Sweden fml

Election is coming up in 1 week and our Socialist Muslim-loving government made sure to send $206 million of our tax dollars to terrorists in Palestine...

Margot Wallstrom, the Palestine-lover, is arguably the worst foreign minister ever...

Attached: SocialistGovernment.jpg (1867x1548, 313K)

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Vikings used to rule that country..


That's actually good as long as they don't migrate to your country

How the fuck is this good? Are you people kidding me? Palestinians are arguably the most cancerous arabs. Our feminsit muslim loving government does nothing but supports them and their terrorist organizations with our fucking tax money...

Anti semitism is a mental illness.

This. People here are falling for the old "muslims are victims"-meme.

The same they fell for in Kosovo, the same one in Palestine. Old people are malnourished in Sweden, and our government does NOTHING but shill for Muslims. Fucking TRAITORS.

>How the fuck is this good
Because it's fucking up the jews and every israeli intervention there makes them look bad.

I would pick a jew over a muslim any day. It is not Israelis importing these fucking shitskins into our countries. It is these socialist anti-semites.

Why do you have the UN flag faggot? Posting from Israel? Kikes, mudslimes and commies get the sword.

Stop feeling entitled to my fucking tax money faggot. Old people are starving, and meanwhile our government funds Palestinian terrorists, Muslims who just want christians dead.

Jews can give them Gaza, palestines will want more. Jews can give them Jerusalem, palestinians will want them "out of their homelands". Jews can leave altogether, but now the new country will ask them to get the fuck out and not subvert. Jews can just go kill themselves altogether, but now people will blame non-jews or distant relatives of jews for being zionists

It doesn't end. It's a mental illness and it's best not to cater to it at all. Look at the length anti semites are willing to go. They are willing to surrender the holy lands to muslims that hate their guts, instead of having an ally occupy them, because of their blind hatred for Jews.

Rather than contend with Jews they choose to prop up enemies of both parties. It's remarkable

Hello Chaim

Fuck off you kike loving faggot.

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Butthurt muslim.
Get out of Europe, I am so sick and tired of you people. Get out. Go home.

The only thing you do is leech, the only thing you do is always play the victim. Fuck off, we, the European tax payers are fucking fed up with you.

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This, I was always pro-palestine, until I actually had to live with muslims.

The muslim will stab you in the back and then pretend it is the victim. The same shit they did in Kosovo to the Christian Serbs, the same thing they did to Israelis, the same thing they are now doing to Swedes. Just the true face of the muslim. Inbred nations with violence and chimping as the only skill.

>lmao everyone who disagrees is a muslim
>n-no I'm not shitposting from israel
>EU is good because it dissolves national borders for a multi-mutt soup
show flag fag

Horunge. Trump är hatad i USA och han älskar Israel. Hur fan går det ihop? Handikappade jävla muslim apa

Would you agree that both muslims and jews are disgusting semitic crap and we should oppose them?

Nej, jag shitpostar inte från Israel. Att du ens fortfarande kan tycka det är ok att våra skattepengar ödslas på muslimer KONSTANT är helt sjukt.

Pensionärer i Sverige svälter, kvinnor föder i bil eller i skogen och då passar vår regering skickar 2 miljarder av våra skattepengar till muslimer. Men detta är a-ok till och med enligt Jow Forums eftersom
> muh judar

Vafan svammlar du i?
Och vafan svammlar du om? Jag hatar skatteslöseri som vilken annan vettig människa men det har ingenting med att du shillar för EU som ligger i grund till denna misär vi tvingas leva i.

I think the Israelis should have their own land, and fuck off there.

If they have a nation state they have a place they can live. Honestly we don't have issues with Israel loving like the US does, we only have state mandated Palestine-loving. And we are tired of our tax money funding Palestine terrorism, bringing them to Sweden, importing more muslims, always feeling bad for the muslim in every single conflict.

I am getting redpilled on this muslim issue, the muslim is not the victim here. The muslim wasn't the victim in Kosovo, the muslim wasn't the victim in Israel, the muslim isn't the victim in Nigeria, and the muslim sure as hell is not the victim in Europe as is the narrative the elites constantly push.

Pathetic attempt, jew.

And who do you think pushes this muslim meme in the EU? Oh, is it Sweden? Yes it is! You know a lot of the countries in the EU hate muslims, but we - SWEDEN push them to take in more.

Sweden should leave the EU, for the sake of other nations who hate Muslims. Because our governments Muslim dick sucking is dragging the whole continent down.

Jag hatar EU, blanda inte ihop mig med den andra. Men han har rätt vad gäller judar. Det är handikappade låg IQ idioter som du som sålt vårt land till högsta budare. Hata judar hur mycket du vill, men låt det inte styra sunt förnuft, om du nu har lite kvar. Jävla raggare, eller zigenare, vafan du nu är

Precis, jag är så jävla trött på Israel-Palestina skiten, båda kan dra åt helvete ärligt talat. Jag är dock trött på hela denna jude-memen som gör att till och med Jow Forums stöttar att våra skattepengar går till "stackars muslimer".

Är så jävla trött på denna "stackars muslimer" som "behöver vår hjälp" skiten att jag vill spy.

This. Fuck båda de parterna och må bäste man vinna. Hoppas alla muslimer dör och hoppas judar dör också. Fokusera på Svenskar och Sverige. Sluta fokusera på fucking mellanöstern. Fucking patrask

Tror det är du som blandat ihop mig med någon. Jag har aldrig supportat Trump, Israel, EU eller jävla Palestina. Inte heller något annat land förutom Sverige.

Men tydligen om man säger att en EU shill är en skitpostare från ett annat land än Sverige så är man automatiskt pro-israel för "låg IQ idioter".

