Man-free festival in Sweden yesterday. What do you think of women only events, /pol?

Man-free festival in Sweden yesterday. What do you think of women only events, /pol?

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No problem at all considering women are super chill with men hanging out with just their boys and having a good time, and never get passive aggressive or actively hamstring your plans.

i think a lot of "lesbian" trannies are going to molest a lot of women, and a lot of musicians are going to get a lot of lays (implying that male musicians are still allowed)

Don't give them attention when they act out.
Instead let's talk about how to enslave women.

One slave wife per male.
Slave wives cannot initiate divorce (obviously: they're slaves.)
Females may not be formally educated.
Any money a female earns belongs to her male keeper (husband owner, nearest male relative)
Husband owner can do anything to his slave wife provided it doesn't cause permanent physical harm (maiming) and doesn't kill her-- look, if you don't like your slave wife then sell her and go buy another.
It goes without saying that females are not allowed to vote or own property etc.

How does this sound, Jow Forums?
Why beat around the bush? Why fuck around with pussy shit like "aw now let's just end feminism we don't have to do the slave thing..." is just that: pussy shit.
You fags rant and rave about genocide and other shit but when it comes time to actually do something you puss out-- especially if it involves solving the female problem in the West.

Women are 51% of the population and are as insidious and poisonous as the darkest jew conspiracy shit yet jews are only about 2% of the population.

Anyway, it's time to fucking get cracking.
Put cunts in their place (preferably enslavement, but some similar destruction of female power is also acceptable)
Kick the degenerates out-- send them to india or africa.
Kick out the undesirables (migrants and beaners etc.)-- they have their own countries so they can fuck right off back to them.

Be men and start getting shit done instead of bitching about it like women.

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You're probably a loser though. You don't deserve any kind of wife. Go jerk off and play some video games you man baby.

Probably smells like a fish hatchery

Are you sure that green haired goblin on the left didn't only identify as a woman?

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Yes. It was a "cis"-man free festival.

not an argument

Fuck me turbo virgin alert! Amirite?

After the revolution you will be put to work you flabby tittied lil bitch. Maybe you can eventually earn a wife.

Mohammed making a secular case for Shariah kek

I identify as a woman, let me in.

They make excellent targets

>man free
>pic related

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lol he's obvious a lesbian too

Based american bro I was just about to post it too.

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There were probably still rapes in that shitty 'festival' more like a few hundred dumb cunts sitting in a cinema pretending to enjoy themselves.

Were men actually banned from the festival or did they just refuse to attend because of all the unshaven ham-planets?

>What do you think of women only events, /pol?
The jewish lesbians are trying to reproduce by social osmosis and ruining the fertility of non-jewish women.

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Keep that armor polished up bright! I'm sure Stacy will reward you for defending her honor.

Agreed women need to be slaves again.

Mannfreid Day

it used to be a man-free festival between 9am and 3pm everyday

None of them look happy despite being at a music festival. Hmmmmmm...

>Man-free festival in Sweden yesterday. What do you think

jesus fucking H christ....

If this is modern woman...


Men larping as women still attended.



Look, commie wants to enslave women again. Kys.

I want the eventual societal hiccup to happen. This level of insanity is untenable in countries that are sub arctic in temperature. Winter Chan cleanse Canada, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

Women are breeding tools and nothing more, efficiency is more important than stupid love.

I'm not defending anyone. I said you were a flabby tittied lil bitch. You are. Go watch some youtube reviews of Marvel movies or whatever it is that gets your little bitch tits shaking.

>Women only
I can assure you, based on hair color alone, there's a large percentage of that crowd that believes they are a non-binary gender.

curse you yakub for this creation

Sometimes I pretend to be gay to pick up women at things like this.
>We're such great friends
>I think you might turn me straight

>identify as a woman
>they have to let you in or they are transphobic
>go in and get all the pussy
I need to visit Sweden some day.

there's a few dicks cut into vagina flowers in that crowd

wtf no need to take everyone with you leaf, just take sweden

Except I'm a 5'10 manlet weighing 140 pounds so I don't have bitch tits and I ran a mile to the grocery store today and ran a mile back carrying the bags so that should help demonstrate a certain minimal level of fitness.

Want to try again? Come on, you can do it. Try to actually argue against my points rather than attacking my character.

I bet the whole event smells like pee.

Looking at these women, this concept is something that men should have come up with first.
Imagine if we started pushing this first, gents. Suddenly the idea won't be so popular.

They're too delusional to realize that it's rapefugees doing the raping, so they instead blame men altogether. Another attempt at dividing the genders.

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>Man-free festival in Sweden yesterday
I can see like three in the picture

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Yes, they never forced their way into boys clubs and male only cadet groups.

I did argue against your points you lil bitch. Only strong capable men deserve wives, so they can reshape society. You don't deserve a wife, because you're pathetic.

Delusional isn't the correct word. Women are biologically programmed to be conformists and the high status viewpoint is whatever the Jewish professor is teaching so they conform automatically to it. Women do not have agency and free will.

