goy, it's just one faction and the other factions are starting to try to take them down. Soros will die... Soon...

Africans grew from 280 mil in 1960 to 1,2 billion today, 2 at 2050 and 4 billion at 2100. They told white countries and ONLY white countries about muh overpopulation. While the coons and everyone else brown exploded. Now they don't mention it, because it would disrupt their narrative of importing enrichment and they would use up more ressources and produce Co2 and all that climate change stuff. It's all part of the (((plan)))

It was a myth propagated to help stop white people from having babies, and now that native replacement rates are low, they say "HEY LETS IMPORT POOR BROWN PEOPLE FROM THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES WHO WILL HAVE 8+ CHILDREN EACH, BECAUSE THE WELFARE SYSTEM ALLOWS FOR THAT!", and some how the over population myth has vanished.
Really makes you think.

Over population wasn't mentioned much at all, from what I recall of the 90s. The big issues I remember were: ozone layer, potable water, how stupid we were for wearing fanny packs in the 80s.. and looking under the cap for a free drink.

maybe we didnt grow up in the same place. overpopulation was mentioned all the time as a big issue

many of the major areas of concern in the 90s - China, India, and the USA have tapered their growth rates way down and are expected to continue this trend.
Africa is growing like crazy but not at all in the way China was.

It's a shitskin and chink problem but that doesn't mean it can be ignored just because they're retarded subhumans. Because the globalists are trying to turn those people into consumers, you can expect a gargantuan increase in resource consumption as 6-7x as many people start using energy and precious resources at rates formerly only seen in the west.
As far as the west is concerned I don't see birth rate declines as a problem. Reacting to them with immigration is the problem, as opposed to letting wages rise and allowing the population to react dynamically. Westerners didn't want to have kids who were worse off economically than they were. They didn't want to have kids with two working parents.

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jews realized the economy would tank because of low white birth rates (thanks to jews pushing feminism on us a while ago) so they needed to ship more people in to keep the bubbles from collapsing in on themselves, basically creating yet another bubble except this one will fucking engage in a racewar, kill all whites and destroy society completely when it pops

Physically there is more then enough room for everyone for a very long time. However what really is an issue, is societal overpopulation - the idea that society has a finite amount of resources available for it's members, and very quickly they can begin to run out resulting in several issues in the system. So they were half right.

> Because the globalists are trying to turn those people into consumers, you can expect a gargantuan increase in resource consumption as 6-7x as many people start using energy and precious resources at rates formerly only seen in the west.

They pushed "fear of overpopulation" in order to reduce consumption and birth rates.
Once the birth rate was lower, they're started pushing "fear of de-population" (the opposite) in order to justify injecting POC in white countries.

it was a legitimate concern, but the way it was promoted was malevolent

at my elementary school they would give young girls baby dolls. The dolls were programmed to need changing every 20 minutes, and wake them up all night crying. If the girls didn't care for it's every need, the doll would "die". They were intended to "fight teen pregnancy", but obviously the goal was to make the concept of a child entirely unappealing

that's gonna take a lot of bullets

It is. See the mouse utopia experiment.

If my ID is 85f06s6m then there are only 800,000 people in the world

China and India have slowly brought their birthrate in-line to 2.3 or so, but the African Orcs still threaten to engulf the rest of the world in a couple of generations if left unchecked.

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Definitely was. I remember growing up this is what all the environmentalists talked about, way more than even global warming.

Now complete silence on the topic.

Any place with high population density it's overpopulated, and thanks to glorious capitalism we can't dispose of the land as it would be necessary.

>finite resources
>exponential population growth
>global IQ levels dropping
It's not a meme it's a problem on multiple levels. The shit part of the world is shitting this planet all over while Europeans watch.

You never hear about it anymore because there is a grand total of 1 continent with an overpopulation problem: Africa, and that continent is above all criticism because to do so would be "racist"

Needless to say the African population bomb will engulf the world, especially the west if something isn't done about it.

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dude if youve ever lived in a city you know what overpopulation is like. its real. the more people that get born, the farther inland they will venture.

Onions Green


It already is a problem and it will only get bigger.

