All sources of media pander to one weird retarded audience

>all sources of media pander to one weird retarded audience

WTF I Love Humanity Now

Attached: A752A14D-ECE7-45B2-81A2-68F7450C023C.jpg (640x892, 501K)

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One look at those faces and you just know Hitler was right.

as a proud canadian you should know this.

your gender is not defined by what is between your legs.

Attached: fries123.jpg (1200x977, 221K)

But that thing with green hair is a man

What about trans?

You’d hope

None of them even look happy. I'm fucking having a great time at concerts and festivals. They look like the entire cast of cirque de solei waiting in line at the dmv.

I really wouldn't mind if a Russian Satan 2 missile killed everyone in Sweden. The fact that Swedish """men""" let is get this far gives me no reason to believe they deserve to live.


Attached: BadNews2.jpg (657x382, 78K)

The ony problem is that men are taking care of the technicall stuff on that festival so once again the retarded swedish whores fail in life.