Jimmy Dore VS TYT

Jimmy Dore and TYT's Chink Business Manager got into an extremely heated argument over the Alex Jones situation. There are some major divisions opening up at TYT. I don't think this situation is sustainable. I can't see Jimmy still being at TYT by 2020.

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you do know that's a jew, and a chink.

I like Dore. He will call everyone out even their god sanders

Jimmy is a Trump psych op

Jimmy is unironically one of the few sane leftists worth listening to.

Publically traded companies dont have the right to do the bullshit facebook and google do.

Private companies do have the right to do the bullshit facebook and google do.

End of story.

I thought he left already, not that I'd know. I don't really watch TYT but I remember seeing him with them. I kind of like his show.

You guys know Jimmy is a borderline Communist right?

>I can't see Jimmy still being at TYT by 2020.

will TYT still be around in 2020?

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I listen to Jimmy everyday, sometimes he puts out a cuck viewpoint but otherwise he is pretty fair.

Alot of support for Trump comes from hatred for liberal hypocrisy, so it's not a surprise he gets some support here when he makes a 'good' video.

Jimmy's good shit. Pretty much the only political newscaster I still bother listening too.

There is no place for bourgeoisie liberals like Dore in the modern left.

Everyone on the left has to be a neoliberal globalist now and if Dore doesn't start worshiping wallstreet and silicon valley he will get booted from TYT.

I give a shit if he parts ways with the TYT network or if he stays. He still would be calling out snowflakes from both sides. The same for Kulinski. It's not like he is becoming a fraud like dave rubin after he leaves tyt

I know Jimmy has shat on them for the Russian coverage.

Long story short Jimmy is right. Alex made the 'totally synthetic' comment about Newtown years ago, which he has then recanted and claimed Newtown did happen but that it was fishy. He even apologized formally if I recall. The BIg Tech media companies all simultaneously erasing him from existence suddenly should be a cause for concern for anyone.

What if Thiel and his acolytes gain control of the social media space one day? There's definitely a possibility of that happening given how connected he is. Will Liberals start caring about things like this then? That's Jimmy's point, this sets a bad precedent because the arbitrary untransparent standards of censorship can shift.

>"Jimmy, your job as a journalist is to parse out what's 'right' and what's 'wrong'"

And there it is.

A journalist's job is to be an independent fact messager with zero opinion of what right or wrong is.

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jimmy dore is right about one thing though...while the left and right are arguing about

"omg can you believe what Trump said this week?"

real shit happening in the background is going unnoticed.

Global Banks
Corporate Democrats
Birth Rates
Falling Testosterone levels

tons of moves are being made but people are so "woke" about Trump they're not looking deeper at other things going on.
So I do give jimmy credit for calling out the left on their lunacy, even though he's somehow still a socialist shill

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Steve isn't wrong though
Alex Jones clearly violated Youtube's TOS, not to mention, Info wars adds literally no value to the platform, it's total garbage.

Theft is the current crony capitalist system, not socialism. And bernie sanders isn't even a socialist, he is a milquetoast faggot new dealer. Jimmy dore is probably slightly left than sanders and the so called 'democratic socialists' of united states

Shouldn't Steve Oh be purging a live goldfish, or stapling his nutsack to his leg?

how do we get jimmy "race war" dore to embrace his xenophobia?

>Chink Business Manager
Between that Chink and Chink Wigger I'd quit too

Explain how AJ violated TOS

>Total Garbage
>Muh TOS
You are aware of a recent scandal where people had to twist Google's arm to remove child porn off of youtube. Stefan Molyneux did a video on it.

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literally everybody has violated youtube community guidelines because theyre vague as fuck. just like everyone has broken a rule on Jow Forums because one of the rules is about submitting "high-quality content" which is totally arbitrary.

>I like Dore. He will call everyone out even their god sanders

He was fun election night.
you could tell he didn't vote for Hillary.

At the end of the day, you have to realize Jimmy Dore is not your friend. He doesn't like Trump. His "end goal" is communism. He wants to abolish ICE. He sees nothing wrong with demographic change in America. He defends Antifa.
The reason 90% of his shtick is about bashing Hillary and centrist liberals is because he knows it draws in gullible right-wingers. So that when he sneaks in the occasional jibe at, say, Trump's immigration policy or Tucker talking white South African farmers, you'll agree with his take or at least open yourself up to the possibility of agreeing with him.
Essentially, he's a bait-and-switch shill designed to move reactionaries over to the tankie left.

Im quite fine with him having opinions I dont agree with. The knowledge he offers about historical corruption is well worth the trade off.

There are other voices out there saying the same exact things about liberal corruption and hypocrisy who don't also carry the communist baggage on the side. Elevating him is a mistake.

Things like that are tricky. He could just end up inadvertently moving the tankie left over to the fascist right.

