If you dislike jews so much then why do you embrace hollywood with open arms by paying to see their movies every friday...

if you dislike jews so much then why do you embrace hollywood with open arms by paying to see their movies every friday night?

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i haven't seen a movie in a theater in over six years.
haven't watched television in over a decade.
deleted all movies and music I downloaded.
it's good to shake loose from the jews

>implying anyone on Jow Forums goes out and pays for movies
How new are you precisely?

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hollywood are mutts, not jews
i support actual jewish film industry and go to israeli films (oh who am i kidding theyre all shit)

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I don't break a sweat, just wait until it gets released on blury and pirate it with vpn.

Ugh... why do you say that? Then again I could be wrong for assuming people on here are more likely to pirate movies than paying to see them.

We don't, we think they're shit. The anons that do watch them wont pay for them.

I don’t consume media and thus don’t pay for media. I’ve also convinced others to stop giving Hollywood Jews money OP.

You've got to lurk moar. Way more.

>American Jews
Whiter than you Chaim

i only pay for capeshit a few times a year, it isn't that bad

I don't. Only thing I watch is GoT but otherwise don't give a fuck

simple, I don't


haha, i hate going to the movies and do it once in a blue moon, or every time my sister wants me to just to spend some time with her, alone I never go though.

Most modern movies suck I realized that in 2015 and slowly stopped going to the Kino and they have blant liberal propaganda like the new star wars

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I don't. Nor to I have cable, Nor do I pay for streaming shows.

>why do you embrace hollywood with open arms by paying to see their movies every friday night?
You're not on R*ddit.

I dont
(((Intelectual property))) is the ultimate jewry and i havent paid anything for vidya, films, books, series and so on for more than a decade now

>if you dislike jews so much then why do you embrace hollywood with open arms by paying to see their movies every friday night?

haven't been to the movies since the force awakens, faggot

there are no '''american jews'''
jews live in the jewish homeland , israel

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I don't dislike Jews at all. I dislike white goyim for being such hapless, easily subverted retards that they function at the whims of their Jewish overlords.

I haven't given Hollywood a dime in literally 10 years. Why the fuck would I pay to watch some pisspoor remake with too much cgi filmed with shitty digital cameras

>Paying for anything you can get for some extra effort
>Paying for anything made by jews

Pirate bay nigga.

>cute doggo

I love whippets

>force awakens
>calls me a faggot

OP still lives in 1980

American Jews are pure Ashkenazi and any admixture they do have is usually European. Israeli Jews are Sephardi and god knows what kind of Arab mutts.

The Jewish people are superior. Why not try to be like them? Instead you sound like a damn nigger complaining about white people.

>having movies

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Haven't been to a movie in 5 years