UK citizens that don't pay taxes cannot become knights

>"Tax avoiders have been blocked from receiving knighthoods and other honours as authorities clamp down on rewarding “poor” financial behaviour"

>"HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has alerted the Cabinet Office to individuals involved in controversial tax schemes, with a memorandum of understanding obtained by The Times saying “poor tax behaviour is not consistent with the award of an honour” "


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>pay taxes
>become a hobo knight


>we know enough people who avoid tax, that we have a list compiled.
>use list to deny knighthoods instead of using it to, idk, FUCKING ARREST them
The absolute state of my country

Everyone who isn't piss poor uses financial planners who primarily help facilitate tax avoidance which is legal.

>arrest them
They're not doing anything illegal. Ever claim a tax deduction? Rot in prison you hypocritical piece of shit tax avoider.

>Oh no better pay my taxes so I can become a knight one day!

>be a paki
>pay taxes
>become a knight

However, being a rancid pedophile (like Jimmy Savile), is no obstacle to being knighted.

UK, you do you!!

Knighthood means shit all. But britcucks love their non british queen I guess. Arise, Sir Loin of Beef.

Everybody should install prussian voting law. Fuck the poor and the tax evaders

gang rape knight

whats the point of being a knight now ? elton john is a knight. what do they do?

Buttfuck each other.

>Acid Attack Knights in Al-Britanistan (formerly Pakistan Sharia Caliphate)
really activates those grooming gangs

Hilariously Jimmy Saville has probably done more for UK charities than any celebrity in history.
One nurse defended his charitable endevours after the scandal went public saying the hospital she worked at wouldn't have had the funding required to save lives.

>im a knight mummy said im a knight!!

Cringey LARP

Have a fancy medal and be allowed to put MBE after your name

Well Jow Forums which one?

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>two swords

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"He molested 500+ kids.... but it's okay, because he donated some money :)"


After it got blacked, after it got jewed already, does any one give a fuck about the British Crown including the British?

Perhaps you read "avoid" as "evade". One's illegal, the other is not.


I’ve never met anyone who gave a fuck about it in the first place. You have the dumbest plebs watching all their entertainment-related bullshit on tv like royal weddings but otherwise they might as well not exist to a lot of people.

>their non british queen
Another quality post brought to you by American Education™

He's right, the Queen is German you dumb twat

They have the highest starting VIT of all classes and really good armor which will get you poise

good idea desu

>Not knowing what British means
>Calls other people dumb twats

British is a title relating citizenship you fucking moron, the absolute state of you.

>The queen is German
>implying Anglos aren't Germanic

Like I said before, you're a fucking moron.

you are a pajeet, aren't you?

The queen and the rest of the royal cunts are cunts, problem solved

Nobility and monarchy are the true jews lol

Actualy no, blue-eyed Anglo-Celtic as pale as they come

>be russain
>murder your cute gay boys

why are you so barbaric?
even iran has a better solution

Who gave a fuck about it in the first place?
>I'm royal because I said so
yeah fuck off.

Can someone without a TV license be knighted?

>A snake hatched in a chicken coop is a chicken

>tfw I'll never be able to harvest souls to enhance myself to the point of challenging gods

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>keep record of TV license evaders
>honouring ceremony
>copper storms in
>"Oi, m8, do you have a loicense for that knighthood?"

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Good to see republican propaganda is still absolutely atrocious.

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holy shit. the royal family is really full of inbreeding

>t. Butthurt for having no honours, or even a concept of honour

Nothing in violation of Carolingian optimal consanguinity guidelines there. Internally, at least. It did actually stray a bit far out a few times.

Pimpknight so I can get 10x mo magic rings.

I bet the people who thought Starbucks or Apple were scummy for paying no taxes in the UK, using the EU common market as it was intended, are the same people who voted Remain and want a second referendum.

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>believing in honor
stop this or the jews will just have a horse rape justice again

Who wants to be a British Knight after Elizabeth perverted by Knighting homosexuals? Knights are the protectors of the Church! The Queen is an abomination.

Can one write his horse off as a business expense?