The fact that the jews and elites don't care about this makes me believe that they do have a way to wipe half of the world population

>have a way to wipe half of the world population

It's remarkably easy

You just have to stop feeding the niggers

Of course it's a myth.
Do you really think there's not enough space in the world? Look at Africa, alot of it is inhabited by tribes who've never even seen a white man. We need 2nd wave colonialism so we can actually build a civilized Africa populated by white men. Should do the same with Siberia and Chinese countryside and wilds etc

Tl;dr Overpopulation was a myth pushed by Jews still shilling their anti-colonialism agenda to keep the white man down

yeah. you and me both. that day is coming.

China’s birth rate is below 2 and also below America’s.

Back then they could demand white countries do something. Now that population growth is only occurring in brown countries its racist to bring up the subject.

>We need 2nd wave colonialism so we can actually build a civilized Africa populated by white men
China is already there doing that, except trying to populate Africa with their cloned, worker-bee, experiments, probably.

Yes, I've pointed this out to people. In western society you are literally indoctrinated and conditioned to believe that "getting pregnant will ruin your life", and that you'll literally amount to nothing. Even men believe this shit.

It's the complete opposite. So many women fuck themselves over by being "stronk indepindant wymenz", burying themselves in debt, and don't realize just how strong that urge to have kids is the older they get. Like, in most cases, impossibly hard to resist. It's like something switches in your body, like a panic. But it's too late, you're already buried in debt, or you've just paid off your debt, it's too late to take such a large break that would require you to go back to school if you ever wanted any form of career again.

I wish I had known how fucking easy it is to raise a kid, and what most people call "difficult" is the difficulty in giving up degenerate shit -- if you live a non-degenerate lifestyle, your kid can go anywhere with you, no problems. If you actually pay attention to your kid, they'll be on their best behaviour. My kid sits quietly through restaurants, quietly during drives, we go to the beach, travel, everything.

It's a massive problem. Of course it's used as psychogical ammo to guilt whites into not reproducing when the real problems are with Africans/Chinese/etc., but that doesn't mean it isn't an issue. Look at population growth over the past century compared to all of human history, that sort of growth is not sustainable. Space is not the problem, it's fresh water, food, and the myriad of other finite resources as well as urban sprawl and the Auschwitz-like conditions necessary in farms to feed everyone. It's hubris to think over population isnt a problem when you compare the modern world to what it used to be for millions of years and drastically changed just a century or 2 ago

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> Push the idea having children will speed up overpopulation
> Invite shitskins to live off your tax while they have 7 children per household

overpopulation of shitskins and chinese

>Do you really think there's not enough space in the world?
It's not about space. It's about resources, specifically food, water, and the ability to put raw materials to good use.

There are too many people to sustain, even though there is physical space for them.


There is plenty of all of that too, if you aren't being a wasteful piece of shit.

Shitskins consume, consume, consume, consume. That's all they do. No planning, nothing in what they do. Pushing this "made in China" disposable culture nonsense is making shit even worse.

Shitskins with zero impulse control + extreme consumerism = mess.

Shitskins with impulse control + no consumerism culture = perfectly fine.

Mass animal cloning and genetic experiments to generate a never ending supply of meat. Alternatively we could just dispose of the undesirebale races of the world

>holy shit goy your country is overpopulated! Stop having babies or we all die! Robots will take care of you in your old age don’t worry.
>holy shit goy your didn’t have any children and now your countries are underpopulated! You need to import million of shitskins or your economy will collapse!
How the fuck lefties can bitch about overpopulation in one breath and then lament the shrinking workforce in the next is the next is beyond me

well typed user

For a second I was all wtf. Then I realized you created a post, checked your ID and then deleted that post.

>White people told to stop having children to save the world

>Niggers and pakis paid to have children by same people that tell whites not to have them.

Well, without petroleum products, we'd be completely incapable of feeding everyone alive today. The more people there are, the more this limited resource gets used up. Perhaps not within our lifetimes, but eventually there simply won't be enough food.

Overpopulation causes mass migration to Europe. That's why nobody talks about it anymore. Jews won't talk about this.

Consumer throwaway culture in the west is as bad as anywhere, we just outsource production as well as pollution to China. If humanity keeps on it's current course the whole planet will look like China

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The fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to manchurian candidate me or something you little nigguh?

Hence the "wasteful piece of shit" comment.

