HE HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE HAS SPOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Maybe don’t buy expensive sports cars with campaign donations and still have the stones to talk about how money should be more appropriate spent.

Eat shit and die.

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maybe, just maybe they should have gotten insurance before they got sick


>seeking adventure, resources, knowledge, and the ultimate truth amongst the stars
>keeping the same shitheads ruining our nations alive


it's not a money issue

you can't make the aerospace engineers perform restorative surgery, you could maybe make communications personnel push wheelchairs but still. it's an issue of REAL RESOURCES

>Invest in something with little to no returns
>invest in something with potentially astronomical (literally) returns

See this is why people say Socialists can't into economics.

He is just mad that his socialist ass isnt going to mars.

He's correct. But so is Trump. Others are already moving into space and planning to control it completely--principally China and Russia. So Bernie needs to say this to THEM as well. If he can get a trilateral agreement going, maybe all three governments will put the health and well-being of their people first and stop the dick measuring contest for now.

In your dreams, folks. LOL.

I only fault Sanders for sending the message that us doing what he recommends WHILE OTHER NATIONS DO NOT would be a good idea. Otherwise, neglecting the "militarization of space" would really come back to bite us in the ass. Soon.

*and lake houses with the bribe money you were given by the DNC to keep your mouth shut about why you actually "lost"

It's funny this piece of shit says something like this. I wonder if he would hold the same views if the issue weren't a space force and say.....importing millions of fucking braindead savages into our country.
>Maybe just maybe make sure our people are not dying because they lack health insurance before we start spending billions to.....bring Somalis and other sand niggers to the US and give them welfare.
>Things Bernie Sanders would never say
Fuck it, if we're going to be suicidal we may as well be suicidal all the fuck way and blow our wealth on stupid shit like a space force if they're going to keep voting to replace the white population (pretty much the only demographic actually paying taxes in 2018).

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No. And this is why socialists on the left are so fucking pathetic. Let's weaponize space before we buy blacks, indirectly, malt liquor. No shit.

This would've helped. I am one of few in my circle of friends who did this. The others all put it off, neglected it, etc. One old friend of mine had a quadruple bypass on the backs of those of us who did get insurance when we were younger, plus the people of Oregon since he also used Oregon state healthcare in tandem with Obamacare.

A while ago he was all, "dude, why don't you come out much with us anymore? And why don't you take vacations like you used to?" I looked straight at him and said, because Obamafuckingcare made our healthcare costs go up almost $1500 a month over what we used to pay. You're welcome for your operation. I'm glad you're not dead but if it weren't for your precious Obama helping flakes like you, we would still be having a nice getaway this weekend like we used to."

In all fairness, it really hit him. He had literally never considered it that way before. Most people are stupid and self-centered and don't think much at all.

Maybe, just maybe, we should stop adding people to the bottom end of the rolls, causing deadzones in coverage for people who slip off eligibility at the top of the rolls. You close the anchor baby doctrine loophole, remove the daca shit asses, and all that other stuff, and a lot more naturalized citizens trying to move upwards socio-economically won't be told they aren't eligible for anything and have to "spend down" (Read: be irresponsible with finances). Medi-Cal + tons of illegals is essentially the endgame here and so far it works flawlessly in keeping healthcare costs high, and affordable care out of the reach of many people. Did you know these oh so fabulous subsidies usually have clauses in the contracts that prevent the hospitals/clinics/etc from giving reduced fees to cash patients? They are required under contract to quote the asking price that not even the insurance companies pay. It's such a glorious scam.

What an idiot, does he think space aliens are going to heal the sick? Fuck no, they're going to feast on the weak.

>maybe, just maybe
fuck off boomer

Wait, are we finally shooting people who can't work or afford insurance? Can't wait to see my rate go down

> special

Indeed, retard, indeed

I'm really tired of this kvetching kike and his bullshit.

Absolute talking head.

Whose hand is up his arse this time ?

No clapping?

D- did you actually spill your spaghetti?

Thanks for paying for my healthcare faggots! OHP full bennies up in this bish with muh nuts in yo mouf nibbbbba!
Deez nuts on ya chin lol u fucking sad cunts - have fun working for me losers!

