>The left now worships W Bush because Bush is a consistent neoliberal globalist and will speak out against Trump's >all the dead people caused by his neocon wars of aggression for Israel are now ignored >every issue that the left hated Bush for has been forgiven from Katrina to the 2000, all because he supports mass immigration and outsourcing
The future really is a frightening place. I mean a time when every Democrat on earth hated Bush and wanted him dead is within living memory. Yet today they will all deny it and pretend it never happened. We were always at war with Eurasian.
If they worship W, they aren't leftist. That train left (heh) the station in 1992. The Democrat Party has always sucked neoliberal cock ever since the DLC was founded in the early 80s or so. The Democrat Party is always at war with the economic populists. This much hasn't changed since the Civil War.
They're bourgeois cosmopolitan neoliberals. which are center-right. >he actually thinks culture matters in the left-right maymay You have to go back, Democrat shill.