THat bomb will explode, in the sense of a collapse. THe decline of the white population will inevitably mean a sharp DROP in the black population. Considering that prior to the 1900 the population of Africa was maybe 200 million, and considering that they are completely reliant on UN funding, white charity and white farming, this means their internal carrying capacity is probably still 200 million, so we never see 6 billion africans. It will peak at 2 and drop in two decades to like 300 million. There is going to be a famine the likes of which we have never seen, along with diseases like Ebola reaking havoc like never before now that Africans are so numerous. As for their invasions, contact with blacks literally makes white ethnonationalists, so any further immigration of africans will accelerate the likelihood of ethnic cleansing by whites in their own countries. Africans aren't going to be infesting the world with this boom like they think. They're going to expelled from our countries and culled at the same time their population will drop.

>at my elementary school they would give young girls baby dolls.
They had something like this in HS but I don't know how needy they were or anything but you're so right I just realized how much of a Jewish scheme that is

no, theres not enough to sustain "us". the world is overburdened right now and there are too many mouths to feed. youre a fucking delusional idiot.

It's literally a myth: there aren't 6 billion people on this planet. Idk why people trust numbers coming out of China, India, Africa, etc..

>Was the overpopulation meme a psyop?
The only overpopulation happening is happening in the places we don't want. Usually we'd call an exterminator for pests but they've somehow humanized them.

You're the meme you fucking retard.
Anyone with a 3rd grade education that our resources on this planet are finite.
When you break past a certain number, the ecosystem goes straight to shit.
Case in point: Africa, or any 3rd world shithole.
But we know you're just another limousine populist faggot giving orders from his ivory tower.

Kikes will keep them alive as long as possible but god I wish I could live to see that become a reality and watch a billion fucking worthless niggers die

>oy vey goy overpopulation is big problem stop having children
>births below replacement levels
>now how about some diversity

God created enough in this world to sustain everyone, while being self-sustainable. the asshole powers that be (ie: the vatican, for example) push this shit on us (including climate change garbage - the world moves in cycles) as to keep us distracted and at each other's throats. we still need to be good stewards though.

Any system which must account for more functions will invariably become more complicated. This is basically math. There are too many people.

Are humanitarian groups in Africa fucking up natural selection?

Overpopulation occurs on the "micro" scale not macro, we are no where near capacity this includes space and resources.

God also made AIDS to kill the Africans but then we went and sinned by medicating them

If everyone lived off the land, there would be enough. But everyone gets their resources such as food through either the government or corporations, who act as a middle man and artificially make resources scarcer then they really are (not intentionally necessarily).

it is a psyop, do some simple math or take a plane and look down, most of the land is empty

Why would we want to mass clone animals and grow more food when we could just have less browns?


So whites can master tech

talking about over population was about depopulating the southern hemisphere. oprah didnt like that. obama agreed thats pretty racist white devil. so now its been striped from the narrative despite the obvious that africa needs to be depopulated

Even kikes can't fight basic economics. When most of international aid, charity and farming is coming from whites, a drop in white populations means a drop in these things as well. The kikes know that Arabs and Asians aren't as easily manipulated and won't send money to niggers. The kikes can't stop that collapse.

>tell whites to stop having babies
>tell whites to move their jobs overseas to save the planet
>"was it a psyop?"

Yes. Humanity has the capability to eat all seven and half billion persons alive now. We have been pushing the myth of overpopulation because it was the only way that humanity would accept the necessary changes that would then make it possible to feed all seven and a half billion people. Humans are not naturally inclined to share. We needed to socially engineer society and bring about a paradigm shift that would not have happened if we were to simply alone humans to operate by individualism alone. We utilized the characteristic in most humans called empathy and were in return able to move the great society steps closer to our final goal.

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fpbp, pic related - the first world is stagnating while the third world is growing exponentially

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Yes remember it was Paul Ehrlich that pushed this meme in the West. hooktube.com/ZS6EGoTuWNY

If leftists would stop feeding the wildlife, the problem would resolve itself. Bleeding hearts will destroy the world through their shitskin breeding and importation program.

Bingo. They've realized the only way to perpetuate the current system is to keep "growing". So they've thrown reality and truth out the window so they can get their cut.

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thanks, this is a good watch

but im a good goy with low iq and no pattern recognition to boot how do you expect me to know the jews are bamboozling me?

When we get going on space colonization then it won't be a problem on Earth anymore. Until we do then it will be.

