seems normal
Also notice how this wasn’t even headline news for many papers. Guess it’s all just part and parcel of living in a big city. Also thanks Germany for letting these monkeys in and then giving them unlimited travel potential all across the EU, really smart what could go wrong.
>germany is acting as a willing host for america's enemies to launch attacks from
Uh oh guys, I think Germany has weapons of mass destruction, and they're pointing them at us. We're gonna have to do something about this.
Seriously though, the longer things play out, the more reality catches up to the leftist's ideology, the quicker their worldview disintegrates, the faster normies realize they've been duped by the left, the sooner we can be rid of this nightmare.
>be European
>get stabbed
>carpet bomb middle east for more then a decade
>go to middle eastern country as tourists
what did mutts expect ?
Something forgotten stirs in German hearts.
Yeah I can see that, the corporate whore media is doing their best to not report on it, too bad for them the number of people duped by their propaganda dwindles by the day.
Americans should not be in europe unless we are at war with them.
>be american
>get shot
>flee to europe
>get stabbed
Merkel needs to be prosecuted
>flee to canada
>get sick
>die waiting in line
>be American
>live happily ever after
Yes, having been almost burned alive by muslim extremists would be shrugged off as another day in the office and not something to get very excited about.
This. Couple of my friends didnt even hear a thing about it until I said something.
Ah well, won't be long until the collapse is here.
Bough myself a kevlar backpack thanks merkel
There was a decision made by the European Union at the end of last year which placed restrictions on European media and news outlets.
This was implemented after the many terrorist attacks over the past few years, which resulted in right wing politics gaining traction and as the EU sees it a rise in populist politics around the world (Aiding Donald Trumps presidential ambitions in their eyes for one thing)
The few corporate heads of the many media outlets are unified in their efforts to prevent hysteria on the subject of terrorism. No more front pages if it can be avoided. Drip feed information and confirmation days apart if possible, etc etc.
You won't see this in a newspaper either.
>be american
>get stabbed
Non-whites can't be terrorists you Nazi scumbag
Based. Burgers are scum.