Caralho, como eu odeio essa porra de movimento negro

Caralho, como eu odeio essa porra de movimento negro.
Dos 160 assassinatos que acontecem diariamente no Brasil, só 5 são por ações da polícia.,onu-diz-que-policia-brasileira-mata-5-pessoas-por-dia,10000020489

Dá menos de 5%

Mesmo assim essa bosta de movimento negro fica falando de "genocídio negro".
genocídio negro são civis matando civis na bosta dos guetos do Brasil, e a maioria dos assassinatos é por motivo besta, como briga em casa e entre vizinhos. Nordestino ainda tem aquele troço de lavar a honra com sangue e tal. Só ser zoado ou esculachado que já quer matar. Por isso das 17 cidades brasileiras na lista das 50 mais violentas, 14 são no nordeste e as outras estão cheias de nordestinos nos guetos. Os caras ainda agem como se fosse cangaço a vida.

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I don't understand down syndrome spanish

Type in english OP, mods are gonna delete your thread

Fuck, how I hate this fucking black movement.
Of the 160 murders that happen daily in Brazil, only 5 are by police actions.
It gives less than 5%
Even so, this black-shit is talking about "black genocide."
black genocide are civilians killing civilians in the ghettos of Brazil, and most of the murders are for stupid reason, as a fight at home and between neighbors. Northeastern still has that part of washing the honor with blood and such. Just be zapped or slashed that already wants to kill. Therefore, of the 17 Brazilian cities in the list of the 50 most violent, 14 are in the northeast and the others are full of northeasterners in the ghettos. The guys still act as if it's life cangaço.

Vamos em português mesmo
Se me lembro bem, os holandeses postavam em holandês


stop speaking Brazilian

I dont read Boyzillian


I swear to god that "Não" is such a cute word! :3
You are adorable and I love you

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Fuck off Portugese shemale mongrel

Só podia ser canadense mesmo

english board

Alexandre não era grande

Olha o hambúrguer!

While sudacas like you literally speak down syndrome Spanish.

Post in English or this place will become an anarchy. Oh, wait...

gente branca não toma tiro de advertência

Daqui a pouco a thread vai ser excluída mesmo


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Go away beaner

God I want to choke her while I fuck her, I know she’d love it.

Irony, boyo. This place is already anarchy

Olha só que engraçado!
O hambúrguer ambulante está fazendo a piada da sopa de macaco

Someone gave a forest monkey a phone. Take it away from him before he causes damage.

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don't act like it's bad

Not really. That's only a few autists but mods delete these threads anyways, so don't do that again, this gets you a ban...

56% se achando o branquelo

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Só entro as vezes, então sem problemas

negros fodidos deixam eles se genocidirem

Lol, we are 48%

based taco

sopa de macaco uma delicia

48 ou 56
Tudo vira-lata kk

I'd much rather learn Portuguese to Spanish.

Spanish guys always sound like lisping little faggots. It's a miracle women want to sleep you guys. You sound like someone put a clothes pin over your nose and the promptly bashed the back of your skull with a mallet.

Poora Caralho is what Mike Patton sang at the beginning of the live version for King for a Day.

Espanhol soa feio pra caralho!
Odeio essa bosta

É porra, seu burro

iae valeu cara ônibus buceta cafajeste


That's how it is, the police commits a minimal percent of it because they aren't simply that many or that capable, the real issue is gun culture.

Your language is disgusting, macaco

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>Bandeira de mentira
>Falando merda
Aposto que é viado

I don't speak mexican. Speak english, alt-beaner.

She's cute, would smash. Yes I know I'm trashy.

Based and redpilled


its fuckin brazuka you idiot

english board. get banned monkey.

Obrigado, mas tu também tá com uma bandeira de mentira

Brazil knows how to shitpost too.

Mexicano kkk
Só podia ser um hambúrger

It's actually very hard data about the crime situation in Brazil, blaming the press to distort the facts by claiming that the brazilian police kills 5 people a day, when that's a 5% of the killings a day.

>english board

You gotta lurk sometimes you know

Bem, isso é verdade kk

Speak Freedom, bitch!

Efeito bolsonario ao vivo

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jesus fuck is that some sort of mernog?

i know a bit of spic-talk, surprised how much of this monkey babble i understood

VTNC = Go fuck yourself in the ass/ vai tomar no cu

Jose Jorge de Jesus is right, speak American.

Talvez porque tu é 56% macaco? kk