... continuation from last night: Quick rundown: >Air Force raids a Tomato Warehouse, refuses to give reporters a reason why >we still don't know whats going on >the website/ads reeks for Todd's Tomatoes of Pizzagate >anons find pizzagate connections and bizarre user reviews on google >place may be child slave factory
Todd's Tomatoes: >toddstomatoes.com/ >"We're not just a tomato business" >Todd’s Tomatoes is a 33-year-old produce distributor north of Orlando-Sanford International Airport. It’s run by Dirk Miller, who bought the business from his father William Miller in 2003. According to the company’s website, it has 27 trucks and 1,800 customers. >It also services restaurants, school districts and military installations. The site did not specify which bases it serves.
can't access the page since i'm without a linkedin profile :(
Aaron Mitchell
Chino Espionage is being rooted out of every hole. We are also currently seizing some Chino owned high rise buildings containing Police Precincts. Time to rectify the ChinoCom damage done to this Country during the Clinton/ Obama years. MAGA.
Checked.Now I know why 800 MP's from Luke air Force Base were sent to reclaim Gitmo. We're going to need a LOT of room for Chino / Deep State Traitors.
Luis Murphy
Well, we know for sure that Todd is having a bad day
then how do you explain tomatoes being used to make tomato sauce (for pizza)?
Gavin Barnes
never been a more perfect image for this topkek
Camden Torres
meant for
Liam Rivera
Espionage goes hand in hand with drug smuggling and Human Trafficking. Kiddie diddling is leverage for secrets.
Oliver Clark
They probably sold unpasteurized milk or something.
Colton Kelly
Luis Cox
>China. ftfy
Ethan Foster
OK. Lets play a game. I'm going to give you a key word to solve all of this with; Heinz.
Eli Adams
Glad its not Russia, since Russia is all about salted cucumbers, not tomatoes. Italian mafia maybe?
Elijah Myers
Uh guys. I love in Sanford. I'm probably 10mins from Todd's Tomatoes warehouse. What should I do?
Kevin Morales
Carson Gomez
tomatoes are a codeword for aborted fetuses/dead newborns, ketchup is their blood, fluids, juices, and puree'd rest of their material
Grayson Davis
you know what to do, get yourself on the news
Gavin Myers
What came first? Ranch or cool ranch?
Luis Cook
This is a Peoples' Republic (Trump) vs Deep State matter. Unless you are an Intel Operator and know what the fuck you are doing, I would stay as far away as possible.
Ryan Thomas
Sauce me on that one.
Dominic King
Some say təˈmeJtoʊ, some say təˈmɑːtoʊ, we're going to find out who is correct, no matter the co.
Cooper Kelly
>AIR FORCE RAIDS so is it true that the US is currently under martial law?
Jayden Roberts
Isn't ex-SecofState John Kerry related in some way with the Heinz family? HMMMMMMMMM
Good sniffer. Now they have gone in to the creek. Which way did they go?
Alexander James
Live stream yourself going there, pretend to be looking for a job and ask if they are hiring while filming the inside
Jordan Sanders
Not reclaim, but to reset the state of affairs in Camp America. Once upon a time, things were so mismanaged, inmates were actually lost track of, no one had any idea where they were on the base. Thank the shithead jew lawyers there, who demand the jihadis get the best 5 star treatment possible. Even when they sling shit and spit on the army guards, nothing happens. Its not a prison, its a luxury stay there.
Orlando user who works for DHS. No internal news about this from the NLECC, must be handled mostly through the AF. Don't have any internals on them.
Any idea why they are going through this?
Elijah Baker
why is it always some sinister conspiracy theory bullshit with you people?
Jackson Wood
Yeah, they're lucky they didn't get hit with a drone strike.
Kayden Allen
It would have to be something waaaay beyond normal crime for the Air Force to be raiding it. They have the cops, ATF, and FBI for that.
James Thomas
Please do. I can't say if they are clearing for more room, but something had to be done there. Shit was out of control. It is bad when the inmates demand to stay instead of going back home, since the living is so good there. No shit. With the lawyers getting that good gubment money to represent them for a few hours of work, they have no impetus to push for release either. Its all fucked.
They've already started bulldozing the site move on nothing to see
Jeremiah Powell
>Referencing Chapter 2 SECOND VA-45 of the Attack Squadrons History book.
You don't glow in the dark do you?
Jonathan Robinson
I might drive by there later today. This is the first I've heard of this happening at Todd's Tomatoes. I do remember a couple years ago, the police found a dead hooker on the train tracks next to Todd's Tomatoes warehouse.