Maybe we shouldn't be importing the 3rd world so our costs increase.

Maybe white people should stop baby sitting the rest of humanity.

Space Force is just corporate welfare, stealth government subsidies for certain industries. So is government funded healthcare though.

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How will helping the chaff of society benefit anybody?

you have nothing to prove or disprove that topic so why bother shit talking people ? why not go back to plebbit ?

>our people

>maybe, just maybe

Totally not written by a 20 year old intern lmao

If we nationalize our healthcare, America will cease to be a leader in the field of medicine. Doctors work to make money, not to become a ward of the state.

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When you beautiful American bastards get yourselves out from international usury, you won't have to choose between the two

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Keep crying bobby bitchtits, I love it when someone who actually uses the benefits they get by paying into the system is somehow taking money out of the others pocket. What a sad fuck way to think about taxes. Without taxes where would the orange sphincter get his play monopoly money to redo fuckin newt gingrichs dumbfuck ideas.... space already is militarized this is just rhetoric and more corruption that confuses the stupid people, the “conservatives”

The death of real progress has always been demanding to wait for those who cannot keep up.

he’s a Jew
what did you expect?

So how exactly did Somalis, Nigerians, and Mexicans "pay into" the US system by arriving and immediately asking for welfare again? You'll have to remind me. Because you sound like an incredibly uneducated retard.

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bernie go to bed

America will bankroll the first cities on the moon.

>spending trillions keeping obese mexicans alive instead of exploring space
jews need to be GASSED

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maybe we should also put our citizen's welfare before taking in thousands of foreigners?


I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme. His callous and emotionally bankrupt treatment of the recently deceased Senator McCain (a literal war hero who was tortured as a POW) and his grieving family
has completely changed my view of him. No amount of differences of political opinion should allow one to completely disregard a military service members patriotism and sacrifice for his nation.
This whole debacle has opened my eyes to how completely toxic politics have become in the last few years under Trumps presidency. I feel like I cannot bite my tongue and overlook this eroding of the
moral fabric of our nation any longer. Im considering voting a straight democratic ticket in November and many fellow Trump supporters I have spoken with about this feel the same.
Perhaps I cannot completely undo the damage I helped inflict on this nation with my naive vote for Trump but I feel it’s a step in the right direction. Who here feels the same?


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If I were Bernie Sanders, I would have given up on the US a long time ago. They do no deserve to have him. Should have left for some place where the median IQ is in the triple digits.

Isn't the space money far less than healthcare costs? We all know Bernie can't do math very well.

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Some people really need to die and should die though. Respect death, Bernie. You’re damn close to it.

you know this site used to be a place where we pretended to be retarded for laughs, but at some point actual retards showed up and thought they were in good company

mayb you're the one who needs to go back

>our people
Is he /our guy/?

People are dying because they're fat fucks that eat like shit.

I don't agree with him - the more mutts die the better desu.

why have nazi moonbases when you can have niggers/spics?

>our people

>the niggers lack health insurance
>but whitey's on the moon
literally the same propaganda the kikes used in the 1960s

Russia and China are forcing US hand over this. It's going to be an arms race in space and the US can't afford to lose

Why don't you get on Obamacare too faggot? Worst case scenario the healthcare system collapses and you go back to private healthcare

More dead americans cause they cant pay for healthcare,better for rest of world.
Only dead american especialy white is good american.

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>no american can die without paying the big pharma jew first

thanks bernie

Very fine argument, Sanders. But let me form a rebuttal.

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>implying private healthcare would even exist to go back to
This is why people think you spaghettiniggers are stupid as fuck, because you absolutely are.

>Why spend your money on leaving the overpopulated shitball and exploring the final frontier when you could feed and financially support 10 billion niggers from the cradle to the grave?

I bet you fucking racists didn't even thank the nigger who broke into your house, held you at gunpoint and graciously raped the racism out of your wife and daughter while you watched this week!

>give billions to rent-seeking third worlders and hypochondriacs at the cost of humanity's future
No refunds, Bernie.