But if gender is fluid what if one suddenly becomes a male halfway through the festival?

So then it was 50% trannies and 50% lesbians?

Probably mostly lesbian women and gay men there.
Normal women would not find this festival interesting as an annual event. There will be less and less actual women coming.

why the fuck would i give a shit over a women event? moar time for bro time.


god they're all so ugly

why do they put all that shit in their face?

Quickly translated he says he could walk right in to the festival no questions asked. No system or anybody asking him about his gender. So what is the point in the festival then?

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what part of women only can't you understand?

Citation needed.

Roastie fest.

Honestly i think it is amusing that after getting all the rights they wanted. The third wave feminists come along and want to segregate themselves from men. I mean how can you not find that amusing?

imagine the smell

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You guys are silly

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Who do you think the security was?

Diversity is your strength Sweden! Now you can't even have a co-ed music concert because of it. Ahahaha

on second thought, a bunch of womyn getting together, there should be a vetting process. or a personality exam.

the ones that want to convince the loyal house wives to leave their idyllic homelife for "greener pastures" should be immediately destroyed with thermite. the ones with honest relationships can jam. i don't give a fuck.

>So what is the point in the festival then?
To give men a three hour break from women.

It took me a while to realize that they weren't all wearing really fake looking masks of ugly women, but that those are their actual faces.


The "funny" thing is that they all know it immigrants who are behind the sex crimes, but to keep their delusional religion of multiculturalism they ban ALL men instead. They are so "religious" that they can never admit that they were wrong.

it's racist because it's a dogwhistle for immigrants-free events

Woa man! I've been so told!
Since you know everything about me how about you tell me what I'm doing wrong and set an example and show me how a REAL man is?
Clearly I'm so inferior-- I guess making six figures is some seriously pathetic shit eh?
Owning my own house at 33 is just so fucking disgusting even my own parents are ashamed of me!
My car is paid off-- sad!
I've seen more of the world than 90% of the people in my country-- such a fucking waste!

But what's really pathetic is defending myself against and obvious euro roastie! You got me there. I guess I'll go neck myself now. Farewell, beef, sleep tight over there in cuckland surrounded by superior males.

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it's very rare to achieve the level of intimate with a "slave" or "concubine" that you can with a free-willed woman who legitimately is with you because she wants you.

evolutionary sexual selection is somewhat significant. if you fuck with it, rather than winning the game, you're literally breeding a possibly less than optimal offspring, who didn't ask to be bred into the world.on purpose. just for your own vanity.

fuck that noise

I guarantee men setup the festival and cleaned it up.

Here they ask for separate train carriages for women but they also want mixed bathrooms in public places, I can't understand their logic.

Very sexist. I see no problem.

Easier to round them up for us to laugh at their pathetic self-righteous existence.

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Pick one.

Nobody cares... The rapeugees can have them. Every last one of them

This is racist, xenophobic and islamaphobic, if I can’t watch over my Muslim wife then she stays home

>room full of 3/10 buldykes
>"no men allowed!"

i want in there like i'd want in a room full of pissed off wasps

i'm 800% sure men were very involved with setting that show up

next time is should be 100% women planned, organised, run and funded

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Night night wittle baby

remember when men had their own male only hobbies n shit? ahh, those were the days

men's clubs are still a thing. the one place you're guaranteed to avoid cunts these days is a physical, outdoor job. take a pay cut, it's worth it

>import violent 3rd world savages
>oh noe, we need women-only spaces to avoid getting raped!

these dumbfucks will defend migration to their death

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Aren't swedish women meant to be good looking? Wtf?

Tough break they said

It’s highly problematic of you to even imply that ze/xe/it is anything less than 100% female, user. Shame on you.

Just imagine the uproar a "woman-free festival" would create.

This. No women wants to really go to a "man-free" festival, but it was necessary because of the refugees showing up. They can't make it an official "immigration-free" festival, or many would even admit it to themselves thats what it is, so they have to exclude all the men.

Meanwhile at an all white rock festival.

* 0 rapes
* 0 sexual assault
* Police says that despite a record number of people attending, the festival was very calm.

I wonder why?? Hmmmmmm

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boy scouts

Isn't that integrated now?

>segration is good only when we do it.


So now boys and girls have mixed gender boyscouts, and girls have the girl guides

If you are ever arguing with a woman who uses the line “it’s not a refugee problem it’s a man problem”... just say “ then why do you want refugees that are overwhelmly men coming here, if it’s going to cause more man problems?”

Shut em up real fast

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It is. Yet girl scouts isn't.

so my parents golf club has a women's game and a mixed game, becasue a woman sued them to get into the mens game because the womens game interfered with her work

a man tried to get into the womens game for the same reasons and was banned from the club

It's unfortunate that they've taken another healthy outlet away from boys. Mixed gendered schooling has been largely detrimental to boys as well.

They look bored because the male band members couldn't show up so it's just the two women back up singers, singing their lines. So it's silence for a minute then they say a few words of the chorus and then nothing then they a sing a bit more.

nice trips

I think they are illegal in america