Why can’t Europe be a country?

Just fucking elect all MEPs on a district first past the post basis and have all EU Council state reps be elected Senators. You don’t even need freaking treaty change for that! Oh and let the EU Commission president be one of the MEPs and have him form his own cabinet.

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Why can't Israel be part of Europe

I think Germany should unite with Albania only

It is not on the map!

Just a friendly reminder that Pan-Europeanism is an amerimutt meme

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It can be, if you're including Turkey...
We all know they're not really europeans.

Attached: 1200px-European_Union_Israel_Locator.png (1200x1097, 253K)

Because Palestine never was part of Europe.

I think we could make an exception this once, let's just look at Palestine for a moment.
>Best jews= Ashkenazi Jews = Part European
>Judaea= Part of the Roman Empire
>Conquered map by Alexander The Great.
I could see it happen.

maybe for disgusting neo-commie unionist apologists
this is the real american dream for europe

Attached: balkanusmaximus.png (2100x1525, 523K)

Flawed logic.
Most Canadians, Americans, Chileans, etc. are also of European ancestry. But that doesn't mean that any part of the Americas would be European.

Well, they're too far to be part of Europe but Palestine is close. Why should Cyprus be european/greek then?

Because you cock suckers think it's your divine right to rule us all. It wouldn't be long before you jewed everyone and centralized power and wealth into kraut hands.
It has never and will never be about former nations under one equal system.


Remove the shit genes and we can talk

Attached: Fixed.png (2072x1465, 208K)


>what are ethnicities and cultures and why do they form their own countries?
This has to be bait

I mean Moldova ain't that bad but there is a lot of corruption in their country and they didn't take the aftermath of the fall of the USSR too pretty either. Ergo why they are so poor.

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Because you suck muslim cock all day every day. In fact, you are probably a roach as well since you added t*rkey in your EU "country". Fuck g*rmans and fuck roaches.

Because we have literally nothing in common with germans
I think we should be a country with south america instead

Fuck the EU and fuck you too!

I get that you are embarrassed by your history and just want it washed away but most European countries are proud of their past and don't want it washed away


Because fuck you and your NWO.

Because you are gay homo.and are against the native euro raceband so natives hate you

The EU bureaucracy is incredibly corrupt as it is. We need to fix that before giving them even more power.

Fuck off Hans!

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>comic sans

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Because European culture is built on Christian values and Jews are Jews.

Euro is built on ancient greek values christianity has no heroism valor or chivalry.

But Christianity(Roman Religion) is like a fucking cult version of Judaism(Greek Religion)

Much better

>Map of Council of Europe
The EU and the Council of Europe is very different things. One is trade union trying it hardest to merge into a new America and the other is just a organ for diplomatic channels between neighboring countries.
>Why can’t Europe be a country?
because hate and people like me. Go fuck yourself

Yes, but Christianity and Judaism diverged 2000 years ago. 2018 Judaism is very different from 2000 Judaism (and Christianity was just one of many Jewish sects at the time).

Last time this was really feasible 60 million people died.

t. mutt

hey not cool removing the seto peoples from estonia ;-(

europe trying hard to be america.

european countries are already way too big. We need strong city states with mutual defense pacts and not continent spanning Communist hellholes.

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>first past the post basis
Disgusting and retarded.

>europe becomes one nation
>european championship reduced to allstar team smashing israel

All of those numbers are wrong.

umm no? majoriy of euros don't want the mutt federation dogshit.

because european people don't exist

I have a better idea.

Attached: Eurasia.jpg (870x482, 114K)

besides the fact that it absolutely would never work since it goes against the nature of humans you'd have to be one of those "citizens of the world" cunts to even want this

Remove the Turks and the Russians. Also still no. I am French, people who claim to "feel european" have no clue what they're talking about, they couldn't even place most of the european nations on the map.

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You are completely ignorant if you think that's true of Christianity. Western civilisation is built on a foundation of Christianity AND Greco-Roman ethics and philosophy.


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>60 million people died
A. not in Europe and B. every year 70 million people die naturally if not more

how the fuck are we not in a euro council?

>Having one’s own representative from your district is retarded


You are evil dictator country.

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Because you and your people would ruin it, Heinrich... We've got Afghans with German documents stabbing people in the capital as it is, thanks.

Because we hate each other guts

>remove the shit genes
>italy still there
kek i laughed

>a lot of corruption
that is just an understatement, we are at Mexican Cartel level of corruption
How the fuck does 1 billion dollars go missing here

It's too early to talk about this.

Europeans will need lot of blood baths with ethnic replacements by Africans and Muslims to stop thinking about their "good old" countries and think about an Empire, and then go back on the offensive.

Attached: Groß-Europa.jpg (1024x553, 111K)

should have removed southern italy for maximum keks

based and redpilled

Nigga, I aint memorizing all that shit

You even stole their flag, tried to make it look like you weren't copying their homework

fuck off nigger

> Germany
ohohoho, we're on to you Hans

I only want evil Generalplan Ost, desu

Attached: Greater_Germanic_Reich.png (950x785, 129K)

not sure if want

Because Southern and Eastern European politicians are all corrupt, irresponsible and incompetent.

I would fully support a unified Europe if all MEP's and commisars were required to be Danish.
Denmark is now the best country in the EU so we should all become like them, not like Italy or Hungary.

No it isn't. Petty nationalisms in the baltics is an Amerimutt meme. The US hates genuine unification of Europeans, which is why they were so keen to destroy Yugoslavia and every other European empire. The EU is not a European Imperium at all, but a large-scale trading bloc that suits the economic interests of the Mutts.

