All sources of media pander to one weird retarded audience

>all sources of media pander to one weird retarded audience

WTF I Love Humanity Now

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One look at those faces and you just know Hitler was right.

as a proud canadian you should know this.

your gender is not defined by what is between your legs.

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But that thing with green hair is a man

What about trans?

You’d hope

None of them even look happy. I'm fucking having a great time at concerts and festivals. They look like the entire cast of cirque de solei waiting in line at the dmv.

I really wouldn't mind if a Russian Satan 2 missile killed everyone in Sweden. The fact that Swedish """men""" let is get this far gives me no reason to believe they deserve to live.


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The ony problem is that men are taking care of the technicall stuff on that festival so once again the retarded swedish whores fail in life.

There are plenty of man-free festivals. These tumblrinas have clearly never left their computers to see a boy band before.

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>That same group of people act like they have some outrageous convictions like they're going to go to jail for saying women should have the right to vote

...Maybe 15 years ago, but now? It's trans, traps, gender fluids, beta and feminist males

The last festival in Sweden that a man attended was in the 1970s.

>The ony problem is that men are taking care of the technicall stuff on that festival
It's only the audience that is man free, what a bunch of parasites. And honestlyI think the person with green hair is a man.

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Just identify as female or some shit.

Now we just need women to fuck off from the workplace.

Yeah, looks dope. Look at their faces. Gives a new meaning to "there's not a single soul in here".

Ugly women should be executed. At least ugly men can be put to good use. Some of humanity's best discoveries were made by ugly men. Ugly women serve absolutely no purpose and just cause social disruption.

>imagine the music
>without the bitches

Attached: male only music festival.png (300x600, 19K)

Look at all those specimens.

>Ugly women should be executed.
Well, Sweden alredy rounded them up for you.
What are you waiting for, Johnny? They're not gonna kill theirselves... Actually, hold on a bit we might get lucky.

Wish I could open up with a fucking mini gun on these bitches.

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The likelihood of a blood bath breaking out is the same as a homosexual orgy

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Don’t let us down migrants

Literal demons roaming the earth looking for more souls to steal.

No, blood baths only break out when there are proximal women to compete for and try to impress.

From I remember they couldn't legally arrange one because it would be discriminatory towards men. And since you can be a man and define as a woman they can't deny you entrance.
They fall on their own rope.

thats fucking desgusting

Attached: ew.png (919x283, 700K)

"I pretended to be a woman to see this gay shit?"

This crowd needs sandnigger cock yesterday.

God has abandoned us

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Bet you if you looked you'd find a few reported sexual assaults committed by hyper aggressive diesel dykes


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We've abandoned God, user.

behind those 3 weirdoes are literally dozens of hot chicks you closet tranny lover

There are plenty men there. They just wear a female costume.

did his dad die before he was born?

>be afghan immigrant
>put on a skirt
>"i'm woman now"
>rape without repercussion, because the women think they're safe, and get even more shitfaced than normal, and there's no man there to protect them

That is a man in the front row, though.

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This is my question.

Well this is awkward...

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Kike's should be all annihilated from this earth.

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fuck feminism

More red.

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>all sources of media pander to one weird retarded audience
The reason is that "one weird retarded audience" is the only one that they can maintain. They have completely given up on anyone outside of that "one weird retarded audience" as they will no longer buy what the media is selling. Also, the media itself is made up of that "one weird retarded audience" and it is a self referencing system.

Thanks to the media leftist lunacy is display 24/7 and their leftist fans are in a non-stop state of insanity following right behind the leftist media.

Judging by that picture, it's not man-free because the organizers decided to make it so.

That thing's man card was canceled long ago.

I see a lot of men in this picture.

Man free my ass.

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and here's the car park

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Traps are gay


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Lel. Apt description.

This. It’s time to expunge.

Nuke it.

imagine the bickering...

these wamen all look alike, it's creepy. Like downs syndrome.


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Imagine being the parents.

“Have a good time tonight, honey!”

“Fuck you, mom” *slams door*

Oh boy.

So what if I identify as a woman?! Will they exclude me?

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Would this have happened without Islam? Is feminism alone enough to have made this inevitable?

Did you just say boy and not people, fucking patriachy pig!!!

>They look like the entire cast of cirque de solei waiting in line at the dmv.

Didn't realize the Lillith fair was still a thing.

Haha nice catch. I didn’t even notice that. I guess that’s the power of internalized patriarchy and toxic masculinity.

good,we need gender segregation. Females ruin everything, its better to just let them enjoy their shitty fests and 'victories'. To think they'd do what I wanted all along. Hopefully this continues in other media, so they leave vieo games alone, playing their own feminist made shitty games while we enjoy good video games, books and other things in general.

>have to ban all men because muslims won't stop raping people

Attached: stats.png (959x540, 500K)

There is truth to this. Keep them occupied with their shitty pursuits

In the case of the man-free festivals it is thanks to Islam, because the hairy angels from the armpit of the earth have been gangraping girls at festivals.

