India & Geert Wilders BTFO by kawaii Pakistani girl
Am I supposed to know who this twitter thing is?
>india stands #1 in rape cases
only because rape there is reported and pursued
rape in pookistan is just so normal and natural and kind of mandated, that it is not considered rape
a feminists wet dream
Yeah, we don't want any of them in our ethnostate, so I guess we are right again.
It's literally the opposite you pajeet
Muslim women are as much an enemy as the men
>Pakistan is a country of freedom of speech
says the girl who had been demanding that people who draw Muhammad cartoons be executed for the past week
If I ever come to a point in life where I want to commit suicide, I will go visit Quora and die.
Until then, I'm not clicking anything written on that Pajeet-infested website.
>Muslims: We don't worship Muhammad
>We just love him more than Allah.
Father forgive them, they know not what they do.
>this kills the pajeet
Don't forget that most of the rape happens in the north. The place with the most lasting Islamic influence after the fall of the Mogul empire.
Men getting blackmailed with rape threats is actually a thing in India.
You have sharia courts in Pakistan that dismiss cases out of hand.
No one actually takes a Paki at their word.
They lied about Osama.
At least with a Pajeet all you have to do is show them the bathroom.
You're Indian. Like stop fucking pretending you're not.
She is probably the incarnation of a goddess which is why snakes don't hurt her.
I don't see geert in that pic
>shitskin girl vs shitskin girl on twatter
I don't care
>pretends to be muslim
>looks like a whore by muslim standards anyway
(((Geert Wilders)))
did she go to far?
I would accept getting hanged if I can shag her.
>doesn't know the difference between sheer number and rate
>Jow Forumstards are mad because the Prime Minister of Pakistan fucked Ivana Trump
>trad waifu who indulges her footfag fans
Muh dik
She has a message for you:
Go back to whatever shithole you came from, Achmed
>rabbi pizza
who cares about some retarded muzzie cunt?
Christians should act like this against muslims.
>so humble she takes pictures with any fan no matter how poor
props to her for being willing to violently defend her culture instead of being a pussy backstabbing whore like our women.
I mean, I don't want their shit here. But if western society was still a little more like that this wouldn't be happening. Tolerating attacks on your culture will always, 100% lead to its downfall. Western communities always policed themselves with discrimination and limited violence to discourage degenerates, right up until the PC brigade(jews) rode in with demands for tolerance.
Pakistani women think that getting raped is a honor,good to know i say.MUH FEMINISM
This and you'd have to see who's doing the rapings. Is it Pajeet "Open Bob or I'll Poo in your Throat" Laghari or Ahmed "This Broad is better than a Goat" Mohammed?
I'm pretty sure muslims rape more outside their countries and in those countries they probably don't need twice as many female witnesses as male perpetrators.
muslim women are worse than the men, they're as sneaky as jews. Unironically saying that defending the right to wear a trash bag in public is a feminist position
>women are only empowered if their tits and ass are showing to complete strangers
This isn't their choice, they're deceiving gullible westerners by pretending that it is. Just more taqqya from these subhumans
imagine being this fucking deep inside your own ass
You dumb paki diaspora chut. Can't you see with your own goat fucking eyes that there were more terrorism incidents in India (all done by peaceful™ muslims) but more Pakis died and even more were injured in terror acts in Pakistan?
imagine being this gullible and unaware
we should strive for a middle ground instead of the propaganda of the west that pushes women to be immodest and have sex with dozens of men
shut the fuck up nigger. you will never be as white as us pakistanis.
No, we're just being spammed by retarded cousin fuckers.
Yeah it's not like "no burqa" means "go naked". There's plenty of room for a middle ground without having to import some shitty culture and people
This is our leader.
Let's see what yours looks like, faggot.
I'm not into men, why are you posting this?
that's what I thought, faggot. go back to your irrelevant shithole of a country. nobody gives a fuck about u or the rathole you call "home" I just wish the Bosnians would've killed u all.
Are you into men?
We indians are glow in the dark CIA niggers. Every indian you meet is a CIA nigger faggot that wants your precious white semen.
I'm pretty sure she called for hanging of all non-muslims in a tweet and then she deleted it because of the backlash
anyways, whatever, sandnigger
I wanna kiss your vegana for 2 hours and then put my 1 foot pinus in your vegana
U will happy?
stop making shit up rofl. we already posted the tweet above and it's nothing like what you're saying.
Are you a glow in the dark CIA nigger like us indians? Shiva is a God of the CIA
that's exactly what she's saying
kill yourself sandnigger
Jesus fuckin Christ who is the girl in that pic? I want to show her my CIA glow in the dark nigger indian pinus
>posting literately who's opinions as if it matters
>posting literately who's woman opinion as if it matters
>posting literately who's muslim womans opinion as if it matters
>posting literately who's poo muslim womans opinion as if it matters
I am not a sandnicger I am a glow in the dark CIA nigger
CIA is athiest retard niggers.
are you blind or just really fucking dense?
read this u fucking high school dropout
kill yourself sandnigger
bombs are coming your way for a thousand years
we won't stop until your land is an endless plain of glass
U jelly of us indians mate??
CIA is retard atheist niggers.
ahahahaha holy fuck this guy
has terry reincarnated as a poojeet?
I am Terry A Davis and you are all retard atheist niggers
The point I was making is that both extremes are flawed and that "choice" if influenced by programming at every turn isn't as authentic as people act like it is.
That doesn't sound like my newest waifu.
Show us her best picture. Best.
I want to kiss her vegana for 2 hours
the "prophet" muhammad is a sandnigger child rapist and also a faggot, sucked dick many times and also fucked goats
just saying
Wow so edgy.
and true
Pakis are the prime example of all that glitters is not gold. White on the outside and worse than niggers on the inside. I don't even want to be white if that's what your white is.
wanna kiss ur panties
Curry niggers BTFO.
>Muh white leader
Are all you Pakis gay for your leaders or something? We elected a leader not some goatfucker. How many times will you post "Look how white my leader is!" And "Look at this picture of my white leader with Trump's family!"
Nobody gives a shit, raping kids is no big deal and no one cares about homosexuality either. What's your fucking point?
>less deaths and injuries than incidents
So what?
Why do Indians always catfish? Just did a reverse image search of that second girl and it's a Turkish women.
You're mad. Your "leader" is literally a janitor kek.
>billion+ people
>they have the most rape cases
Retarded bitch, look per capita.
>& Geert Wilders
The fuck has Geert to do with anything? Talk about him again and i'll fucking stab you in the neck you untermensch fucking NIGGER!
Pretty much, reminder you can legally marry a 16 year old in Pakistan.
It's a desolate shithole.
>And you lynch negroes
Same "tu quoque" fallacy
I'll rape you and your fucking Dutch White family. Then i'll kill you and burn down your house, i'll do that to your whole fucking country. I'll eat some of you. Some of you i will torture for years before i kill you.
You can marry 12 year olds in Mexico. Who gives a shit?
>nobody ITT bothered to even check the statistics this mudshit bitch quoted
>they just side with the mudshit
late night Jow Forums is just goatfucker circlejerks
This fucking faggot AGAIN and you still didn't even fucking bother to change your filenames you fucking dumb ass paki
Fucking ondermensch kankerflikker ik snij je kankerhoofd open en poep er in vieze gore kanker kanker kankerhomo.
Speak English you fucking spic.
They know exactly what they’re doing and they’re going to hell.
They were going to hell for worshipping Allah anyway.
Je bloedende kankermoeder kanker engelse idioot
Pretty much this