I used to be like you, then I was forced to live with "poor muslim victims" and I got a new perspective of life. I don't wish that upon you though, I don't wish muslims or middle aged, muslim-fetishizing, feminist politicians on my worst enemy.

Dina posts är vad som händer när en medelbegåvad men lågutbildad raggare möter internet.

> EU importerar muslimer till Sverige
> Judar importerar muslimer till Sverige
> Israel är det största problemet och roten till varför vi har muslimer i Sverige.

Nej, jag tänker inte främst fokusera på att kasta ut muslimerna ur landet, jag kommer fokusera på att klaga på judar på Internet medan mina pengar går till att stötta islamisk terrorism och min farmor svälter på ålderdomshem.

Would shag the guy on the right/10

>"N-no I'm not posting from Israel"
Vad menade du med det din slampa?
>Everyone who doesn't support giving money to muslims is a Jew
>J ewj ejw ejwj ewj ewjjwejw
Allt jag hör och jag börjar bli less. Prata som folk

Du däremot verkar som en intelligent individ.
Tillräckligt intelligent för att förstå att man måste behandla symptomen istället för att bota sjukdomen.
Det är en bra affärsplan, folk kommer att betala hela sina liv istället för bara en enda gång.

Of course you would you lil cunt, just as your prime minister would shag Cyril Ramaphosa for confiscating white land without compensation in South Africa/10

Also stop giving monies to these barbaric sand apes who would only use your monies to seek to further destroy you.

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Hey there zionist

Yes, they support them to leave and ABANDON Palestine and flood into Europe which is just what the kikes in Israel want.
Palestinians have been suffering from kike ethnic cleansing longer than whites...

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Stop that because I’m not English and don’t live in England. (I do love my English neighbours though) I just think that there’s something incredibly sexy about him, the balding mature man. He looks like he would be totally wild in bed.

Sjukdomen är inte judar. Som jag skrev så älskar Trump Israel och är hatad utav både Européer och Amerikaner. Han stöttar Brexit och han stöttar Israel. Hur får du det att gå ihop?

Jag säger inte heja på Israel. Jag säger hata inte blint. Stärk Sverige, fokusera inte på något annat. Det är som de säger, vinnare fokuserar på sig själva, förlorare fokuserar på vinnaren. Du tänker bara på Israel och judar och är villig att skicka pengar till muslimer i palestina pga detta idiotiska hat. Det är fel och slöseri med din tid

> poor palestinians
lets look at other countries they went to, as victims and let's see what they did.

Lebanon - christian country which fell for the > muh palestinian meme. Ended up with a situation where the palestinians caused a civil war through their aggression

Jordan - muslim country, also fell for the muh palestine meme, the palestinians also tried to take over the country by violence and kick out the natives.

Sweden, also falls for the muh-palestinian, muh-muslim meme. Imports a shitton of "poor victims of the US and Israel-aggression" is on the brink of civil war.

Just fuck off. I don't feel bad for Muslims, hopefully they all die there in the middle east.

With post like this, it's not hard to understand what's happening. Sweden is a target of the jews:
Theiy aim to destabilize the whole UE, in order to push a single country after another in their wars in the middle East. Also, with every jewish controlled movement in Europe comes the risk of a jewish control over key sectors of the targeted country. More or less the same thing that happened in USA.
Sweden Democrats is controlled opposition.

Attached: 1534750078282.jpg (720x405, 40K)

Jews should also move from Sweden and go home to the middle east. They should bring their Palestinians with them.

Lebanon - christian country which fell for the > muh palestinian meme. Ended up with a situation where the palestinians caused a civil war through their aggression
Muslims and Christians have been leaving in peace forever. Israel created this division. Like how they're creating division in the western world today. Many Christians support Hezbollah.
>Jordan - muslim country, also fell for the muh palestine meme, the palestinians also tried to take over the country by violence and kick out the natives.
Yes you're right, this did happen. But who cares the Hashemite monarchy shills for Israel and the U.S today.
>Sweden, also falls for the muh-palestinian, muh-muslim meme. Imports a shitton of "poor victims of the US and Israel-aggression" is on the brink of civil war.
Gee I wonder who could be behind these (((refugees))).
It's no cohencidence that Israelis claim there is no Palestinian people, just like how western jews claim there is no "white" race.
Divide and conquer.

Attached: quote-it-should-be-known-that-israel-is-based-on-treachery-bashar-al-assad-7862.jpg (850x400, 48K)

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oh really, because we also have lebanese in Sweden, and they fucking hate Muslims. Muslims would shoot up their Christenings of the babies. For no fucking reason, other than that Muslims can't handle living with different religions.

Just look at Myanmar, they have like 10 different religions, but they only have an issue with Muslims.

Lol, and you think Israel doesn't mistreat Christian Palestinians?
Hope you realize Hezbollah condems attacks on Christians, it's the Sunni Wahhabists that Saudi Arabia (US and Israeli ally btw) supports that kills these Christians.

Lmao fuck off you literal JEW RAT

Jävla muslim kuksugare, ni ska ut. Vi är trötta på er. Ta era S-röstande batikhäxor, se: Margot Wallström, med er.

>Lmao han kallade mig råtta så han måste vara muuuuuuuuslim!
Shiiiiiiiiit va Cringe

Nej, du skriver som en muslim, du skriver som en förortsbabbe, sådan där, wanna-be babbe, fast du är svenne, whigger heter det på Engelska. Mer pinsamt, hälsa förortsgrabbarna din lilla landsförrädare.

its weird how people NOT palestine or israel somehow has lot of policies directed helping one or the other on other side of the fucking planet.