You seriously think if Europe started developing its own defense and kicking out NATO/Mutts they would be happy about it? Kek, no, but they'll use your own absurdly insignificant nationalism to bolster their own Empire, and expand NATO, as they've already done.

Worked out so well every other time you've tried it... :^)

Get the fucking message Hans.

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Because political views and cultural values have a significant genetically heritable factor. Forcing people together never works out.

You're talking about one of the most diverse continents out there, with hundreds of languages belonging to thousands of tribes.

Why do you brown humans always bully so much

Romania stole the flag of Chad.

Moldova just added something after getting split off from Romania by the Soviet Union.

For what purpose? Who would actually benefit from any of this? (aside from the jews)

It has to be a christian Jerusalem in order to form part of Europe. As a low-tier shill you should know that.

Because I'm German and not French you brainless cunt, fuck off back where you came from.

>it goes against the nature of humans to have unity and cooperation with people genetically and culturally similar to you when you are under attack worldwide, as a group, based on your collective ethnicity and culture

Okie dokey.

And i'm a Carinthian. People who claim to "feel Austrian" have no clue what they're talking about: they probably couldn't even place most Austrian cities and regions on a map.

See how fucking dumb that is? As someone who has travelled all over Europe, i can tell you i have a very distinct sense of being European, and of being at home among Europeans in a way that is not at all true in non-European countries. If you can't see that then you're just ignorant: ethnically and culturally blind. The idea that people in Starsbourg are more similar to people from Toulouse than just across the German border, is simply false.

But then i'd expect this from a French asshole: French leadership has always been conspiring against Europeans with foreigners.

fyi the only way to preserve such regionalism is in the context of a wider empire, as was done in the HRE. Nation States on the other hand have been one of the biggest subverters of regional differences in human history. I know for a fact that this is what some people in the European establishment want.

the european nation doesn't exists,a single euroepan culture doesn't exists,the european language doesn't exists and a european people doesn't exists
it's all globalists propaganda

nation states!
fuck off globalist
>unite all europe under a non democratic union
>people think they have some voice in parlament
>they dont choose have no power
>their local government have to submit to a unelected foreigner power
>them israel become a member state
>final goal archived

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bitch romania had already fought 2 world wars and 4 regional wars when chad didn`t even existed

kek'd at Ingria

It's like 6-7 million people, mostly St Petersburg

>muh German

Imbecile. There are far more people who are of Germanic ancestry than are "german", which is frankly, like French, a highly artificial category from a genetic and cultural perspective, based almost entirely on language and the levelling modern nation state. Like I said before, Strasbourg is only "French" by chance circumstances that could easily be reversed.

Anyone who doesn't see our present struggles as a fundamentally European one, first and foremost, is, quite frankly, a fool, and a fool who is playing right into the hands of his enemy.

Nationalism is an outgrowth of liberalism, it is part of the problem, even if it might be a stepping stone towards a more important and profound solution.

3rd time is the charm, Nigel. First step was to get you assholes out.

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You changed your flag, freeing the color scheme up for Chad to take.
And later you suddenly want your old flag, which now belongs to Chad, back.

Should have been more careful with your heritage.

We haven’t been “German” for decades, Hans. Start to be a sport and help us make Europe strong again.

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europe doesn't exists either

>that shitty image

Reading the dumb lecture on the left of it is pretty instructive really: not a single thought given to how the sovereignty of those "nations" could ever be guaranteed. If you want to be ruled by the mudblood Mutt empire to the west and the chinks to the east, this would be a good way to go.

Enjoy bailing out the Mediteranian, looking after Eastern Europe's defence needs, and paying our £11bn by yourself... I'm sure it'll be fantastic. Those 1.5 million terrorists and their dependants you let in will come in great use I'm sure.

Can't wait till we get rid of corporation tax, common external tariff and put a 25% import tariff on German cars.


>europe doesn't exist

Straight up false any way you want to look at it: culturally, ethnically, genetically, geographically

Attached: geneticdistance.jpg (3741x3887, 939K)

Because they have all the benefits of being a country without any of the accountability that comes with elected representation you dumb fucking cow. Get back to work cow.

all wrong

Fuck me, please tell me your not actually German.

Could you not have put on a meme flag instead?

What do you think happens to German standards when everything gets mushed together?
Do you think our health insurance will be still as as great or will it be some shitty European thing prob like the NHS were you have to wait forever to get shit done?

You would prob lose the ability to chose your doctor.

Every high German standard would be watered down to a European level so that Romania for example can keep up.

And most of our tax money goes somewhere else, but we are pretty used to that.

So, in conclusion: fuck you,get a better job, shill

>we get rid of corporation tax,

Yes, go suck the cocks of the corporations trying to replace you with Africans. What a plan!

You retarded anglos have no clue whatsoever how utterly fucked you are.

well we changed from flag + royal heraldry to flag + communist heraldry to just flag
i hope we adopt a new herald simbol for the flag, it`s repulsive to have niggers adopt our flag

Where's the end of Europe?

>hurr durr Europe can't be a unified geopolitical force without a common healthcare system

Christ what a retarded statement. You do know that Germany "mushed things together" far more than the HRE ever did, right? The Roman Empire was the same. France, Britain, Germany, Italy--these, not so much (they levelled and centralised)

Enlighten me and refute the image i posted.

>First step was to get you assholes out.

I'm sure you were thrilled to see Britain leave, you weren't upset like all the other cucks, that predicted it would never happen.

I bet Trumps election was even more thrilling to you because who needs the Americans, right?

I bet you cried like bitch.

Show your flag.

Because history thats why.

>German trying to create a Reich again
Not falling for this again

t. Bozgor

Where is the end of almost any category? They are have arbitrarily drawn cut off points: that is the nature of human categories. The image clearly shows Europeans as genetically distinct.