That would be the place where you're from, right? Where everybody's so SMART

How about fuck you, have some fucking vision you piece of shit.

These people, they all are mired in the present. None, not a single one of them, thinks of the future; how to shape it, what shape it should be. How to sacrifice to create something of incredible value.

Trump sees it. He's got a vision for America, and I want to see it though.

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>great filter

That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

>We haven't found any aliens!
>I bet there aren't any ;D
>they all ded, God, I mean the great filter killed them

Here's a counter argument; There's plenty of evidence that there are aliens.


Please unfuck your brain, user.

that's not bernie though
poor bait

What kind of animal breeds and provides no type of benefit to the ecosystem?

for decades THEY have tried to pathologize all doubt of government narratives as 'conspiracism', self-delusion founded in a need to be special.

flat earthers take it and run with it

we're a parody universe

America is a country for people who don't want to be treated like children. Founded by people who knew their adventure might end in cannibalism and freezing to death. If you want to be taken care of then this isn't the right country for you. USA has citizens who take care of themselves. If Berniebros don't like being citizens they should move to Western Europe to become subjects.

Maybe first we need to make space actually valuable first, otherwise you can end up in the situation of winning space race yet getting nothing in return kinda like with previous space race

Why should we listening anybody who was cucked by his own party?

Come on. If google can ruin marketing in 5 years, the old contracts and computers are still there. If there is a two trillion market, its not like Blue Cross people will just sit around and say "oh, let Amazon do it, we are out".

>when a conservatard makes a smuggie

But then you should close the emergency rooms for people without health care and even don't send emergency crews if nobody is giving a payment ID.
You are not consistent in this.

>I just believe in this, because I can
Ok, retard

>our people
This is very problematic

the Hilary Clinton campaign (which sanders supported) cost over 1 billion dollars.

how many people died for that?

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It is you know...

False flag to discredit pol

If it's government mandated, they absolutely would you insufferably stupid chucklefuck.

>let's subsidize everyones poor health decisions

>need a job to get insurance
>can't get a job because I need medicine
>Can't get medicine without a job

Great system Murca

>Fallacy of relative privation

Spesial indeed.
Death to america.

we already spent Trillions militarizing space, we need the space mining industry to get these rich cunts off our backs

>Maybe don’t buy expensive sports cars with campaign donations
a car dealer can donate that car and it counts as a donation, scabby shit

>Others are already moving into space and planning to control it completely
haha, how will they do that when we have all the deep space covered? they can't do shit to our capabilities as hard as Obama tried to deepsix our capabilities

>from lack of health insurance

There are many things a human can die from, but "lack of insurance" has never been put on a death certificate as cause of death

One of the most depressing realisations is there are people who would rather allocate resources on endless schools, endless hospitals for endless people instead of exploring space. What a dull dreary world they dream for. Just more of the same, forever, no actual real progress just mediocrity.

>Be Sanders
>Give people free healthcare
>Hospitals are flooded with people complaining about every little thing, especially illegals with their 3000 kids
>Healthcare cost for gov. rise drastically as obese Americans all go to the hospital for liposuction, whore mothers get abortions, etc.
>Hospital wait times go to 30 minutes to 6+ hours
>Hospitals become little Brazilian shitholes, as now druggies can go in and out and be "fully taken care of" because of Sanders gibs


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Why don't they fuckers just move to another country?


Maybe the Space Force should kill all the dependents so we don't need so much welfare.

Their hatred is in direct correlation to the realization they wouldn't achieve anything on their own and actually depend on white people. Moving away from gibs is the most terrifying prospect in their pea brains and as much as they bitch they know they'd never actually leave. Fucking africans won't even take niggers from America.

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Oh, we once made private insurance work, the knowledge got "lost" in what 10 years?
You burgers are thicc like the dirt that comes out of your cows.
Things that aren't covered by insurance change all the time. Don't play the dumpf.

Its always the maximum with you all.
Strangely, there is still no ebay for murder and child exploitation, its still not maximum capitalism where anything goes.
Fixing your FUCKING NOSE is not healthcare.