They walk around in big groups and surround their victims so nobody can see what is going on and then the molestation commences.

Thanks to feminism, all the naive college girls and retards in general can ignore the obvious fact that we have imported gangrapists that now go to our festivals. They instead choose to blame men in general, dragging swedish men along in this narration. If you show them stats proving that 86% of all rapes are committed by immigrants and that rapes have skyrocketed they will just scream "SWEDES RAPE TOOOOOO"

It's all so very tiresome

Doesn't Sweden ignore ethnicity on census?
Like if you come from Egypt, you would be racially middle eastern, and Egyptian, but hold a Swedish citizenship, but your children would just be seen as "Swedish" on government census details?

> be a swedish thot
> never been raped by a swede cuck
> refugees welcome!
> get raped by refugee
> this is all men's fault!
> ban all men
> swede cucks abide by ban
> get raped by refugee again
> repeat

>all female music festival
>put an EXTREMELY non-passing tranny in the headline picture

What the FUCK did they mean by this?

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criminally underrated

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There’s a fish market near my place that plays the radio inside.
I imagine it’s much the same.


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Some "youths" are gonna sneak in and wreak havoc. Is not like anyone would stop them.

> claim feminism is for equality
> ban men from going to event.
> gets raped by Muhammed
> proceeds to make white men public enemy #1.

Feminists sure are logical, rational beings.

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The hypocrisy of feminism. All of these women are going home to Abdi after the concert

I know they rape goats but am not sure they would actually put their dicks into these disgusting sweaty feminist whales


>If you show them stats proving that 86% of all rapes are committed by immigrants and that rapes have skyrocketed they will just scream "SWEDES RAPE TOOOOOO

Gonna need proof on that figure, Lars. Stats I have seen indicate that Muslims are less than 25% of the ppl that are commiting the rapes.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-02-07-52-07.png (1080x2160, 277K)

Source: SVT

OH WELL THEN, that proves it

Stats are hard to get by. A paper hasn't been made since 2005 and immigrants was overrepresented even then.

>Gonna need proof on that figure, Lars

58% of convicted rapists are born abroad and of assault rape its even higher
For assault rape its 80% who are born abroad and 40% of all rapists have been here less than a year

Granted this isnt shocking nowadays because the foreign born population is like 25-35% so its not crazy high

Pretty sad that an average girl becomes a supermodel compared to those orcs. We've slipped so far as a gender.

> bigblackcock news
There's ur problem.
They lie so much they make Pravda look like a magic eight ball.

the final blackpill is that civilizational collapse is good and necessary, therefore anything that aids in that collapse, or anything that is symptomatic of collapse, is good.

niggers and muslims raping slutty white european girls---that's merely an effect of the core causes. if you want to be a hero and stop all rapes then go try and fix the core causes. if you cannot prevent all rapes by stopping the core causes then put on your Batman suit and try to stop individual rapes.

shitposting online is just for fun and helps spread info but just try not to get Mad Online. everything that is happening now, the migrants, the boats filled with nigs, the declining populations, the feminist cunts, it's all part of a grand plan that was 100+ years in the making. this all started way before we were born. we were just unlucky enough to be born so that we witness and experience the absolute worst time to be alive. this is weimar part 2, but times 1000.

if you spend time on Jow Forums and think "women are whores and they're all degenerate" you have barely scratched the surface. women get the biggest orgasm from rape, they fuck dogs, they fuck men who remind them of their father or they hate men who remind them of their dad. they stick all sorts of objects up their vagina.

you would have to be extremely naive to think that you can save or prevent or slow down this collapse. no. it's happening. just gradually. then all at once. there will be a big fucking global financial meltdown. every major country is in huge debt. there has to be a reset. and that's not even mentioning the pollution, the overpopulation, the fucking mini ice age.

we're about to get GLOBALLY REKT and it's gonna be the biggest happening in all of human history thus far. you just have to be patient. don't kill yourself. do what you can to stay alive. because the big show is just about to start.

Ironically they did allow Trans in.

>no fried tomato
So close to perfection.
Wait, isnt it heresy for you to have that much pork in one pic?

Like the idiots they are they believe it's Men but will never say it's Mohammed Arab.

>we're about to get GLOBALLY REKT
and yes i have real facts and data to support this claim. look up mini ice age and reduced sun activity. look up what's happening venezuela, argentina and turkey. this is just the beginning. look at how fucked italy is and yet they still get forced to accept boatloads of niggers. look at greece. look at spain and portugal being in recession. look how crazy musk is getting. he knows there's a business cycle slowdown ahead and will face reduced demand for $35K electric cars.

we've hit the peak of the business cycle.

That's why they made tracking metrics illegal in Sweden.

That actually happened, right? I can't imagine they did in our info hungry world.