Oceans. Most people live on coastlines and live off of resources provided by ocean. What with current commercial trollling and ocean pollution-from-land rates it is going to be 40% less productive in about 25years than it was 100 years ago. More humans == Bad for planet

The environmentalist Sierra Club was pressured by outside j left interests to overturn their stance on immigration after a lengthy battle.
>A racist fringe of the nation's oldest and largest environmental group lost its battle over immigration. An inside look at the power struggle.

>Today, Sierra has formally adopted many of the progressive reproductive rights stances that Tactaquin and her peers fought for in the 1990s. The organization has also dedicated resources to environmental justice, more than any other environmental group of its age and stature. Sierra’s historical and recent past is ugly, which makes the announcement such a big deal. She attributes this growth to younger, more diverse leadership in the club, like Sierra president Allison Chin.

>When asked why Sierra Club didn’t address its race evolution in the immigration statement, spokesman (((Oliver Bernstein))) told Colorlines.com that the history is important but the Club “feels that now is the time to look forward, and we wanted to focus on what we could do to move this discussion forward.”

All ecosystems have that risk, except for depopulated ones.

You do realize that was the globalist psyop before global warming? It didn't work so they moved onto global warming as an excuse to limit our freedom and reduce the soveriegnity of nations.
20 years from now people will be saying
>growing up in the 2000s, you'd always hear people talking about Global warming being the #1 issue that the planet would face in the future - now its literally never mentioned by anyone, what gives? was global warming a globalist psyop to sabotage white birth rates or something more sinister??

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Currently we have specifically higher ups and respected educators who are trying to promote mass immigration to specifically western countries while also promoting having less children or none at all under fear of overpopulation. However the threat of declining populations does not bode well economically and so despite this worry of overpopulation the answer for falling population is always the same: immigration. And so you have a situation where nothing actually changes except demographics.

Overpopulation as an existential threat is a myth. What we have is societies and governments with issues with:

>family planning
>infrastructure building

All examples of "overpopulation" is something in regards to one or both of these two things. Not to say that "the world can't handle an infinite amount of people" isn't correct, but that we have zero threat of this due to the great amount of unused land and underdeveloped land.

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get thee behind me Satan



wolfshiem, honest question (not shilling). What do you think about the concept/rumblings that have been coming out from high up members in the Catholic Church that there is a homosexual subculture/network in the church?

hopefully it won't crash so hard we won't be able to see millions of africans starving

Indoctrinated baby. The only thing not finite for you are bluepills.

>there's not a finite amount of money
>there's not a finite amount of jobs
>there's not a finite amount of women
>there's not a finite amount of processed foods
>there's not a finite amount of land the government lets you use
Yeah definitely plenty of resources for everyone indefinitely.

humans take up less than 3% of Earth's total land mass.

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that includes all the non whites.

Now that the population growth is non-white why would the kike media gatekeepers fight it?

First off, I enjoy their nickname: The Lavender Mafia.
From my knowledge it's definitely a thing that there is a subculture of pro-LGBT clergy (not homosexual clergy) trying to influence the church. How it is an informal network of a small handful of extremely powerful figures rather than it's more conspiratorial understandings. The popes and cardinals have already admitted to such a thing.

McCarrick regaining his status and becoming even higher for it is strong evidence for foul play. Vigano, who brought this information to light, is a solid figure and I'd hold him as being truthful. Pope Francis' response has been all but honest and well-meaning. That said, I cannot think of anything that would properly rout out this informal network besides the grace of God, of which we could only pray for.

It's worrisome and I hope it leads somewhere. There is definitely an ideological conflict within the Vatican now. It needs to come to climax.

And personally I think it right that Benedict the 16th be left out of this scandal. He has lived with scandal and conflict for much of his life. He needs quiet.

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earth can only support a limited biomass
with technology and lifestyle change it can easily support geometrically more, but it's still limited

If over population is an issue then get rid of social security since you always need a larger base of people paying into it than receiving it thus you will always need an exploding population to even maintain it.

Though seriously, stop coming to SoCal, we have more than enough people already.

no it doesn't
africa is under populated

The final redpill is thar educating shitskin women leads to population decline

The only people who believe in overpopulation are idiot S-0-Yboys and radfem cunts who live in overpopulated cities and think Bladerunner is real life. These are unironically the same people who believe the planet is overpopulated, so we need to flood our first world countries with muslim and nigger trash to breed like cockroaches.

If your city is crowded, MOVE.