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>that image
too accurate

He is a Stalin like figure, as in, a non-Jew who stands by his beliefs.
These people are known as 'old left' the pre-globo homo left.
While he is my enemy I can respect him.

I fully support Jimmy Dore even though I disagree with him on everything. At least he is an honest leftist. He just needs to realize that you cannot have any of the nice social programs he wants with low IQ blacks and Mexicans as citizens


>the pre-globo homo left
The globo-homo left existed both before and after Stalin. This moniker of "old left" is a Jewish trick to get you to support anti-Zionist (but not anti-Semitic) leftists like Corbyn or Melanchon.

dore and kulinski are more principled, further left, and slightly more libertarian leaning than our corporatist faggot overlords and their shitty shills/useful idiots, so you get situations like this where the frauds and inconsistent fucking retards get exposed for exactly what they are, and it unnerves the losers (because they cant quite signal as effectively) and triggers naive/bankrupt emotionally charged authoritarian responses.

reading the comments section of tyt/aggressive progressive clips where dore is involved is comedy gold.

yeah I know.

I still like Corbyn for being anti-Zionist...
You know, technically all Jews are Israeli's

He is only because of muh brown people

Depends on how you define "old left". The VERY old left was incredibly antisemitic.

Attached: Proudhon on the Jews.jpg (1004x408, 406K)

Jimmy is sick of this shit and might be our guy on the left.

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Corbyn is anti-Zionist because he is pro-Palestinian. He looks at the world and history through a dialectal materialist lens. He doesn't hate Israel for the same reasons those on the far right do.

Proudhon is sort of "pre-left," at least in our current conception of the paradigm.
Marxists accept some of his influence while still dismissing the entire foundations of his arguments about property.

>implying Jews can tell the different.

You know, it would suck to get all your head shaved off, but if it killed the ticks investing your body, it's worth it.

t. chink

The line of his book is:
>property is theft
The reason the Marxists don't like him is because he believed in markets which ironically is the one thing that makes his socialism work better than Marxism.

i can tell jimmy is getting more red pilled as the days pass

>>property is theft
While Marx found the sentiment behind this axiom noble, he rejected the logic underpinning it. I'm not going to link Marxist sites here, so just google 'The Poverty of Philosophy,' Marx's critique of Proudhon.

He'll get a racial red pill when one of his events gets attacked by antifa/blm and they shout at his supporters and call them racists like they did with Bernie.

>He'll get a racial red pill when one of his events gets attacked by antifa/blm and they shout at his supporters and call them racists like they did with Bernie.
No he won't. He's supported antifa thus far. Nothing's going to change that at this point.

Have they turned on him?

people now are starting to realize that communists/socialists have always been at odds with the fabian socialists/neoliberals?

the virgin fabian socialist vs the chad bolshevik

Jimmy is good shit.

He's a Chomsky guy. Chomsky guys HATE post-modernism/post-Marxism.

after reading it back, I barely understood what I said, let alone you, not sure how you managed to find something you disagree with.

He doesn't hold rallies so there's not really any opportunity for them to confront him...and they only protest those who are right-of-center anyways.

But no, online leftists love Jimmy because he's so successful at duping gullible reactionaries into supporting him. I'm sure the tumblr dyke crowd hates him, but they're a non-entity at this point.

He is too good for tyt

This is the old Jow Forums I know and love. He says thing we might disagree with but we love him because we all realize he's a genuine character.

The whole point of third position is realizing the left, right, and center are all corrupt and aligned against your interests. Stop glorifying communists just because they "shit on the libs," too.

I don't watch him because I agree with him, I watch him to fill my quiver with ammunition. I'm a registered Democrat for the lulz (the sake of saying I'm a Democrat in arguments with Democrats) and the amount of shills that have been coming to my house leading up to this election is pissing me off. So I want more ways to fuck with them. There's also a registered Republican living here and they've gotten zero attention from shills. This is a red area too.

Yes and he is disagreeable on many points. What makes him watchable is that he genuinely seems like an honest person. He wants good things for people (regardless of whether or not his political ideas are actually tenable). He isn't afraid to go after the left's sacred cows and he has a healthy skepticism in the media.

No, this is just free speech absolutist bullshit. Everyone's moved on from that libertarian kikery. Marx and Lenin were "genuine characters," but they're not deserving of any love.

>I watch him to fill my quiver with ammunition
cringe. What "ammunition" is he providing? He's just a failed comedian, a contrarian boomer who realized Hillary was shit sometime in 2015 and then went down the communist conspiracy-nut rabbit hole.

Criticisms of the left from the left. Also using emotional arguing techniques(moral high horse), since leftists can't count and thus statistics don't concern them.

>What makes him watchable is that he genuinely seems like an honest person. He wants good things for people (regardless of whether or not his political ideas are actually tenable). He isn't afraid to go after the left's sacred cows and he has a healthy skepticism in the media.
This is how someone who's already been converted and they don't even realize it speaks.
If Bernie runs in 2020 you'll support him and consider yourself a Democratic Socialist soon enough.

CRINGE, theres a clear difference in ideology between the two. Are you a fucking child or what m8.

>Criticisms of the left from the left.
Criticisms of the CENTER from the left. He NEVER attacks the left. He plays the game of calling the "center" the "left" to trick reactionaries. Tucker does the same shit, but obviously targets the opposite group.

The cringe meme has become cringe itself. Stop it you unoriginal newfags.

Between which two? Dore is a Marxist.

LMFAO,. no he isnt. Can you be any more delusional. Do you think you're being convincing here by finger pointing people as Marxists or communists, jews or whatever the fuck. Do you think that works on people? You fucking retard.

No I won't. I think the complete opposite and vote as libertarian as possible. I just respect what he does. There is some of the left that remains true to itself that remains uncorrupted and genuinely is trying to improve society in the way that it thinks will work. I'm just saying those kind of people deserve respect, even if the underlying political ideology is different.

He criticizes the Democrats constantly, and that's who I'm dealing with here. I don't pay attention to the bullshit they care about outside of how it affects American integrity and sovereignty, so it's a way to brush up on the shit show of the week the left has its asshole in a twist over, and from their perspective.
Also stop equating criticism with an attack, you're letting the corporate media's mind games get a hold of your brain.

>no he isnt.

He talks like he's under the influence of some sort of chemical.

These two are so dumb. Chinese guy can't express himself and Jimmy shouting for no reason.

He criticizes corporate, neoliberal Democrats who are not "left" in any sense of the word except on some cultural/social policies like abortion or gay marriage.

>and vote as libertarian as possible
you're part of the problem. never mind.

The faggots I'm dealing with are neoliberal democrats shilling for the DNC because their lives depend on a win this November. You should think a little bit before blasting shitposts, you might be able to figure this all out without requiring me to explain my reasoning to you like you're a child.

Hes ideology there is exactly in line with National Socialist leanings. As any Natsoc poster would immediately realize.

>invites marxists on regularly
>agrees with everything they say and never makes counterpoints or criticizes them on anything
stay deluded

And you have no idea what National Socialism is if you think it is in any way compatible with Marxism.

>this time government will work, I should be in charge

>i need to listen to a faggot boomer communist every day so i get the right talking points to yell at the dnc shills knocking on my door

>stay deluded
Hes literally espousing national socialist co-operatives. Which is what dragged Nazi Germany out of their depression.

You're far too fucking retarded to be suggesting anything to anyone.

Is Kyle Kulinski still a TYT dick sucker?

he's a faggot that's has literally called for people to go out on the street and start killing cops

Jimmy is actually pretty based for a leftist.

Whats wrong with that, you think Trump or any of these presidents have ever represented your interests. If anything we should increase cop killing efforts by 30 fold. You boot licking nigger.

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"Communism actually works, it's just wasn't ever implemented properly"

looks more like a show than a heated argument. probably just clickbait fluff

you're glowing

I used to be a lefty and would browse /leftypol/ and they absolutely adore Jimmy Dore. I never knew why since I didn't know he was a full blown commie but that vid explains why they like him so much.

One of those things we dont agree on. Simple as that. Nobody reasonable is going to renounce him because hes not 199% in line with everything they believe. That type of proposition is impossible to uphold anyways, and only the truly retarded would ever be that stiff with who they do and dont accept. This is along the lines of the D&C dipshits that constantly try to suggest you're only white if you've lived in the caucus mountains for the last 90+ generations. Its purposefully isolating.

I can't find the heart to hate the man even though he's a commie just because I have more respect for a leftist who actually believes in something (Zizek, Unruhe, etc... etc...) unlike member of the Jewish left who don't really have any principals aside from hating whitey.

Who and who?

I don't know the guy, his history,etc I watched a few of his videos, he made some good points about Syria and Foreign Policy, but when it comes to Domestic issues, Economics and Immigration, he's left as fuck. He says the browning of America isn't even happening.

>One of those things
It is the most fundamental aspect of his political ideology. It is the defining characteristic of Doreism. All of his politics flows from his belief in communism; it is the genesis of everything he espouses. He does not share your core, first principles (assuming you are not yourself a communist) and should not be your ally.


Tell me how I know you're paid to be here.

not an argument

like any true american, he is an idiot when it comes to discussing anything outside the US.

>not an argument
Im gonna need sources on that, can I get some snope fact checks on this statement?

Let me explain it to you brainlets;

What YT is doing is completley in accordance with the Hoppean notion of private property rights.

YouTube = privately owned property - you CANNOT just shitpost on someone else's property.

Alex Jones got what he sought after; a private company PHYSICALLY REMOVING him from their platform.

>B-but free speech!
Ok, imagine this; does a christian convention have any obligation to platform fedora tipping atheists? No.

Shut the fuck up libertarian faggot.